Questions for Atheists - ANSWERED!

I'm reminded of a South Park episode about Mormons that kind of relates to this stuff.

The Mormon kid says:

"Look, maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense. And maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up. But I have a great life. And a great family. And I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that! The truth is, I don't CARE if Joseph Smith made it all up. Because what the church teaches now is loving your family, being nice and helping people. And even though people in this town may think that's stupid, I still choose to believe in it.

"All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan. But you're so high and mighty that you couldn't look past my religion and just be my friend back. You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls."
Atheism is illogical. Always has been, always will be.

Agnosticism on the other hand can be rational, though often illogical premises are added to it.
Atheism is illogical. Always has been, always will be.

Agnosticism on the other hand can be rational, though often illogical premises are added to it.
Atheism is illogical. Always has been, always will be.

You know, a rational adult does not simply call something illogical; he also demonstrates , via argument, why it is illogical. Care to try? Let's see if you even know what that word means.
Atheism is illogical. Always has been, always will be.
Atheism as a conclusion is illogical, just as theism is illogical. Atheism as a premise is not only logical, but is the only rational position. When it comes to the existence of an unknown, the rational premise is to presume non-existence, and await objective evidence to demonstrate the contrary.
There is no way to prove that atheism is true.

If you tell an atheist that, they will say that the burden of proving God exists rests on the person who believes in God.

But it remains true, that atheists could not ever prove anything, if the burden rests on them.
There is no way to prove that atheism is true.
No, but the evidence favours Atheism.

If you tell an atheist that, they will say that the burden of proving God exists rests on the person who believes in God.
Of course. If you are going to claim anything is true whether it be God, unicorns, or leprechauns then the burden of proof is on you. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Think about it. If someone claimed to have a miniature invisible talking gorilla living in their doll house would it be up to the rest of the world to prove it didn't exist? Of course not.
But it remains true, that atheists could not ever prove anything, if the burden rests on them.
It is not up to anyone to prove a negative. Tell you what. If you can prove that every other god and/or gods that have ever been described by men throughout history don't exist, then we'll talk.
There is no way to prove that atheism is true.

So what? One does not have to prove there is no god in order to rationally proceed as if there is no god. Just as we dont have to lrove that unicorns and fairies do not exist, in order to rationally proceed as if they do not exist.
There is no way to prove that atheism is true.
No, but the evidence favours Atheism.

If you tell an atheist that, they will say that the burden of proving God exists rests on the person who believes in God.
Of course. If you are going to claim anything is true whether it be God, unicorns, or leprechauns then the burden of proof is on you. It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Think about it. If someone claimed to have a miniature invisible talking gorilla living in their doll house would it be up to the rest of the world to prove it didn't exist? Of course not.
But it remains true, that atheists could not ever prove anything, if the burden rests on them.
It is not up to anyone to prove a negative. Tell you what. If you can prove that every other god and/or gods that have ever been described by men throughout history don't exist, then we'll talk.
You don't see God in everything around you. That tells me you cannot be reached. And the fact is, removing the blinders is God's responsibility, not mine.

See? You're not the only one who can troll with amusing memes.
I would add to the Christianity thing, pay money to a guy who may or may not be a servant of your zombie master.
You idiots do know that he doesn't follow Christianity don't you?

Of course you do, but you're too much of a coward to mock HIS beliefs.
Ah, well, no I hadn't thought of that. Here, we'll go with this one:

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