IMMIGRATION - the Next Big Thing


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Immigration is a huge issue, and there is lots of speculation about what is going to be the next big thing to happen regarding the big issue. Frankly, there's a few different big issues coming up on the horizon. No doubt one of them is living facilities for migrant children. Politicians, both Republican and Democrat have visited HHS facilities over the past few days, and given them high marks, but the quantities are a concern, so more facilities need to be established.

Another next big thing is hiring more immigration judges, and expanding the immigration court system, to get cases done more quickly. This would ease the burden of the whole system being overrun by massive amounts of illegal immigration.

Surely, these are important, and almost surely will be dealt with. The really, really Next Big Thing though is the issue of dealing with Central American countries, and tackling the problems they are having, that is causing this massive outflow of migrants from them, and resulting influx to the US.

On the Sunday morning talk shows some politicians were interviewed and had some interesting things to say. All of them mentioned the Central American countries, where migrants are coming here from, particularly El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. On the Fox show with Chris Wallace, ex sect of DHS, Jeh Johnson said we need to deal with the Central American countries. He gets a gold star for that. He gets that gold star taken away though when he incredibly said, it's a big problem that the Central American countries won't take the migrants back.

LOL. Hey Jeh, if your neighbor dumped a pole of trash in your back yard, you're going to politely ask him if he would please take it back ? Pheeeew! Next, on Meet the Press (AKA Meet the Trump Bashers), Maine Senator Angus King also said we need to work with the central American countries. I thought he went a bit astray though when he spoke of the over-migration as a "refugee" problem, with the migrants fleeing just from crime.

A better perspective, I thought, was presented by Senator James Langford of Oklahoma, who also said we need to get action started with Central American countries, but added another component to the picture, with economics. Langford is not buying the refugee only argument, and said that these people are also running away from economic hardship, and see the US as a hope for better life.

I tend to agree with Langford. While some people may only be motivated by high crime, if this were the case, they could go to other countries closer to them, which have low crime rates. Looking at the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime statistics, we see plenty of choices for Hondurans and El Salvadorans beleaguered with massive homicide rates. For instance, how about the French island of Martinique (2.78 homicides/100K). Or the Dutch island of Aruba (1.93). Even Nicaragua with 7.37, is a lot better than the 56.52 of Honduras, or the 82.84 of El Salvador.
Same with Panama (9.67), or Costa Rica (11.90), and certainly TurksCaicos (5.93), Cuba (4.99), and Guadaloupe (8.01).

The answer is economic opportunity. The US may be farther away than some of these other countries, but it is vastly better for people to advance themselves economically. This tends to cast a shadow on the idea that migrants are all refugees running from high crime rates only.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
Another aspect to the contact with Central American countries' leaders is the fact that there are other countries in the region who have very high crime rates, but whose people are NOT flocking to the US.

One example is the Central American country of Belize. With a homicide rate of 37.60, we're not hearing about too many Belizeans coming here. Or Jamaicans either, who have a homicide rate of 47.01. If these countries can control their people, keeping them at home, why not all of them doing that ?
The undocumented Democrats are using their kids as passports.
Once their kid is in America they demand to be reunited with them
The Dirty Corrupt Democratic Party is using illegal immigration as their voter replacement program
As to Belize and Jamaica they are English-speaking countries where lily-white limousine liberals are not welcome except as tourists and Hispanics are addressed with ethnic slurs. They can make MS-13 seem like boy scouts in comparison.
Next big thing is deport illegals. No trial, no judges, just get rid of them
We should simply send the kids back to Mexico, if the parents want them, they can go back to Mexico to get them.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump

We must have Border Security, get rid of Chain, Lottery, Catch & Release Sanctuary Cities - go to Merit based Immigration. Protect ICE and Law Enforcement and, of course, keep building, but much faster, THE WALL!

4:57 AM - 30 Jul 2018
Regardless, the notion that 43% of all SNAP beneficiaries are undocumented immigrants is mathematically impossible, even under a scenario in which every single undocumented immigrant in the United States somehow managed to make use of the program (legally or otherwise).

