“race relations in america”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The discussion on CSPAN was about “race relations” in America but illegal immigration dominated the discussion. Illegal immigration is not about race but economics. Pro-illegal advocates believe “if 12 million Illegal Aliens self deported we would have no one to get our fruit and vegetables harvested and to the market.” 12 million Illegal Aliens are not picking lettuce and apples. And “if we cracked down on employees that hire Illegal Aliens restaurants all across the country would close down.” “They are doing jobs no one else want.” Who did those jobs when there were not 12 million Illegal Aliens. Americans cut lawns, build housed, paint them and clean them. We cook, wash dishes, wait on tables, clean hotels rooms, flip burgers, pick up garbage, etc. this only area where we may need foreign labor is in the farming industry and we have made that easier but farmers want cheaper labor then H-2A visas provide.
Fact is Illegal Aliens do take jobs from Americans and lower wages that American cannot compete with economically. And that is not “fear mongering” just facts. Since they are low wage earners and uneducated they put a strain our social services system. Carlos-Velez-Ibanez also said “we should educate them so they can take higher paying jobs.” So they can compete for grants, student loans, etc and compete for jobs with our children that we are not making easier for them to go to college.
McDonalds in Nevada, etc was raided and the next day Americans lined up for the jobs. “We should let those 12 million stay with legalizations and make it easier for them to immigrate.” “This country was “built” by immigration” but not illegal immigration and we are no longer into nation building but nation survival.
With this kind of Left Wing Village Idiot thinking it makes it impossible to control illegal immigration and drug smuggling that destroys Americans dream. To insure the Latino vote we must thing like “immigration enforcement” “deportation” “border control” because it offends Latino voters. Latinos are holding American hostage and blackmailing politicians. Obama got elected because he pandered path to citizenship and he was held hostage and blackmailed by Latino voters and that makes the Obama administration corrupt as the Mexican Government.
The only reason I can see Blacks supporting illegal immigrations is that they do not want to do cheap labor but rather deal in drugs, and other criminal activities, collect welfare and food stamps because it pays more. Deal in drugs rather then build houses. Illegal immigration has destroyed the construction industry for Americans.
The driving force behind the coming election is illegal immigration and then jobs because they are related. Illegal Aliens control our elections and they don’t even vote.
The panel included Juan Williams, Prof. Carlos Velez-Ibenez, Toure, Jose Antonio-Vargas, Norman Ornstein and none of them have a clue as to how illegal immigration affect our economy and Americans.
its about race. Race relations are almost at an all time low.
I fear for the future of this country since, race is now represented by political parties. Also, everyone blames everyone for the country's problems. Minorities rightfully claim that we go on too many foreign adventures while, the majority say the minority is to blame to due welfare and illegal immigration. Granted welfare is costing us, but this country has historically thrived off of cheap and accessible labor...
Who did the 12 million jobs that the illegals TOOK before they got here? I would say there has always been some illegal immigration before they even started counting so probably a smaller portion of illegals and the remainder legal immigrants and americans.

I have seen posts from people that big evil businesses use illegal immigrants so they can pay slave wages and mistreat them. This could be the case in some instances but I do not think this is where the majority of them work. From what I have seen in my area they work on vegetable farms, construction, manufacturing and in service industries (i.e. lanscape, lawn care and housekeeping).
You say they are TAKING jobs from Americans at lower wages that Americans cannot compete with economically, I do not believe this at all. I am not speaking of just my opinion but I am speaking from personal knowledge. Most illegals get paid the same and sometimes more as their American counterpart and they are on a payroll with federal taxes withheld. Some get paid cash and I am against this but there are also americans who work odd jobs for cash, it is not an illegal immigrant phenomenon to work under the table. What about waiters who don't show all their tips on their taxes. Larger chain type restaurants split tips with waiters and bus boys on the books to keep track of tips not allowing employees the ability to leave off income from their taxes. Should we have a crackdown on foodservice employees not paying their taxes even though I am sure at least some of them are on some type of social government program for them or their children, WIC, foodstamps, medicaid, etc, I don't think we should. What difference would that small percentage make? Not much since majority of taxes paid in are from the top percentage of the country. Look at taxes you pay for the year and then subtract your tax return from it and see how much you actually pay.

