Rand Paul bitch slaps disgraced Brennan into another galaxy over anti-Trump tirade


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Whoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo! Well done Rand. Brennan spied on Americans and lied about it under oath.

The son of a bitch Brennan should be behind bars.

Senator Rand Paul Retweeted John O. Brennan

This man had the power to search every American’s records without a warrant. What’s disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American..https://twitter.com/johnbrennan/status/974978856997224448 …


Senator Rand Paul
Verified account
What’s disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American.
...And yet relative privation and tu quoque recriminations remain illegitimate bases for rationally rebuking Brennan's comment about Trump, thus whatever Brennan did or didn't do re: people's privacy has no germanity re: Trump's behavior or how one may rationally construe it.


When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.

There is no "shitstorm" honey, just that little wet dream you keep replaying in your ill educated little head of yours. It's quite unhealthy really, maybe you should switch to porn for some relief. Trump is making you crazy.

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.
What are you talking about ya FOREIGNER?

The only shitstorm is in the liberal media. And it is a shitfest of hate everyday regardless of the topic.
Completely weak attack considering Paul’s party voted to maintain those powers, his President signed it, and is about to give those powers to a new person.

Paul did not vote to maintain those powers and never has.

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.

There is no "shitstorm" honey, just that little wet dream you keep replaying in your ill educated little head of yours. It's quite unhealthy really, maybe you should switch to porn for some relief. Trump is making you crazy.
She's not even American. Just how fucked up in the head do you have to be to have caniption fits over another countries internal politics?

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.

There is no "shitstorm" honey, just that little wet dream you keep replaying in your ill educated little head of yours. It's quite unhealthy really, maybe you should switch to porn for some relief. Trump is making you crazy.
She's not even American. Just how fucked up in the head do you have to be to have caniption fits over another countries internal politics?

Apparently she has no life of her own. :(
Whoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo! Well done Rand. Brennan spied on Americans and lied about it under oath.

The son of a bitch Brennan should be behind bars.

Senator Rand Paul Retweeted John O. Brennan

This man had the power to search every American’s records without a warrant. What’s disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American..https://twitter.com/johnbrennan/status/974978856997224448 …


Senator Rand Paul
Verified account

Funny- since Rand Paul bitch slapped Trump's nominee to be CIA Director

"We are not a people that should be so fearful or so vengeful that we think that torture is somehow acceptable. On what level could torture ever be acceptable?" Paul questioned.

He added, "She should never leave the CIA. And one other reason is, they have such enormous power to destroy lives. They can listen to all the phone conversations of the world, they can assassinate people with drones. We should not have someone at the top who has actually been an advocate of or a participant in torture.

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.

There is no "shitstorm" honey, just that little wet dream you keep replaying in your ill educated little head of yours. It's quite unhealthy really, maybe you should switch to porn for some relief. Trump is making you crazy.
She's not even American. Just how fucked up in the head do you have to be to have caniption fits over another countries internal politics?

Caniption fits?!?!? Boy, you really need to see someone pitch a fit.

I’m watching your President driving himself over the edge. If he’s so innocent, why does he act so guilty?

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.
Here is a simple question in regards to that unsettled issue, that you may have a hard time answering. I know you will not answer it, or give a classic double talking hypocritical answer, or you will deal the cognitive dissonance that this question will cause by giggling. Lets see.

Was it all because of a video?

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.
Here is a simple question in regards to that unsettled issue, that you may have a hard time answering. I know you will not answer it, or give a classic double talking hypocritical answer, or you will deal the cognitive dissonance that this question will cause by giggling. Lets see.

Was it all because of a video?

It doesn’t matter what started it. What matters is that four Americans died. Mistakes were made and changes were made to reduce the chances of it happening again.

There was certainly nothing learned in the 7th investigation that wasn’t known after the first one. What matters is that Republicans politicized the deaths of four Americans. Romney started the morning after it happened.

Republican’s have used these deaths shamelessly to attack Clinton and Obama even though their own investigations all said that: neither Clinton nor Obama lied; there was nothing that could have been done to save the Americans once the attack started; there was no stand down order.

All of which has nothing to do with the Mueller Investigation which in six short months has produced nearly 100 charges related to the Russian interference in the election.