In 2017, the most recent year for which we have data, 42,101,000 persons participated in the SNAP program, and 43% of that total comprises 18,103,430 SNAP participants. The most recent year for which we have comprehensive estimates of the undocumented immigrant population in the United States is 2014, and those estimates place the total figure of undocumented immigrant in the U.S. somewhere between 11.1 and 12.1 million.
'Illegal Alien Facts' vs. the Truth-O-Meter
For obvious reasons, the numbers of illegal immigrants is much trickier to track. However, the most widely accepted number comes from the Pew Hispanic Center, which estimated that there were 11.2 million illegal immigrants in the United States in 2010.

So it’s mathematically impossible for more than 43 percent of all food stamps to be given to illegals. And this doesn’t take into account an even more basic reality: It is against the law for Illegal immigrants to receive food stamps. We rated this claim Pants on Fire!
Really- is anyone surprised anymore when longknife see's some lying bullshit on the web and happily posts the lies?
In this article, we’ll fact-check No. 4: "More than 66% of ALL births in California are to illegals on Medi-Cal."

Medi-Cal is the name of California’s Medicaid program, which covers low-income residents of the state. Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for health plan options through Medi-Cal, although the benefits may be limited.

The most recent complete data we found was from 2011.

That year, the state had 502,120 total births. According to Medi-Cal, 50.4 percent of the state’s births that year were paid for by Medi-Cal. That works out to 253,068 total births on Medi-Cal.

Medi-Cal also reported that 29 percent of Medi-Cal mothers in 2011 were undocumented. So that year, 73,390 undocumented mothers gave birth on Medi-Cal.

As a percentage of all births in the state, that works out to about 15 percent -- not 66 percent, as the meme says.

After we initially published this article, a spokeswoman for California's Department of Health Care Services provided statistics for 2012 and 2013. As it turns out, the percentage declined in those years -- to 13.4 percent in 2012 and 12.6 percent in 2013.

In its previous review of these claims, Snopes evaluated an earlier version of the assertion that was worded, "Over 2/3’s of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers."

So we looked at the data for Los Angeles in 2013, the most recent year we could find on the California Department of Public Health website. That doesn’t support the earlier version of the claim either.

That year, about 57 percent of births to residents of Los Angeles were Hispanic. But that refers to all Hispanic births -- not just those to undocumented immigrants, who accounted for only a fraction of the total Hispanic population.

Our ruling
The meme says, "More than 66% of ALL births in California are to illegals on Medi-Cal."

That’s wrong. Between 2011 and 2013, the most recent years available, between 12 percent and 15 percent of all births statewide were to undocumented immigrants using Medicaid, not 66 percent.

We rate the statement False.
Really- is anyone surprised anymore when longknife see's some lying bullshit on the web and happily posts the lies?
In this article, we’ll fact-check No. 4: "More than 66% of ALL births in California are to illegals on Medi-Cal."

Medi-Cal is the name of California’s Medicaid program, which covers low-income residents of the state. Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for health plan options through Medi-Cal, although the benefits may be limited.

The most recent complete data we found was from 2011.

That year, the state had 502,120 total births. According to Medi-Cal, 50.4 percent of the state’s births that year were paid for by Medi-Cal. That works out to 253,068 total births on Medi-Cal.

Medi-Cal also reported that 29 percent of Medi-Cal mothers in 2011 were undocumented. So that year, 73,390 undocumented mothers gave birth on Medi-Cal.

As a percentage of all births in the state, that works out to about 15 percent -- not 66 percent, as the meme says.

After we initially published this article, a spokeswoman for California's Department of Health Care Services provided statistics for 2012 and 2013. As it turns out, the percentage declined in those years -- to 13.4 percent in 2012 and 12.6 percent in 2013.

In its previous review of these claims, Snopes evaluated an earlier version of the assertion that was worded, "Over 2/3’s of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers."

So we looked at the data for Los Angeles in 2013, the most recent year we could find on the California Department of Public Health website. That doesn’t support the earlier version of the claim either.

That year, about 57 percent of births to residents of Los Angeles were Hispanic. But that refers to all Hispanic births -- not just those to undocumented immigrants, who accounted for only a fraction of the total Hispanic population.

Our ruling
The meme says, "More than 66% of ALL births in California are to illegals on Medi-Cal."

That’s wrong. Between 2011 and 2013, the most recent years available, between 12 percent and 15 percent of all births statewide were to undocumented immigrants using Medicaid, not 66 percent.

We rate the statement False.

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