Radical Islam needs to be snuffed out in Europe.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
There is no excuse for allowing Radical Islam to teach Satan Worship all across Europe.

In the United States, the various state militias will start eliminating any Radical Islamic Imman who brings his religion of Satan Worship to America.

Europe needs the equivalent of the State Militias in the United States to take action. Right now the only ones who have shown that they are brave enough are the skin head gangs. I applaud them their efforts. But we need more REAL men to step forward. Aren't there any Fascists in France any more.

Damn, people, let's get going. The life you save may be your mothers or your daughters. Remember as we say in the US Militias, the only good Radical Islamic is a dead Radical Islamic. Send them to meet their God Satan. Do it in a hurry.
The main reason for the increase of Islamic fundamentalism in the world is the USA.

America's illegal invasion and occupation of Muslim countries along with the torture, murder and detainment of innocent Muslims in concentration camps all over the world has caused the ranks of the Islamic fundamentalist to swell by 100s of percent.

That's not even mentioning America's incestuous relationship with one of the most fundamentalist of all Muslim countries - Saudi Arabia.

No country has done more for the cause of Islamic fundamentalists over the last 50 years and especially the last decade than the USA.
I am here boys!


  • $satans_whore_.jpg
    18.4 KB · Views: 77
Hey, i hate muslims as much as the next guy, but that crap about skin heads has to go. Im not going to be mad if a skin head beat up a radical immam, but im not going to suddenly like him because of it either. Terrorists kill alot of Muslims, and while that may be a good thing, i still dont like terrorists.

Also, the bullshit satan stuff you mention makes you sound like a fucking douche. Theres no such thing as god or satan. You need to start trying to embrace logic more than fairy tales. Something tells me you dont have the guts to seriously examine the absurd claims in the bible however. Good luck with that.
Hey, i hate muslims as much as the next guy, but that crap about skin heads has to go. Im not going to be mad if a skin head beat up a radical immam, but im not going to suddenly like him because of it either. Terrorists kill alot of Muslims, and while that may be a good thing, i still dont like terrorists.

Also, the bullshit satan stuff you mention makes you sound like a fucking douche. Theres no such thing as god or satan. You need to start trying to embrace logic more than fairy tales. Something tells me you dont have the guts to seriously examine the absurd claims in the bible however. Good luck with that.

mighty white of you.
The main reason for the increase of Islamic fundamentalism in the world is the USA.

America's illegal invasion and occupation of Muslim countries along with the torture, murder and detainment of innocent Muslims in concentration camps all over the world has caused the ranks of the Islamic fundamentalist to swell by 100s of percent.

That's not even mentioning America's incestuous relationship with one of the most fundamentalist of all Muslim countries - Saudi Arabia.

No country has done more for the cause of Islamic fundamentalists over the last 50 years and especially the last decade than the USA.

Hmm, and you are even douchier than the OP. Let me display my magical powers of the mind by determining your politcal party without knowing a single thing about you, other than this post.....

... you are a liberal democrat.

TADA!!! I told you i have powers. Spooky, isnt it.
Hey, i hate muslims as much as the next guy, but that crap about skin heads has to go. Im not going to be mad if a skin head beat up a radical immam, but im not going to suddenly like him because of it either. Terrorists kill alot of Muslims, and while that may be a good thing, i still dont like terrorists.

Also, the bullshit satan stuff you mention makes you sound like a fucking douche. Theres no such thing as god or satan. You need to start trying to embrace logic more than fairy tales. Something tells me you dont have the guts to seriously examine the absurd claims in the bible however. Good luck with that.

mighty white of you.

Thanks buddy. I appreciate that.
Hey, i hate muslims as much as the next guy, but that crap about skin heads has to go. Im not going to be mad if a skin head beat up a radical immam, but im not going to suddenly like him because of it either. Terrorists kill alot of Muslims, and while that may be a good thing, i still dont like terrorists.

Also, the bullshit satan stuff you mention makes you sound like a fucking douche. Theres no such thing as god or satan. You need to start trying to embrace logic more than fairy tales. Something tells me you dont have the guts to seriously examine the absurd claims in the bible however. Good luck with that.

mighty white of you.

Thanks buddy. I appreciate that.

There is no excuse for allowing Radical Islam to teach Satan Worship all across Europe.

In the United States, the various state militias will start eliminating any Radical Islamic Imman who brings his religion of Satan Worship to America.

Europe needs the equivalent of the State Militias in the United States to take action. Right now the only ones who have shown that they are brave enough are the skin head gangs. I applaud them their efforts. But we need more REAL men to step forward. Aren't there any Fascists in France any more.

