Racist Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to invade America


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The racist Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador Threatens to Flood The US With Illegals, says “It’s A Human Right!”

The racist Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador Threatens to Flood The US With Illegals, says “It’s A Human Right!”

And another entry in the "this is news?" category :)

He has plenty of help from American Democrats who are loyal to Mexico. When the racist, nationalist President Felipe Calderone attacked Arizona before both houses of congress the Democrats gave him a standing ovation instead of defending an American state enforcing the law and the will of the American people.

Mexican president slams immigration law before Congress

mexican president.jpg
The racist Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador Threatens to Flood The US With Illegals, says “It’s A Human Right!”

And another entry in the "this is news?" category :)

He has plenty of help from American Democrats who are loyal to Mexico. When the racist, nationalist President Felipe Calderone attacked Arizona before both houses of congress the Democrats gave him a standing ovation instead of defending an American state enforcing the law and the will of the American people.

Mexican president slams immigration law before Congress

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The truth about illegal immigration is that
1 it's a cultural invasion
2 it's a $135 Billion Dollar per year looting spree on American paychecks
3 it's a Democrat voter replacement program
4 it's the Democratic Party's war on Anglo Voters
The racist Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador Threatens to Flood The US With Illegals, says “It’s A Human Right!”

How come all of mexicos president dont look like meskins?

Mexico is run by an elite class of "Güeros", European descended whites. They get furious when they cant export Mestizos to the US.

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Mexican Officials Want to Stop Security and Immigration Cooperation With US

All to get back at President Trump.

O(ne of the most important reasons why we need to build that border wall.

While announcing the proposal, Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, a senator for the conservative National Action Party, said the US "is a partner, allied in diverse causes and a friend that doesn't deserve a government like that of Donald Trump," adding that Mexico would not support a country that "systematically violates human rights and that doesn't have respect for the life and dignity of people."

Did you know that the US gives Mexico more than $340 million in foreign aid every year? I say it’s damn well time to dry up with well. Give them nothing. They sure aren’t doing a thing to stop the flood coming up from Central America.

Oh yeah. Leading Mexican presidential candidates call for Mexicans to “flood the border” to enter the US and create chaos.

More @ Mexican officials are ready to stop helping the US fight terrorism and drug trafficking to get back at Trump
We need this wall now because I don’t want to pay for any more illegals who are sucking this country dry with their free handouts,
When caravans of illegals come to our boarder to enter America they should be greeted with a good nutritious meal then loaded on a military transport plane to fly them back to Mexico.
To make America strong and great is to only allow immigrants in America that can take care of them selfs financially and not expect free healthcare and housing plus all the other benefits immigrants come to America for

LAW OF APRIL 6, 1830

The Law of April 6, 1830 was initiated by Lucas Alamán y Escalada, Mexican minister of foreign relations, and was designed to stop the flood of immigration from the United States to Texas.

The law came as a result of the warning and communications of Manuel de Mier y Terán, who made fourteen recommendations directed toward stimulating counter-colonization of Texas by Mexicans and Europeans, encouraging military occupation, and stimulating coastal trade.

LAW OF APRIL 6, 1830 | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)

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