Raising A Society of Fascists

sure, they are victims

"They" being whom?
anyone that the left supports, of course

Then why are you showing a photo of an Islamic extremist? The left does not support them.

I know in your pants shitting fear fantasy, they do. But that's just your mental defect talking.
Sure- they just want to make it easy for them to get uranium

whatever lies help you sleep at night

Kerry Claims 'Great Respect' for 'Religious Importance' of Khamenei's Fatwa

"Now I want to be very clear. Nothing in our deliberations is decided until everything is decided. And the purpose of these negotiations is not just to get any deal; it is to get the right deal. President Obama means it when he says, again and again, that Iran will not be permitted to get a nuclear weapon. As you all know, Iran says it doesn’t want a nuclear weapon, and that is a very welcome statement that the Supreme Leader has, in fact, incorporated into a fatwa. And we have great respect – great respect – for the religious importance of a fatwa. And what we are effectively trying to do is translate that into legal language, into everyday language within the framework of a negotiated agreement that everybody can understand, which requires everybody to have certain obligations and ultimately be able to guarantee that Iran’s program, its nuclear program, will be peaceful now and peaceful forever."
Of course, it does beg the question,,,
if the fatwa means so much then why do they need a treaty
Fascism takes place when free market capitalist systems start falling apart due to increasing debt, peak oil, and other crises.
Then why are you showing a photo of an Islamic extremist? The left does not support them.

You're correct. The hardcore Left does not support the Jihadists.

Yet, for some reason, they are more than willing to deflect for them ("what about the Crusades", for example), and deflection & diversion can be reasonably equated with or compared to enabling.

A rational person cannot be blamed for questioning that behavior and pondering the motive behind it.


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