Who do you think a supervisor would prefer to hire a person who speaks the same language as them or somebody they have difficulties communicating with? I think they would prefer to hire somebody who they can efficiently communicate to and train.

So, why does the supervisor or small business owner hire the guy that does not speak their language? I will give you my personal knowledge of things that have occured and you all can tell me your personal knowledge of things occured or opinions.

The first question you ask yourself when you hire an employee should not be, "Does this person seem like they are the type to file workmans comp on me for nothing?" When you hire an American it is.

The next question should not be, "How long do I think they will last, are they the type person that if they cannot perform the task they were hired to do and they are fired will they file unemployment on me?" Then I have to prove and show why they were let go and show record of couseling sessions, unsatisfactory performance write-ups, show that I gave additional training to the employee to give them more opportunity and show that they were given proper training to do the job satifactorily to company standards.

Contrary to popular belief employees do not pay for unemployment and they do not pay for workmans comp insurance. Look at your paystub I just relooked at mine to double check myself. These are two very large costs to the company. Every time somebody makes a claim for comp guess what, just like car insurance, your rates go up. Whether the claim was proven fraudulent or not.

There's more, Doctors are scared of being sued for malpractice, so If you go in for comp with as little as a cut on your hand they are prescribing you something for pain and an antibiotic and also you have to have a few days off if you want because you can't operate anything when your on the meds.

There's more employees have up to a year to file a Comp injury, so whether they are working for you or not, hurt themselves on the weekend while working for you and instead of doing what they should do and tough it out because it was their own fault they can file comp on you and it is your job as a business owner to prove they did not hurt themselves at work or that they are not even injured. Businesses in the US are guilty until proven innocent. Even if the claim is pretty well figured fake the insurance companies will pay up to a certain set amount because it is cheaper to do that than take it to court.

Comp attorneys know this and so do most Americans so they know their efforts will reward them some payout. Especially since if proven fraudulent in court, most states (except Texas) do not hold the loser responsible for court costs, this is why insurance companies do not fight it and just settle.

There's more, on applications employees list their previous employers and some put down the reason for leaving but when you call the company to get more info about the employee most of the time if there is negative things to say about that employee all they will tell you is when the employee was hired and when the employee ended working there. They cannot give negative info because it could be turned on them as defamation of character of the employee.

Last but not least there is a saying, The black man doesn't show up for work, The white man does but always complains and the Mexican shows up and does his job. (I do not believe all illegals are Mexican this is just a saying)

As for the farmers not thinking the wages are cheap enough for the visa workers. When you see them pay for those workers or Americans, don't complain if your prices go up in the store and when you see your GMO stay red forever tomatos and the rest of produce that cannot be mechanically harvested start coming from China don't complain about that either. Go to a grocery store and see where your juices already come from.

Agriculture is the only business in America that you produce a product and it is not up to you the farmer/owner as to what you are going to charge for said product. Instead of a farmer saying I want X amount of dollars for the product because I put X amount in on costs and labor. They are told by the buyers I will give you X amount regardless of what it cost you or they can rot on your farm.

Farmers will get tired of it and quit doing it and go get a job somewhere else because most of them are handy workers and very adaptable and they know how to get things done without complaining about it. The others will sell off their land to a developer when the economy turns around and live off the money from that.

When I hear a white lady walmart cashier saying, goodness I have been at it for an hour and a half I need a break. I tell myself what is the United States coming to, how do we even think they would last one day on a production line, or flipping burgers or construction or painting or cleaning a house.

We can call it race relations or whatever and people can love or hate whomever because of their skin color or country of origin, but I don't care If you are White, black, brown, yellow or whatever color or male or female, I want the best worker available that is willing to do the job whether your name is John Smith, Juan Marcos, or Chin Lee. And it is alot easier for me to speak English than spanish, chinese, korean, german, russian and so on.

Illegal immigration is much deeper than abunch of people coming over the border and will not be fixed until Americans fix the real problems in this country.

I am not for amnesty, but I am definately not for giving workers the boot simply because Americans now can't find a job. We can't turn the other direction while things are good and now say "Sorry you got to go times are tough for us, oh by the way I still won't take a minimum wage job or one that is slightly higher because I am an American my standards of living are higher. What! you don't pay for my insurance either? Oh well I will stay on unemployment thats easier." I looked but theres just nothing out there."

