R. Lee Ermey, Gunnery Sargent Hartman, Black Listed by hollywood over obama...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....our favorite Marine was black listed for criticizing obama....

Hollywood Blacklisted R. Lee Ermey for Thought Crimes Against Barack Obama

Actor R. Lee Ermey, who died at 74 of pneumonia Sunday morning, was Exhibit A in the New Hollywood Blacklist. After criticizing Barack Obama in 2010, Ermey’s thriving film career immediately dried up. Even after apologizing, he was ostracized, fired by GEICO insurance and never did another commercial. After disappearing completely for a few years, he managed to appear in a couple of C-grade reality shows in the last few years of his life.

Iconic and talented, Ermey was a walking-talking example of left-wing Hollywood’s intolerance toward those they condemn as thought criminals.


“I’m an Independent, but I said something bad about the president. I had something unsavory to say about the president’s administration, and even though I did vote for him the first time around, I was blackballed … Do you realize I have not done a movie in five to six years? Why? Because I was totally blackballed by the… liberals in Hollywood. They can destroy you. They’re hateful people [who] don’t just not like you, they want to take away your livelihood… that’s why I live up in the desert on a dirt road… I don’t have to put up with their crap.” – video.
What a shame, he was quite a character. He was Full Metal Jacket's terrifying/hilarious "life of the party." I still have some of his lines memorized to this day:

"Who said that, who the fuck said that? Who's the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker over here who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy fucking godmother said it!"

"Texas?? Holy dogshit, only steers and queers come from Texas and you don't look like a steer so that kinda narrows it down! Do you suck dicks? Are you a peter-puffer? Bullshit, you look you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose!"

"You look like the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the asshole and not even have the goddamned common courtesy to give him a reach-around! I'll be watching you!"
Yep....our favorite Marine was black listed for criticizing obama....

Hollywood Blacklisted R. Lee Ermey for Thought Crimes Against Barack Obama

Actor R. Lee Ermey, who died at 74 of pneumonia Sunday morning, was Exhibit A in the New Hollywood Blacklist. After criticizing Barack Obama in 2010, Ermey’s thriving film career immediately dried up. Even after apologizing, he was ostracized, fired by GEICO insurance and never did another commercial. After disappearing completely for a few years, he managed to appear in a couple of C-grade reality shows in the last few years of his life.

Iconic and talented, Ermey was a walking-talking example of left-wing Hollywood’s intolerance toward those they condemn as thought criminals.


“I’m an Independent, but I said something bad about the president. I had something unsavory to say about the president’s administration, and even though I did vote for him the first time around, I was blackballed … Do you realize I have not done a movie in five to six years? Why? Because I was totally blackballed by the… liberals in Hollywood. They can destroy you. They’re hateful people [who] don’t just not like you, they want to take away your livelihood… that’s why I live up in the desert on a dirt road… I don’t have to put up with their crap.” – video.
Geez don’t paint the guy as a victimized pansy like yourself.

May he RIP

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