Racialism Versus Racism Terms Beset By Double Speak Think Fallacies Of Anti Racist Racists


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Racialism Versus Racism Terms Beset By Double Speak Think Fallacies Of Anti Racist Racists "

* When Law Against Discriminating Between Religions Is Illegitimate Aggression Against Self Ownership And Self Determination *

The current vernacular of political correct dogma chooses to disavow a distinction between the term racism and racialism based upon a legal positive and willful ignorance premise that any decision based on race is illegitimate aggression .

As a formal definition unrestrained by putrid politically correct absurdities , the terms racism and racialism are not equivalent .

The term racism must necessarily include acts that violate principles of non violence or individualism based on race , while the term racialism must necessary exclude acts that do not violate principle of non violence and individualism .

For example , black awards , black news , black whatever , latino , etc . which are private organizations promoting some racial clad , whose actions do not violate principles of non violence or individualism , are understood to be acting with racialism and not with racism .

Where us government is proscribed from making a law respecting an establishment of religion , or the free expression thereof , there is not a distinction between a religion and the tenets and edicts of creed which comprise the religion of an individual , and there is not an exception for a religion with tenets or edicts of creed that violate non violence principles .

While much concentration is afforded to freedom of speech in first amendment of us constitution , a core issue of more compelling contention is where the tenets or edicts of creed in religion of an individual promote the representation and well being for individuals for some racial clad through acts of racialism and not by acts of racism .

The contemporary political agenda of anti-racist racists rejecting a distinction between the terms racialism and racism are seeking to violate the establishment clause by urging congress to make laws that respect the religion of one group of individuals to promote the representation and well being for members of some racial clad , while at the same time depriving other individuals of the free exercise of their religion to promote the representation and well being for member of some racial clad .

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[3]
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Racism/racialism are the same thing like apartment/flat or elevator/lift. It's just American vs. British English.
I'm a bit confused how bigotry connects with religion here. . . that point was not made clear in the OP.
" Mindless Drivel From Big Brother "

* Horse Shit On A Cracker Calling It Pate *

Racism/racialism are the same thing like apartment/flat or elevator/lift. It's just American vs. British English.
Are the terms racialism and racism spelled the same ?

No , and they have different meanings , except for those suffering from delusions of vain pompous piety .
Racism/racialism are the same thing like apartment/flat or elevator/lift. It's just American vs. British English.
I think there actually might be a difference.

It has to do with natural preference toward one's IN-GROUP. . . which, ostensibly, is not based on bigotry. If this is the case? One would expect it to be reflected in minority communities just as much as in the dominant society at large.

". . . If whites describe this social reality truthfully, they will inevitably say racialist things, which will seem racist to those unaware of the distinction or ideologically inclined to ignore it. Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson, for example, was forced to sell his team after he sent an email that on its face indicated only a belief that some white fans prefer white cheerleaders and neighboring seatholders to black ones and that this may reduce Hawks’ ticket sales. This belief may or may not be true (one hopes it isn’t), but it could be true — and if so, Levenson should not have been pilloried for saying it. Absent evidence of his own hostility to blacks, merely opining on others’ views and their financial effects is racialist, not racist.

Similarly, the psychology experiments finding differences in split-second reactions to images of people of different races might reveal racism. But it might instead show only that the subjects were as racialist as most other whites (and probably most blacks as well) in their acute awareness of America’s pervasive racial disparities. For all we know, they may ardently want to reduce those disparities. We all entertain many stereotypes, including racial ones, based on perceived probabilities, not hostility. Probabilities, by definition, are true much of the time but not always. Sometimes, we must make quick decisions with no information other than probabilities — but absent hostility, this bespeaks racialism, not racism. Jesse Jackson famously said that if he were walking down the street, heard footsteps behind him, and feared robbery, he would be relieved to see that the person was white.. . . "
" Trifling Pejoratives For Racism That Ignores Its Distinction From Racialism "

* Him Big Got Tree And Other Lexicons About Nature And Hue Mammon Apes *

I'm a bit confused how bigotry connects with religion here. . . that point was not made clear in the OP.
There is not a difference between religion and creed , and the edicts and tenets of a creed comprise a religion that is unique to every individual .

Those individuals who choose to include edicts or tenets of creed for self preservation or for promoting the representation and well being for members of some racial clad without violating the principles of non violence or individualism do represent a religion and are practicing racialism that is not racism .
Creed/Religion is protected by the First Amendment.

There are very, very few religious. . . ahm, interpretations or cults that use racial ideology in them. No one educated takes any of them seriously.
" Institutionalizing Lies To Coax Abdication And Surrender "

* Creed For Non Violence And Individualism Over Ride Anti-Racist Racism *

Creed/Religion is protected by the First Amendment.
There are very, very few religious. . . ahm, interpretations or cults that use racial ideology in them. No one educated takes any of them seriously.
The creed of religious organizations and the creed of religion held by each individual may share common beliefs , but common belief centralized around an organization is not a requisite for a religion .

The meaning of an after life has not changed in the realm of creatures on earth and ones racial identity is very often intimately linked with self preservation and quality of life .
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