Rachel Maddow: I Used to Love Glenn Beck


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow made a startling admission to David Letterman Wednesday night: she used to be a huge Glenn Beck fan.​
During her appearance, the liberal TV host said that she really liked Beck and his radio show prior to him getting a TV gig at Fox, even admitting she used to listen to Beck every day.​
“I think he was the most talented radio personality of my entire generation,” she told Letterman. She described Beck’s pre-Fox radio show as “incredibly performative…he inhabited all these different characters, he would do all these voices, it was very entertaining. really funny, really fast-paced, very unpredictable, surprising, very good.”

Rachel Maddow: I Used to Love Glenn Beck | The Blaze
Before she had a penis?

Glenn Beck is not a she,

although...in the separated at birth? department...hmmm

Glenn Beck:


Chaz Bono:


MSNBC host Rachel Maddow made a startling admission to David Letterman Wednesday night: she used to be a huge Glenn Beck fan.​
During her appearance, the liberal TV host said that she really liked Beck and his radio show prior to him getting a TV gig at Fox, even admitting she used to listen to Beck every day.​
“I think he was the most talented radio personality of my entire generation,” she told Letterman. She described Beck’s pre-Fox radio show as “incredibly performative…he inhabited all these different characters, he would do all these voices, it was very entertaining. really funny, really fast-paced, very unpredictable, surprising, very good.”

Rachel Maddow: I Used to Love Glenn Beck | The Blaze

I used to listen to Rush everyday. They have to get progressively more extreme to keep their audience tuning in tho and that unfortunately, is when those of us who found them entertaining and fun, tune out.
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow made a startling admission to David Letterman Wednesday night: she used to be a huge Glenn Beck fan.​
During her appearance, the liberal TV host said that she really liked Beck and his radio show prior to him getting a TV gig at Fox, even admitting she used to listen to Beck every day.​
“I think he was the most talented radio personality of my entire generation,” she told Letterman. She described Beck’s pre-Fox radio show as “incredibly performative…he inhabited all these different characters, he would do all these voices, it was very entertaining. really funny, really fast-paced, very unpredictable, surprising, very good.”

Rachel Maddow: I Used to Love Glenn Beck | The Blaze

I used to listen to Rush everyday. They have to get progressively more extreme to keep their audience tuning in tho and that unfortunately, is when those of us who found them entertaining and fun, tune out.

Really? When? He isn't any more hostile to the left now than he was 20 years ago.
Looks like Rachel just wanted to be entertained. Glad she has her show to entertain herself.

Personally, i love to learn about the various books out there. And various points of view people have.

Much better than Moron Trivia. Always found that pretty insulting
A good friend of mind used to listen to Beck on the radio all the time, when he lived in Tampa. Now he thinks of Beck as a showman acting politically crazy for the money. His old radio show was, apparently, nothing like his performance now. It was morning radio, comedy, silly and stupid humor, not the tearful political ranting of today. So to have Maddow (or anyone else who hates Beck now) say they liked his show then isn't astonishing at all. A good analogy would be someone who says they used to love watching OJ Simpson. Before he was a crazy possible murderer, he was just an incredible NFL running back. The one has nothing to do with the other.

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