Race Baiting .. .. .. .. as a subscribing member .. .. ..

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
I look at who is race bating here and it sickens me. There are legitimate arguments to be made regarding race, but baiting with racial prejudices and fears advances no reasonable or civil discussion. The comity of the board as a whole is being threatened.

please, if you care about USMB or rational and reasonable debate and discussion, refrain from entering threads that are clearly hurting the site while advancing nothing but ignorance, fears, and hatred.

No names .. .. .. just please, think about it.

I look at who is race bating here and it sickens me. There are legitimate arguments to be made regarding race, but baiting with racial prejudices and fears advances no reasonable or civil discussion. The comity of the board as a whole is being threatened.

please, if you care about USMB or rational and reasonable debate and discussion, refrain from entering threads that are clearly hurting the site while advancing nothing but ignorance, fears, and hatred.

No names .. .. .. just please, think about it.


I look at who is race bating here and it sickens me. There are legitimate arguments to be made regarding race, but baiting with racial prejudices and fears advances no reasonable or civil discussion. The comity of the board as a whole is being threatened.

please, if you care about USMB or rational and reasonable debate and discussion, refrain from entering threads that are clearly hurting the site while advancing nothing but ignorance, fears, and hatred.

No names .. .. .. just please, think about it.


That's twice we've agreed on something. One wonders therefore... has Hell started to freeze over?
Hey everyone, obviously we can't be everywhere, I would appreciate it immensely if these threads were flagged so that we could address them as needed.
As Bartles & Jaymes used to say,
"Thank you for your support."
but isnt that part of the problem...ring....i dont wanna flag threads....and i dont think you can stop people from being bigots....i guess you take the good with the bad.....messageboards ebb and flow....right now there is a lot of racial tension being rolled out to scare people....not surprised it flows over in message boards
Hey everyone, obviously we can't be everywhere, I would appreciate it immensely if these threads were flagged so that we could address them as needed.
As Bartles & Jaymes used to say,
"Thank you for your support."

They don't break the rules of the board. Best thing would be for the general population of the board - left and right - to ignore their bullshit. If they don't get the response that feeds them, they'll leave.
This place is full of bigots left and right, libs and cons.
This place is full of bigots left and right, libs and cons.

If they're not breaking the rules then no, we can't ban them, however we can make determinations as to where the thread belongs based on the content.............
If they're not breaking the rules then no, we can't ban them, however we can make determinations as to where the thread belongs based on the content.............

Exactly. Banning them doesn't solve it.... ignoring them does. Neg 'em and move on.
Ahem, sorry to step in it but sometimes somebody has to speak up.

I see a huge community issue, and here I am not speaking about specific individuals, posts, or threads. The tone and atmosphere @ usmb has changed over a period of time. Happens on boards all the time, but there is a tipping point on boards where a Rubicon is crossed.

I advocate more free speech where terrible speech exists. Always have been an ACLU type ( Marine critical of Obama should be booted from service, panel says - latimes.com ), but recognize that for a truly free individual, group, or society to remain free and open, requires a prerequisite and steadfast principle known as responsibility.

It is a general responsibility of the board to set the boundaries. I do not advocate everyone agreeing to any boundaries I would set, but I do know we all agree to the boundaries the site admin and staff set.

USMB is a public forum and as such it has a responsibility to maintain a truly free and open place within certain boundaries. The boundaries are needed to ensure the continued existence of the public forum. Anarchy is not freedom. Anarchy has less freedom than most forms of slavery.
Ahem, sorry to step in it but sometimes somebody has to speak up.

I see a huge community issue, and here I am not speaking about specific individuals, posts, or threads. The tone and atmosphere @ usmb has changed over a period of time. Happens on boards all the time, but there is a tipping point on boards where a Rubicon is crossed.

I advocate more free speech where terrible speech exists. Always have been an ACLU type ( Marine critical of Obama should be booted from service, panel says - latimes.com ), but recognize that for a truly free individual, group, or society to remain free and open, requires a prerequisite and steadfast principle known as responsibility.

It is a general responsibility of the board to set the boundaries. I do not advocate everyone agreeing to any boundaries I would set, but I do know we all agree to the boundaries the site admin and staff set.

USMB is a public forum and as such it has a responsibility to maintain a truly free and open place within certain boundaries. The boundaries are needed to ensure the continued existence of the public forum. Anarchy is not freedom. Anarchy has less freedom than most forms of slavery.

Dante, I admire the fact you BAIT without regard to race, creed, color, or ethnic heritage. :D
Ahem, sorry to step in it but sometimes somebody has to speak up.

