“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?
How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand and pay more in taxes in every long run equilibrium.
/----/ " As a poverty program, raising the minimum wage is like killing flies with a shotgun, not very well targeted. About 60% of the officially poor don’t work, so the only thing raising the minimum wage does for them is to make it harder for them to get a job if they ever decide they want one. Workers must bring at least as much value to the firm as they are paid or the firm will fail and all jobs will be lost (no GM bailouts are available to our 6 million small employers that employ half of our private sector workforce). Raising the minimum wage raises the hurdle a worker must cross to justify being hired. " -Forbes
First, Neither the Executive Branch or Congress has never relied on the Preamble alone as the basis for a claimed power to enact a law, and the Supreme Court has never relied on the Preamble as the sole basis for any constitutional decision. It is NOT a source of power or authority for any branch of gov't to do anything. They have probably referred to it, but in fact it does not define any govt right to do anything.

Re the minimum wage, there are always consequences to any gov't action. If you require a substantial increase in the minimum wage then you are forcing businesses to adjust one way or another to deal with the higher labor costs of doing business. Generally, businesses will raise prices if they can, or reduce employee benefits, or cut hours or the number of employees. Usually the people most affected are those entering the work force for the 1st time, because they don't yet have the skills necessary to be worth the higher wage. In some cases, businesses will automate whatever they can which of course means fewer employees. Many they'll move to another state where taxes are lower or the regulations are a little cheaper to meet. And finally some may just go out of business because the time and effort to run the business just isn't worth the money.
Only the right wing has a problem with equal protection of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States. They prefer to "hate on the Poor" while lavishing the Richest with corporate welfare.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?
Sure, if you are unwilling or unable to the do the work yourself.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or political solutions to our national problems.
/----/ Yeah, you libtards decided America had seen it's best days and it was all downhill. Your brand of socialism has failed everywhere in the world it's been tried. You call for corporate tax hikes without considering the harm it does including inflation. Draconian enviro laws that kill businesses and costs jobs. So you clowns are the ones who can't be taken seriously about economics.
Commies failure.jpg
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?
Sure, if you are unwilling or unable to the do the work yourself.
/----/ No one believes you for a second - besides the landscaper scenario was just an example. So tell us how many times you voluntarily overpay for goods and services in your daily life.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.

Because it would be the law.

$8 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product may happen.
$12 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product won't happen.

No matter how many laws an ignorant legislature may pass.

You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........
Then stop complaining about social services for the Poor while the Richest get more capital help from the Nanny-State. Hypocrisy much, right wingers or right wing modus operandi, as customary and usual for the right wing.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.

Because it would be the law.

$8 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product may happen.
$12 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product won't happen.

Of course not. I would never claim that.

No matter how many laws an ignorant legislature may pass.

You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........

Prices have been going up. The minimum wage has not. It's going to.

Of course not. I would never claim that.

You mean you wouldn't claim that again?

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.


Prices have been going up. The minimum wage has not. It's going to.

Just because they don't make sense economically doesn't stop bad ideas from being implemented.
Right wingers only have right wing fantasy not any economic common sense.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
/----/ It's none of your business how much companies pay their CEOs. If you don't like it, then buy enough company stock so you can attend the meetings and vote down the pay raises.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.

Because it would be the law.

$8 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product may happen.
$12 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product won't happen.

No matter how many laws an ignorant legislature may pass.

You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........
/——/ “You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........”
Libtards don’t open businesses, they loot and burn them down.
The Poor complaining about those who get their funds from the Nanny-State and are supposed to Obey the Laws as a result?
A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.

Because it would be the law.

$8 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product may happen.
$12 of labor and $10 of raw materials turned into $20 of finished product won't happen.

Of course not. I would never claim that.

No matter how many laws an ignorant legislature may pass.

You should definitely go into business and prove me wrong........

Prices have been going up. The minimum wage has not. It's going to.

Of course not. I would never claim that.

You mean you wouldn't claim that again?

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?

Because it would be the law.


Prices have been going up. The minimum wage has not. It's going to.

Just because they don't make sense economically doesn't stop bad ideas from being implemented.

I never did claim it.

Why will $8 work still be done at $12?
Because Capitalist will have to optimize and automate for the bottom line so we don't need eight dollar an hour jobs.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?
How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand and pay more in taxes in every long run equilibrium.
/----/ " As a poverty program, raising the minimum wage is like killing flies with a shotgun, not very well targeted. About 60% of the officially poor don’t work, so the only thing raising the minimum wage does for them is to make it harder for them to get a job if they ever decide they want one. Workers must bring at least as much value to the firm as they are paid or the firm will fail and all jobs will be lost (no GM bailouts are available to our 6 million small employers that employ half of our private sector workforce). Raising the minimum wage raises the hurdle a worker must cross to justify being hired. " -Forbes
Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is more cost effective and can solve simple poverty in our republic. Only the right wing prefers to "hate on the Poor" while lavishing the Richest with corporate welfare.

Why should anyone take the right wing seriously instead of them just being Cronies for Capitalism, until they also complain nine hundred times more about the Richest than they do about the Poor.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or political solutions to our national problems.
/----/ Yeah, you libtards decided America had seen it's best days and it was all downhill. Your brand of socialism has failed everywhere in the world it's been tried. You call for corporate tax hikes without considering the harm it does including inflation. Draconian enviro laws that kill businesses and costs jobs. So you clowns are the ones who can't be taken seriously about economics.
View attachment 381149
LOL. Too bad you are not that great.
The Greatest of the Great, will always have you beat.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?
How would raising the minimum wage make the Poor, "permanently unemployable"?