I don't care what Juan Williams or the rest think, Left wing Loonies or Right wing conservatives to boot, or how it will affect Spanish voters. It is not a concern for me. None of them will discuss the real issues why America is in its current situation.
Who did the 12 million jobs that the illegals TOOK before they got here? I would say there has always been some illegal immigration before they even started counting so probably a smaller portion of illegals and the remainder legal immigrants and americans.

I have seen posts from people that big evil businesses use illegal immigrants so they can pay slave wages and mistreat them. This could be the case in some instances but I do not think this is where the majority of them work. From what I have seen in my area they work on vegetable farms, construction, manufacturing and in service industries (i.e. lanscape, lawn care and housekeeping).
You say they are TAKING jobs from Americans at lower wages that Americans cannot compete with economically, I do not believe this at all. I am not speaking of just my opinion but I am speaking from personal knowledge. Most illegals get paid the same and sometimes more as their American counterpart and they are on a payroll with federal taxes withheld. Some get paid cash and I am against this but there are also americans who work odd jobs for cash, it is not an illegal immigrant phenomenon to work under the table. What about waiters who don't show all their tips on their taxes. Larger chain type restaurants split tips with waiters and bus boys on the books to keep track of tips not allowing employees the ability to leave off income from their taxes. Should we have a crackdown on foodservice employees not paying their taxes even though I am sure at least some of them are on some type of social government program for them or their children, WIC, foodstamps, medicaid, etc, I don't think we should. What difference would that small percentage make? Not much since majority of taxes paid in are from the top percentage of the country. Look at taxes you pay for the year and then subtract your tax return from it and see how much you actually pay.

Who do you think a supervisor would prefer to hire a person who speaks the same language as them or somebody they have difficulties communicating with? I think they would prefer to hire somebody who they can efficiently communicate to and train.

So, why does the supervisor or small business owner hire the guy that does not speak their language? I will give you my personal knowledge of things that have occured and you all can tell me your personal knowledge of things occured or opinions.

The first question you ask yourself when you hire an employee should not be, "Does this person seem like they are the type to file workmans comp on me for nothing?" When you hire an American it is.

The next question should not be, "How long do I think they will last, are they the type person that if they cannot perform the task they were hired to do and they are fired will they file unemployment on me?" Then I have to prove and show why they were let go and show record of couseling sessions, unsatisfactory performance write-ups, show that I gave additional training to the employee to give them more opportunity and show that they were given proper training to do the job satifactorily to company standards.

Contrary to popular belief employees do not pay for unemployment and they do not pay for workmans comp insurance. Look at your paystub I just relooked at mine to double check myself. These are two very large costs to the company. Every time somebody makes a claim for comp guess what, just like car insurance, your rates go up. Whether the claim was proven fraudulent or not.

There's more, Doctors are scared of being sued for malpractice, so If you go in for comp with as little as a cut on your hand they are prescribing you something for pain and an antibiotic and also you have to have a few days off if you want because you can't operate anything when your on the meds.

There's more employees have up to a year to file a Comp injury, so whether they are working for you or not, hurt themselves on the weekend while working for you and instead of doing what they should do and tough it out because it was their own fault they can file comp on you and it is your job as a business owner to prove they did not hurt themselves at work or that they are not even injured. Businesses in the US are guilty until proven innocent. Even if the claim is pretty well figured fake the insurance companies will pay up to a certain set amount because it is cheaper to do that than take it to court.

Comp attorneys know this and so do most Americans so they know their efforts will reward them some payout. Especially since if proven fraudulent in court, most states (except Texas) do not hold the loser responsible for court costs, this is why insurance companies do not fight it and just settle.

There's more, on applications employees list their previous employers and some put down the reason for leaving but when you call the company to get more info about the employee most of the time if there is negative things to say about that employee all they will tell you is when the employee was hired and when the employee ended working there. They cannot give negative info because it could be turned on them as defamation of character of the employee.