Damn, people, let's get going. The life you save may be your mothers or your daughters. Remember as we say in the US Militias, the only good Radical Islamic is a dead Radical Islamic. Send them to meet their God Satan. Do it in a hurry.

You should try concentrating them into camps.
There is no excuse for allowing Radical Islam to teach Satan Worship all across Europe.

In the United States, the various state militias will start eliminating any Radical Islamic Imman who brings his religion of Satan Worship to America.

Europe needs the equivalent of the State Militias in the United States to take action. Right now the only ones who have shown that they are brave enough are the skin head gangs. I applaud them their efforts. But we need more REAL men to step forward. Aren't there any Fascists in France any more.

Damn, people, let's get going. The life you save may be your mothers or your daughters. Remember as we say in the US Militias, the only good Radical Islamic is a dead Radical Islamic. Send them to meet their God Satan. Do it in a hurry.

You know nothing about Islam in general don't you, let alone the situation of Muslim immigrants in Europe. That's not how it is across the pond, and that's not what Islam is about.
There is no excuse for allowing Radical Islam to teach Satan Worship all across Europe.

In the United States, the various state militias will start eliminating any Radical Islamic Imman who brings his religion of Satan Worship to America.

Europe needs the equivalent of the State Militias in the United States to take action. Right now the only ones who have shown that they are brave enough are the skin head gangs. I applaud them their efforts. But we need more REAL men to step forward. Aren't there any Fascists in France any more.

Damn, people, let's get going. The life you save may be your mothers or your daughters. Remember as we say in the US Militias, the only good Radical Islamic is a dead Radical Islamic. Send them to meet their God Satan. Do it in a hurry.

You should try concentrating them into camps.

Why are you jew hating muslims so enthralled with putting people into concentration camps? Do you guys ever think about anything other than murder?
There is no excuse for allowing Radical Islam to teach Satan Worship all across Europe.

In the United States, the various state militias will start eliminating any Radical Islamic Imman who brings his religion of Satan Worship to America.

Europe needs the equivalent of the State Militias in the United States to take action. Right now the only ones who have shown that they are brave enough are the skin head gangs. I applaud them their efforts. But we need more REAL men to step forward. Aren't there any Fascists in France any more.

Damn, people, let's get going. The life you save may be your mothers or your daughters. Remember as we say in the US Militias, the only good Radical Islamic is a dead Radical Islamic. Send them to meet their God Satan. Do it in a hurry.

You should try concentrating them into camps.

Why are you jew hating muslims so enthralled with putting people into concentration camps? Do you guys ever think about anything other than murder?

How'd everything work out with the mods, Tinkerbell? :lol:
You should try concentrating them into camps.

Why are you jew hating muslims so enthralled with putting people into concentration camps? Do you guys ever think about anything other than murder?

How'd everything work out with the mods, Tinkerbell? :lol:

Im told a decision will be made soon. I hope they ban your ass you terrorist loving shit bag.

Hey everybody, take a look at this fucking clowns signature. Its a link to a fucking terrorist propaganda video showing them blowing people and other things up.
Im told a decision will be made soon. I hope they ban your ass you terrorist loving shit bag.
I bet you do. :lol:

Hey everybody, take a look at this fucking clowns signature. Its a link to a fucking terrorist propaganda video showing them blowing people and other things up.
Indeed. "Blowing up" people who do things like this:

"Dozens of charred corpses of women and children lay in the courtyard of the mosque, which had been destroyed. The first thing my eye fell on was the burned body of a baby, lying in fetal position... A wild-eyed woman emerged from a burned-out house holding a dead baby. Trucks with bodies piled in the back rolled through the streets on the way to the cemetery.
While treating the wounded, I heard stories of young men - gagged and trussed up - dragged with chains behind personnel carriers. I heard of Russian aviators who threw Chechen prisoners, screaming, out their helicopters. There were rapes, but it was hard to know how many because women were too ashamed to report them. One girl was raped in front of her father. I heard of one case in which the mercenary grabbed a newborn baby, threw it among each other like a ball, then shot it dead in the air.
Leaving the village for the hospital in Grozny, I passed a Russian armored personnel carrier with the word SAMASHKI written on its side in bold, black letters. I looked in my rearview mirror and to my horror saw a human skull mounted on the front of the vehicle. The bones were white; someone must have boiled the skull to remove the flesh." - Khassan Baiev, The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire

Russian Role models of yours and Neubarth's.
Im told a decision will be made soon. I hope they ban your ass you terrorist loving shit bag.
I bet you do. :lol:

Hey everybody, take a look at this fucking clowns signature. Its a link to a fucking terrorist propaganda video showing them blowing people and other things up.
Indeed. "Blowing up" people who do things like this:

"Dozens of charred corpses of women and children lay in the courtyard of the mosque, which had been destroyed. The first thing my eye fell on was the burned body of a baby, lying in fetal position... A wild-eyed woman emerged from a burned-out house holding a dead baby. Trucks with bodies piled in the back rolled through the streets on the way to the cemetery.
While treating the wounded, I heard stories of young men - gagged and trussed up - dragged with chains behind personnel carriers. I heard of Russian aviators who threw Chechen prisoners, screaming, out their helicopters. There were rapes, but it was hard to know how many because women were too ashamed to report them. One girl was raped in front of her father. I heard of one case in which the mercenary grabbed a newborn baby, threw it among each other like a ball, then shot it dead in the air.
Leaving the village for the hospital in Grozny, I passed a Russian armored personnel carrier with the word SAMASHKI written on its side in bold, black letters. I looked in my rearview mirror and to my horror saw a human skull mounted on the front of the vehicle. The bones were white; someone must have boiled the skull to remove the flesh." - Khassan Baiev, The Oath: A Surgeon Under Fire

Russian Role models of yours and Neubarth's.

You have somehow convinced yourself that these terrorists are good guys. As i recall, this particular group is into decapitation videos. It seems like everyone you hold dear is a fucking maniac or pedophile. Youre a piece of shit and you deserve the worst things in life, and so do your heroes.
You have somehow convinced yourself that these terrorists are good guys.
No, clearly the Russians are the "good guys." Bombing refugee convoys, mass rape, mass murder, infanticide, robbery at gunpoint, bombing villages, executing journalists and human rights activists, torturing family members of suspected rebels, and other counter-terrorist tactics all place Russia firmly on the side of good. It's those big, bad Muslims who are evil. As always.

As i recall, this particular group is into decapitation videos.
Oh, really? :lol:

One video of a beheading from the region has circulated on the internet; it was filmed eleven years ago, all of those executed were soldiers, and the executioners have all died since then anyway. The North Caucasus Emirate does not produce "decapitation videos."

It seems like everyone you hold dear is a fucking maniac or pedophile. Youre a piece of shit and you deserve the worst things in life, and so do your heroes.
Having a rough day? Here you go:

No, clearly the Russians are the "good guys." Bombing refugee convoys, mass rape, mass murder, infanticide, robbery at gunpoint, bombing villages, executing journalists and human rights activists, torturing family members of suspected rebels, and other counter-terrorist tactics all place Russia firmly on the side of good. It's those big, bad Muslims who are evil. As always.

I didnt say those Russians were good guys either. They deserve to die too.

You believe the Mujahideen arent terrorists, but rather freedom fighters instead. Thats where you and your hate filled muslim brothers are wrong. Freedom is the end goal, but terror is their means of getting there. They are both freedom fighters and terrorists at the same time, which means they are fucking vile scum and they deserve to die. Luckily muslims are good at dying. They cant fight worth a shit. Easy pickings for us Americans.
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There is no excuse for allowing Radical Islam to teach Satan Worship all across Europe.

In the United States, the various state militias will start eliminating any Radical Islamic Imman who brings his religion of Satan Worship to America.

Europe needs the equivalent of the State Militias in the United States to take action. Right now the only ones who have shown that they are brave enough are the skin head gangs. I applaud them their efforts. But we need more REAL men to step forward. Aren't there any Fascists in France any more.

Damn, people, let's get going. The life you save may be your mothers or your daughters. Remember as we say in the US Militias, the only good Radical Islamic is a dead Radical Islamic. Send them to meet their God Satan. Do it in a hurry.

You should try concentrating them into camps.

Why are you jew hating muslims so enthralled with putting people into concentration camps? Do you guys ever think about anything other than murder?

clearly, you understand historic irony.



you really are one stupid son of a bitch.
The main reason for the increase of Islamic fundamentalism in the world is the USA.

America's illegal invasion and occupation of Muslim countries along with the torture, murder and detainment of innocent Muslims in concentration camps all over the world has caused the ranks of the Islamic fundamentalist to swell by 100s of percent.

That's not even mentioning America's incestuous relationship with one of the most fundamentalist of all Muslim countries - Saudi Arabia.

No country has done more for the cause of Islamic fundamentalists over the last 50 years and especially the last decade than the USA.

Learn about the history of Muslims. The last 50 years and the USA have nothing to do with these lunatic Islamic fundamentalists. These people have been the same forever. The only solution is complete removal, destruction, obliteration of these terrorists and their followers and supporters.

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