Race Relations

Race relation have never been so bad as they are now. Ever listen to Al Sharpton's radio show? Talk about hating whites.
Mysterious dark-skinned stone age people found | Fox News

Must be an interesting time to be working in the field.

As the article makes clear, the skin coloring is pure conjecture. There is no DNA marker for pigmentation. It will take a while to sort out DNA sequencing for the Red Deer Cave People because the find is very recent. My guess is that they will not turn out to be a new species but rather an admixture of the three well-identified genetic stocks found in modern humans; homo sapiens, Neandertal, and Denisovan. There are several other candidates for recently occurring (in the last 40k years or so) species, like florensis, and it's possible habilis persisted longer than commonly thought. The chances of the Red Deer Cave people being independent of these seems to me to be pretty slim.

Any connection of these finds to races in modern populations stretches credulity.
Watching some animated Superman movie last night, Lex Luthor drinks a Superman created 'superpowers serum' and marvels at being able to see the whole electromagnetic spectrum all at once. That led my thinking how if we could see that too, would we still judge people on how they look? Surely everything would look very different than it does only being able to see the narrow visible light part but not infrared or ultraviolet. And since visible light we can't see still exists, is viewing one another black, white, brown, yellow, red, etc. even accurate? How we truly appear in other parts of the spectrum is in fact the reality, we simply can't see it.
Race relation have never been so bad as they are now. Ever listen to Al Sharpton's radio show? Talk about hating whites.

It does seem so, but we were told in 2008 that BO was going to end racism. We were told that electing a black man POTUS, would heal all wounds. But, like so many things promoted by the Left, the exact opposite of their predictions happened.

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