Last but not least there is a saying, The black man doesn't show up for work, The white man does but always complains and the Mexican shows up and does his job. (I do not believe all illegals are Mexican this is just a saying)

As for the farmers not thinking the wages are cheap enough for the visa workers. When you see them pay for those workers or Americans, don't complain if your prices go up in the store and when you see your GMO stay red forever tomatos and the rest of produce that cannot be mechanically harvested start coming from China don't complain about that either. Go to a grocery store and see where your juices already come from.

Agriculture is the only business in America that you produce a product and it is not up to you the farmer/owner as to what you are going to charge for said product. Instead of a farmer saying I want X amount of dollars for the product because I put X amount in on costs and labor. They are told by the buyers I will give you X amount regardless of what it cost you or they can rot on your farm.

Farmers will get tired of it and quit doing it and go get a job somewhere else because most of them are handy workers and very adaptable and they know how to get things done without complaining about it. The others will sell off their land to a developer when the economy turns around and live off the money from that.

When I hear a white lady walmart cashier saying, goodness I have been at it for an hour and a half I need a break. I tell myself what is the United States coming to, how do we even think they would last one day on a production line, or flipping burgers or construction or painting or cleaning a house.

We can call it race relations or whatever and people can love or hate whomever because of their skin color or country of origin, but I don't care If you are White, black, brown, yellow or whatever color or male or female, I want the best worker available that is willing to do the job whether your name is John Smith, Juan Marcos, or Chin Lee. And it is alot easier for me to speak English than spanish, chinese, korean, german, russian and so on.

Illegal immigration is much deeper than abunch of people coming over the border and will not be fixed until Americans fix the real problems in this country.

I am not for amnesty, but I am definately not for giving workers the boot simply because Americans now can't find a job. We can't turn the other direction while things are good and now say "Sorry you got to go times are tough for us, oh by the way I still won't take a minimum wage job or one that is slightly higher because I am an American my standards of living are higher. What! you don't pay for my insurance either? Oh well I will stay on unemployment thats easier." I looked but theres just nothing out there."

I don't care what Juan Williams or the rest think, Left wing Loonies or Right wing conservatives to boot, or how it will affect Spanish voters. It is not a concern for me. None of them will discuss the real issues why America is in its current situation.

Actually, kiddo, this issue is all about “a bunch people coming over the border." You noted, “from what YOU see”. Not to sound sarcastic, but you need to get around more. From WHAT I see, they are becoming a dominate force by force of numbers, and not legitimately, either. I have seen the changes in the last 56 years. There is something wrong here about people that demand respect, but they themselves seem incapable or unable to return that SAME respect .The ones that can’t immigrate legally or acclimate to the pre-existing culture. So, your obliviousness to this issue speaks more for your lack of experience.
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Illegal aliens, no matter where they are from, all need to be deported out of this country.
The Republican Party is 90% white.

Says a lot.

Not that it matters, what "color" are YOU? I bet it slipped you awareness, most illegal aliens aren’t like YOU, not that it matters, They are Mexicans with a agenda. MEXICAN. These nice fellows don’t like American culture, despite all that propaganda you might want to believe. That might explain all this Spanish media popping up, all those signs in Spanish you can’t read. That is a relatively NEW thing, That only exists because we accept it. Really, surprise surprise. Another thing, about these" nice" people, besides the fact YOU don't have a damned thing to do with them or know what you are talking about, they really aren't nice and they do things civilized human beings do, we don’t seek around like cowards or frauds , despite their origins, race or culture.
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Demonizing the individuals involved is not necessary at all to justify defending our borders and enforcing our laws. Most of the people who come here illegally are not cartoon monsters, but that is beside the point.
Demonizing the individuals involved is not necessary at all to justify defending our borders and enforcing our laws. Most of the people who come here illegally are not cartoon monsters, but that is beside the point.

It's appropriate to demonize illegal invaders, given that they're turning America into a version of HELL.
its about race. Race relations are almost at an all time low.
I fear for the future of this country since, race is now represented by political parties.


Race relations are at an all-time low.

But we have 1) the first black president, 2) first black AG, 3) most "diverse" Supreme Court ever (no white protestants at all), we are further from slavery than we've ever been, and our population is increasingly non-white. All these factors, the multiculturalists tell us, should make race relations BETTER.

But they're not. They're going in the opposite direction.