Higher paid Labor create more in demand and pay more in taxes in every long run equilibrium.
/----/ " As a poverty program, raising the minimum wage is like killing flies with a shotgun, not very well targeted. About 60% of the officially poor don’t work, so the only thing raising the minimum wage does for them is to make it harder for them to get a job if they ever decide they want one. Workers must bring at least as much value to the firm as they are paid or the firm will fail and all jobs will be lost (no GM bailouts are available to our 6 million small employers that employ half of our private sector workforce). Raising the minimum wage raises the hurdle a worker must cross to justify being hired. " -Forbes
Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States is more cost effective and can solve simple poverty in our republic. Only the right wing prefers to "hate on the Poor" while lavishing the Richest with corporate welfare.

Why should anyone take the right wing seriously instead of them just being Cronies for Capitalism, until they also complain nine hundred times more about the Richest than they do about the Poor.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?
Sure, if you are unwilling or unable to the do the work yourself.
/----/ No one believes you for a second - besides the landscaper scenario was just an example. So tell us how many times you voluntarily overpay for goods and services in your daily life.
Every time I get a massive multimillion dollar bonus with corporate welfare monies.
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
/——/ If your landscaper said he’d do your lawn for $25, would you say that’s not a living wage and pay him $50?

No but if the workers did a good job I very well may tip them. We just had a piano moved. Three guys. I gave them $20 each because they did a great job.

And that was your choice, as it should be. The gov't didn't tell you you had to give them the $20 apiece whether they did a good job or not, did they? But you think that's a good idea, right?
Labor as the wealthy under our form of Capitalism also can't afford to hire lobbyists to get more corporate welfare.
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.
/----/ It's none of your business how much companies pay their CEOs. If you don't like it, then buy enough company stock so you can attend the meetings and vote down the pay raises.
Then, stop whining about the Poor, right wingers. You don't complain about bailouts for the Richest who are merely too rich to fail and get bailed out by the Nanny-State right wingers are hypocritical about but only for the Poor.
We need a rise in the minimum wage but it also must be noted that the Democrats had eight years under Obama and did absolutely nothing in this regard.
In right wing fantasy, you can just make stuff up as you go along and still believe you are Right.

Yeah? When did the minimum wage get raised under the Obama administration?

The Minimum Wage Fairness Act (S. 1737) is a bill that would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) to increase the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10 per hour over the course of a two-year period.[1] The bill was strongly supported by President Barack Obama and many of the Democratic Senators, but strongly opposed by Republicans in the Senate and House.[2][3][4]--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_Wage_Fairness_Act#Background
Right Wingers simply prefer to hate on the Poor while lavishing the Richest with corporate welfare.

I addressed this already. There is no way the GOP would have turned down a minimum wage hike in return for Obama extending the Bush tax cuts (which he extended). There is also no way they could have blocked a rise in Obama first two years.

Obama did nothing.
Right wing fantasy is all you have. The republicans had nothing but repeal for all of those shovel ready jobs, and they knew it. They did not want the black guy to have better numbers, so they could complain about "low growth" under his administration.

Big Trump supporter here. Lol
I'll make anyone a deal. We end the Federal Reserve and I'll quit sticking up for the poor.

Why should we end the Federal Reserve?
How is making unskilled workers permanently unemployable "sticking up for the poor"?

Trump said we had full employment so I have no idea what you are talking about. The work still needs done whether it's $8 or $12.
Nobody should take the right wing seriously about economics, the law, morals, or political solutions to our national problems.

Unfortunately both parties are pretty right wing when it comes to economics.
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes.

The last minimum wage bill that was proposed and considered in congress, was H.R. 258, “Raise the Wage Act”. It was passed by the Democratic majority house, then passed on to the Republican majority senate, (where it now lies effectively dead).
Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR 258 interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold;

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.]
Respectfully, Supposn

Please explain why a Federal Minimum Wage is beneficial to the country.

Please include how the cost of living in New York City is the same as that in Gainesville Florida, Dallas Texas, and say, San Francisco, California.
... (The minimum rate bolsters other wage rates, but it much more beneficial to lower rather than higher wage rate earners.)

Prove it.

Show how much wages would increase at the $100,000 level, if the Federal Minimum Wage
went from $7.25 up to $8.25. Do the same for the $50,000 level. Thanks!!!
Toddsterpatriot, the CBO did essentially demonstrate the validity of that concept. Respectfully, Supposn
“Raise the Wage Act”, (H.R. 582) would have increased most USA’s wage-earning families’ incomes. … Refer to the Congressional Budget office’s, (i.e. CBO’s) minimum wage rate report,
How Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage Could Affect Employment and Family Income | Congressional Budget Office, and follow the link’s instructions to obtain the HR [258, error; 582 is correct], interactive graphs.

Referring to the graph entitled “Average Percentage Change in Real Family Income, by Income Group”: The graph indicates average incomes of families earning less than 3 times the poverty threshold increase. Average incomes of higher income families do not perceivably begin to decrease until those incomes achieve 6 more times the poverty threshold.

(i.e. CBO’s study confirms minimum wage rate’s beneficial effects upon job’s rates are inversely related. Employees within the lowest wage rate brackets most benefit in proportion to their incomes, and those benefits (proportional to incomes) are incrementally lesser as incomes increase. Thus, the wage incomes of most USA’s wage earners would have benefit or would not be detrimentally affected by passage of H.R. 582.

[Six, (6) times a family of three’s income equal or exceeding 6 times the poverty threshold would be $122,000 per year and for a family of four it would well exceed $125,00 per year expressed in 2018 U.S. dollars.] … [/QUOTE

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