Collusion has been proven just by the Junior’s emails about the meeting in Trump Tower. Obstruction is proven by Trump’s firing of Comey.

Trump keeps talking about collusion - “no collusion”. The House Committee didn’t interview Papagorgio, whose discussion with an Australian embassy staffer caused the Aussi government to contact the FBI and kicked off the FBI investigation. Not the dossier, not the FISA warrant. The first guy to plead guilty and cooperate.

Papagorgio said Trump encouraged him to try and arrange a meeting with Putin. It was in his elocution. More collusion.

Why won’t Trump speak ill of Vladimir Putin. Yes he finally put on the sanctions from 6 months ago - the ones that were supposed to go on before the summer break. But he still hasn’t called Putin out for his attacks on the US.

Trump still hasn’t mentioned the Russian mercenary attack on US forces in Syria. Not once.

Why not?

When will they stop?

Benghazi! Benghazi!! Benghazi!!! Went on for five years.

The Ken Starr investigations went on for 6 years. All while Clinton discharged his duties as President effectively.

Watergate went on for two years. While Nixon slowly lost his mind. Not unlike Trump is doing.

This is just so :popcorn: . Republicans deserve the shitstorm that’s befalling them and a whole lot more.
Here is a simple question in regards to that unsettled issue, that you may have a hard time answering. I know you will not answer it, or give a classic double talking hypocritical answer, or you will deal the cognitive dissonance that this question will cause by giggling. Lets see.

Was it all because of a video?

It doesn’t matter what started it. What matters is that four Americans died. Mistakes were made and changes were made to reduce the chances of it happening again.

There was certainly nothing learned in the 7th investigation that wasn’t known after the first one. What matters is that Republicans politicized the deaths of four Americans. Romney started the morning after it happened.

Republican’s have used these deaths shamelessly to attack Clinton and Obama even though their own investigations all said that: neither Clinton nor Obama lied; there was nothing that could have been done to save the Americans once the attack started; there was no stand down order.

All of which has nothing to do with the Mueller Investigation which in six short months has produced nearly 100 charges related to the Russian interference in the election.

Collusion has been proven just by the Junior’s emails about the meeting in Trump Tower. Obstruction is proven by Trump’s firing of Comey.

Trump keeps talking about collusion - “no collusion”. The House Committee didn’t interview Papagorgio, whose discussion with an Australian embassy staffer caused the Aussi government to contact the FBI and kicked off the FBI investigation. Not the dossier, not the FISA warrant. The first guy to plead guilty and cooperate.

Papagorgio said Trump encouraged him to try and arrange a meeting with Putin. It was in his elocution. More collusion.

Why won’t Trump speak ill of Vladimir Putin. Yes he finally put on the sanctions from 6 months ago - the ones that were supposed to go on before the summer break. But he still hasn’t called Putin out for his attacks on the US.

Trump still hasn’t mentioned the Russian mercenary attack on US forces in Syria. Not once.

Why not?
I stopped reading your bullshit after your first fucking statement.
Whoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo! Well done Rand. Brennan spied on Americans and lied about it under oath.

The son of a bitch Brennan should be behind bars.

Senator Rand Paul Retweeted John O. Brennan

This man had the power to search every American’s records without a warrant. What’s disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American..https://twitter.com/johnbrennan/status/974978856997224448 …


Senator Rand Paul
Verified account
Where are the liberals? Where are those who defend individual rights, regardless of political affiliation?

Does anyone other than Rand give a fuck about personal liberty anymore?
Whoooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooo! Well done Rand. Brennan spied on Americans and lied about it under oath.

The son of a bitch Brennan should be behind bars.

Senator Rand Paul Retweeted John O. Brennan

This man had the power to search every American’s records without a warrant. What’s disgraceful is attacking the Bill of Rights and the freedom of every American..https://twitter.com/johnbrennan/status/974978856997224448 …


Senator Rand Paul
Verified account

I think that Brennan is right. Trump will not be remembered well by most Americans after he leaves. He's not well thought of now.

Rand Paul is a punk. He would let terrorists run wild. 9/11 happened because of attitudes like Rand Paul.

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