What gives?

What gives is that race is an extremely potent physical, biological, social, cultural and political REALITY. It's not going away.

Solution: ethnostates.

Ethnostates for whites.

Ethnostates for blacks.

Ethnostates for Hispanics.

And on. Free trade, sure. Free travel, sure. But for everyday living, working, taxpaying and law-making, people should live in racially/ethnically homogenous places.

The discussion on CSPAN was about “race relations” in America but illegal immigration dominated the discussion. Illegal immigration is not about race but economics. Pro-illegal advocates believe “if 12 million Illegal Aliens self deported we would have no one to get our fruit and vegetables harvested and to the market.” 12 million Illegal Aliens are not picking lettuce and apples. And “if we cracked down on employees that hire Illegal Aliens restaurants all across the country would close down.” “They are doing jobs no one else want.” Who did those jobs when there were not 12 million Illegal Aliens. Americans cut lawns, build housed, paint them and clean them. We cook, wash dishes, wait on tables, clean hotels rooms, flip burgers, pick up garbage, etc. this only area where we may need foreign labor is in the farming industry and we have made that easier but farmers want cheaper labor then H-2A visas provide.
Fact is Illegal Aliens do take jobs from Americans and lower wages that American cannot compete with economically. And that is not “fear mongering” just facts. Since they are low wage earners and uneducated they put a strain our social services system. Carlos-Velez-Ibanez also said “we should educate them so they can take higher paying jobs.” So they can compete for grants, student loans, etc and compete for jobs with our children that we are not making easier for them to go to college.
McDonalds in Nevada, etc was raided and the next day Americans lined up for the jobs. “We should let those 12 million stay with legalizations and make it easier for them to immigrate.” “This country was “built” by immigration” but not illegal immigration and we are no longer into nation building but nation survival.
With this kind of Left Wing Village Idiot thinking it makes it impossible to control illegal immigration and drug smuggling that destroys Americans dream. To insure the Latino vote we must thing like “immigration enforcement” “deportation” “border control” because it offends Latino voters. Latinos are holding American hostage and blackmailing politicians. Obama got elected because he pandered path to citizenship and he was held hostage and blackmailed by Latino voters and that makes the Obama administration corrupt as the Mexican Government.
The only reason I can see Blacks supporting illegal immigrations is that they do not want to do cheap labor but rather deal in drugs, and other criminal activities, collect welfare and food stamps because it pays more. Deal in drugs rather then build houses. Illegal immigration has destroyed the construction industry for Americans.
The driving force behind the coming election is illegal immigration and then jobs because they are related. Illegal Aliens control our elections and they don’t even vote.
The panel included Juan Williams, Prof. Carlos Velez-Ibenez, Toure, Jose Antonio-Vargas, Norman Ornstein and none of them have a clue as to how illegal immigration affect our economy and Americans.

You whine about the horrors on illegal immigration yet offer no solutions to address the problem.

Should we all just say: ‘Yeah, ain’t it a shame’ and go back to ignoring the issue?

Without the courage to follow through with an actual process, this post is pointless.

Illegal aliens, no matter where they are from, all need to be deported out of this country.
Ah, the voice of ignorance and stupidity.

And how many centuries do you think it would take to process 12 million deportations. Or is your ‘plan’ to throw the Constitution in the trash by ignoring due process.
Demonizing the individuals involved is not necessary at all to justify defending our borders and enforcing our laws. Most of the people who come here illegally are not cartoon monsters, but that is beside the point.

It's appropriate to demonize illegal invaders, given that they're turning America into a version of HELL.

It is only the tiny minority of cowardly losers like you who want to turn this great land into a version of hell. Fortunately, you are utterly insignificant and will be soon forgotten like yesterday's trash.
What gives is that race is an extremely potent physical, biological, social, cultural and political REALITY. It's not going away.

Solution: ethnostates.

It's a sociological fabrication clung to by cowardly losers like you. Solution: stick your worthless ass on the nearest ice floe and forget about you as everyone surely will.
Ah, the voice of ignorance and stupidity.

And how many centuries do you think it would take to process 12 million deportations.

Thanks for that example of "the voice of ignorance and stupidity," you stupid, ignorant son of a bitch.

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