I see a huge community issue, and here I am not speaking about specific individuals, posts, or threads. The tone and atmosphere @ usmb has changed over a period of time. Happens on boards all the time, but there is a tipping point on boards where a Rubicon is crossed.

I advocate more free speech where terrible speech exists. Always have been an ACLU type ( Marine critical of Obama should be booted from service, panel says - latimes.com ), but recognize that for a truly free individual, group, or society to remain free and open, requires a prerequisite and steadfast principle known as responsibility.

It is a general responsibility of the board to set the boundaries. I do not advocate everyone agreeing to any boundaries I would set, but I do know we all agree to the boundaries the site admin and staff set.

USMB is a public forum and as such it has a responsibility to maintain a truly free and open place within certain boundaries. The boundaries are needed to ensure the continued existence of the public forum. Anarchy is not freedom. Anarchy has less freedom than most forms of slavery.

Dante, I admire the fact you BAIT without regard to race, creed, color, or ethnic heritage. :D
Exactly... everything that little turd does here is an act... a pathetic act.
how do you balance freedom of speech etc with not becoming a mini stormfront?

It annoys me when a forum reaches a point where a bunch of people are whining for the moderators to do something about a troll infestation because those same people don't have enough self-control. "Waaaaaah! I can't stop feeding the trolls..."

Racists, Nazis and other brands of bigots are the dullest knives in the drawer. After dealing with them for a while, they can be smelled from a mile away and seen where they are going before they even get there. They are extremely easy to trounce in a debate. We're talking about some of the stupidest, most backward, boneheads out there.

Critical thinking, requiring evidence for claims, and recognizing and identifying logical fallacies are all you need to bring attention to the ignorant nature of your basic dogmatist.

But if you aren't having any fun playing with the little animals, there is always the Ignore function.
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Ahem, sorry to step in it but sometimes somebody has to speak up.

I see a huge community issue, and here I am not speaking about specific individuals, posts, or threads. The tone and atmosphere @ usmb has changed over a period of time. Happens on boards all the time, but there is a tipping point on boards where a Rubicon is crossed.

I advocate more free speech where terrible speech exists. Always have been an ACLU type ( Marine critical of Obama should be booted from service, panel says - latimes.com ), but recognize that for a truly free individual, group, or society to remain free and open, requires a prerequisite and steadfast principle known as responsibility.

It is a general responsibility of the board to set the boundaries. I do not advocate everyone agreeing to any boundaries I would set, but I do know we all agree to the boundaries the site admin and staff set.

USMB is a public forum and as such it has a responsibility to maintain a truly free and open place within certain boundaries. The boundaries are needed to ensure the continued existence of the public forum. Anarchy is not freedom. Anarchy has less freedom than most forms of slavery.

Dante, I admire the fact you BAIT without regard to race, creed, color, or ethnic heritage. :D
Exactly... everything that little turd does here is an act... a pathetic act.

Racists, Nazis and other brands of bigots are the dullest knives in the drawer. After dealing with them for a while, they can be smelled from a mile away and seen where they are going before they even get there. They are extremely easy to trounce in a debate. We're talking about some of the stupidest, most backward, boneheads out there.

Critical thinking, requiring evidence for claims, and recognizing and identifying logical fallacies are all you need to bring attention to the ignorant nature of your basic dogmatist.

I think the true "dogmatists" are the ones insisting, against all evidence, that races are equal. Research -- from the most detailed of DNA analysis to everyday observations of human behavior -- demonstrates that races are inherently different. Whites and Asians clearly outdo blacks in the IQ category, for instance. Black and Hispanic crime is so disproportional to their share of the population that "racism" cannot possibly explain the entirety of the difference. Yet the insistence on "equality" has become a quasi-religion, and heretics are met with fury.
Racists, Nazis and other brands of bigots are the dullest knives in the drawer. After dealing with them for a while, they can be smelled from a mile away and seen where they are going before they even get there. They are extremely easy to trounce in a debate. We're talking about some of the stupidest, most backward, boneheads out there.

Critical thinking, requiring evidence for claims, and recognizing and identifying logical fallacies are all you need to bring attention to the ignorant nature of your basic dogmatist.

I think the true "dogmatists" are the ones insisting, against all evidence, that races are equal. Research -- from the most detailed of DNA analysis to everyday observations of human behavior -- demonstrates that races are inherently different. Whites and Asians clearly outdo blacks in the IQ category, for instance. Black and Hispanic crime is so disproportional to their share of the population that "racism" cannot possibly explain the entirety of the difference. Yet the insistence on "equality" has become a quasi-religion, and heretics are met with fury.

Which IQ tests? Stanford Binet? Wechsler? Culture Fair, which include spatial, and pattern recognition?

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