Rand Paul: "Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist"


May 29, 2010
This is in a new bill that will be voted on today and people are just becoming aware of this because the bill was written in secret. Rand Paul lays out a chilling display of what can happen in this bill which I call 'Catastrophic' to our freedoms as U.S. citizens. I will let you listen to Rand Pauls lecture on this bill proposed by Senator Lindsey Graham and of all people, Senator John McCain who is a war vet. It is clear they are not representing the people and are definitely not respecting the U.S. Constitution. I have a bad feeling Rand Paul is a little to late to stop this.

ATTENTION PREPPERS - Having More Than 7 Days Of Food Makes You A Suspected Terrorist - YouTube
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.
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Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

What freedoms have you lost in the last 20 years?
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control.

Psst. Let me shine some much needed light on your dusty corporate apologist mind. 100% of legislation passed concerning food is paid for and backed by multinational corporations like Monsanto & Cargill. Corporations have bought our legislative branch, and now it makes laws solely for corporate benefit. Look at the veggie libel laws and explain to me how on earth those are "constitutional"...
what horseshit

I'm surprised Truthmatters, are you actually going to side with the neocons on this one? I want to argue against your point, but simutaneously want to congratulate you on actually showing ability to break away from the traditional Democratic platform.
Big Government = Control. Man,when are more Americans going to wake up and see what's going on right in front of their faces? Big Government is getting bigger and is taking more control of Citizens' lives. How can so many not see that? So sad and frustrating.
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control.

Psst. Let me shine some much needed light on your dusty corporate apologist mind. 100% of legislation passed concerning food is paid for and backed by multinational corporations like Monsanto & Cargill. Corporations have bought our legislative branch, and now it makes laws solely for corporate benefit. Look at the veggie libel laws and explain to me how on earth those are "constitutional"...

Do you support this legislation that Rand Paul and Judge Napolitano discuss in the OP video?
Big Government has to control everything. It's all about the control. I'm just so sad so many Americans sit back and allow the abuse. Oh well,they have their big screen TVs,stupid reality shows,Twitter,and their porn so i guess that's all they need. Nevermind the fact their Freedom & Liberty is disappearing. What a country.

What freedoms have you lost in the last 20 years?

Of course I don't support it any legislation that kook dreams up. As for putting Americans in jail w/out due process, I would never support that under any cirmcumstance.
Fucking John McCain. Keep it coming Neocons we arern't Nazi Germany quite yet.
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what horseshit

Yes, indeed.

Stupid Americans thinking that they have rights. Where the fuck do they get that notion from?

Sens. Paul, McCain clash over terrorist detainee amendment
By Josiah Ryan - 11/29/11 11:29 AM ET

Republican Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.) and John McCain (Ariz.) battled on the Senate floor Tuesday over a proposed amendment to the pending defense authorization bill that could allow American citizens who are suspected of terrorism to be denied a civilian trial.

Paul argued the amendment, which is cosponsored by McCain, "puts every single American citizen at risk" and suggested that if the amendment passes, "the terrorists have won."


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