Question's concerning Health Insurance companies?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Why is health insurance so high now for everyone, I mean so high that people either can't afford it anylonger (or) for the ones who do have it still, the deductible is now out of this world high on them, where as they are virtually getting nothing for their money paid into these companies (especially if healthy), but yet keeping still a policy active just encase ?

Could it be that the health insurance companies, are now trying to force the governments hand, by going higher and higher on the rates, in order that the government begins subsidizing the insurance industry even more for the working class masses, who can no longer pay after the super high deductible is either met or not met, and this for the ones who are barely hanging on in these situations these days, who have employer based health care policies ?

I want to know are these higher rates being done purposely by the insurance industry, in hopes of forcing the governments hand, to then pay for the ones who can no longer afford the total bill after (the deductible is met or not met), in which is expected to be paid for by the patient/worker after they use the policy sadly for what ever it was worth, thus leaving the Insurance industry with a huge healthy bottom line all because of the government finally kicking in (through assistance programs) and finally paying the difference on the bill for the patient/worker when all is said and done ????

The private sector in this nation has become experts now, at getting the feds to pay or subsidize them (while leaving them soveriegn in the process), while these industries are getting a garantee on their profits/money by way of the government, yet it is killing the ones who try and hang on without government assistance helping them at all in this big scheme of things now, in which is taken place in America yet again and again in this nation, and ultimately for the rich who are the soul beneficieries in the end, and this after all is said and done.

This was being done with the illegals as well in this nation, where the rich were working the illegals, but letting the government handle everything else for them (EBT, Welfare, Public Schooling etc), all outside of the low paid wages that they (the illegals) were receiving from the rich in the process.

How do you like it ((("Working Class America"))), and this is for all of you who have been taking care of the rich by way of paying your hard earned taxes to the government, just so they can inturn subsidize or hold up the rich in all their schemes concockted for their own self enrichment, while you the working class are being taken as the biggest fools that ever walked the face of this earth in these deals going on now ? How does it feel to know that you were purposely put out of work in your own nation, so that the rich could work someone less educated foriegn and illegal, and this while your government paid for them through entitlements and indirect subisidies given them, yet in the meantime your jobs, healthcare etc. were going away quicker than a short fuse could ignite the powder keg that would eventually burn down the entire barn around you ? It was once the illegals in a long list of these schemes, now it's health care premiums and on and on, so whats the game going to be tommorrow or the next day or the next I wonder?

Wake up America to the con game that is being played constantly on you. Just WAKE UP!!

Right now we have United Health Care, and according to my co-workers who have had to use it some, they say if totally reeks and is no good (won't hardly pay anything), and this I am told by them. The policy is an 80/20, but the deductible is to high, way to high... Now what do people do, when they are hit with a bill, but the premiums have already driven them down so low on their paychecks, that other bills had begun to suffer as a result of, so of course before long the domino affect takes over in the citizen budget, where many things begin to fall, and then what happens next ? The government steps in and pays the bill to the insurance company for the stricken down citizen, and the insurance companies all to well know this to be the case many times now, as is found in this nation today so previlent in our condition and society in which we have now going on in this nation.

The new policy offer was going to be a 60/40 shockingly, but now our company says that Gaurdian (the new policy holder), that even it's rates are going up (WOW), so they aren't going to make a move at the moment to the new policy, and thus we will be keeping what we have right now is the last word I got on this today. Paying $150.oo a week for family now, and the new policy was going to be $182.oo on the Gaurdian plan, and they are going higher????????? Kidding me right ?

Like I said earlier, is there a more sinister subsidizng plan at large these days in all of this (i.e. scratch my back, and I will scratch yours) maybe ? Why the extreme gouging found now within the health care industry in America anymore, and against average working class citizens, where people are not getting their money's worth anymore for the policies they do have now, and now those policies are going to reach heights that are un-sustainable & un-obtainable by the majority of workers/citizens in this nation anymore today ?

Anybody? :eusa_pray:
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Why is health insurance so high now for everyone,

it very very very simple. Democrats made competition illegal in health care.

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competiton and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it?

PLease promise me you'll vote Republican for the rest of your life each and every chance you get!!
Why is health insurance so high now for everyone, I mean so high that people either can't afford it anylonger (or) for the ones who do have it still, the deductible is now out of this world high on them, where as they are virtually getting nothing for their money paid into these companies (especially if healthy), but yet keeping still a policy active just encase ?

Could it be that the health insurance companies, are now trying to force the governments hand, by going higher and higher on the rates, in order that the government begins subsidizing the insurance industry even more for the working class masses, who can no longer pay after the super high deductible is either met or not met, and this for the ones who are barely hanging on in these situations these days, who have employer based health care policies ?

I want to know are these higher rates being done purposely by the insurance industry, in hopes of forcing the governments hand, to then pay for the ones who can no longer afford the total bill after (the deductible is met or not met), in which is expected to be paid for by the patient/worker after they use the policy sadly for what ever it was worth, thus leaving the Insurance industry with a huge healthy bottom line all because of the government finally kicking in (through assistance programs) and finally paying the difference on the bill for the patient/worker when all is said and done ????

The private sector in this nation has become experts now, at getting the feds to pay or subsidize them (while leaving them soveriegn in the process), while these industries are getting a garantee on their profits/money by way of the government, yet it is killing the ones who try and hang on without government assistance helping them at all in this big scheme of things now, in which is taken place in America yet again and again in this nation, and ultimately for the rich who are the soul beneficieries in the end, and this after all is said and done.

This was being done with the illegals as well in this nation, where the rich were working the illegals, but letting the government handle everything else for them (EBT, Welfare, Public Schooling etc), all outside of the low paid wages that they (the illegals) were receiving from the rich in the process.

How do you like it ((("Working Class America"))), and this is for all of you who have been taking care of the rich by way of paying your hard earned taxes to the government, just so they can inturn subsidize or hold up the rich in all their schemes concockted for their own self enrichment, while you the working class are being taken as the biggest fools that ever walked the face of this earth in these deals going on now ? How does it feel to know that you were purposely put out of work in your own nation, so that the rich could work someone less educated foriegn and illegal, and this while your government paid for them through entitlements and indirect subisidies given them, yet in the meantime your jobs, healthcare etc. were going away quicker than a short fuse could ignite the powder keg that would eventually burn down the entire barn around you ? It was once the illegals in a long list of these schemes, now it's health care premiums and on and on, so whats the game going to be tommorrow or the next day or the next I wonder?

Wake up America to the con game that is being played constantly on you. Just WAKE UP!!

Right now we have United Health Care, and according to my co-workers who have had to use it some, they say if totally reeks and is no good (won't hardly pay anything), and this I am told by them. The policy is an 80/20, but the deductible is to high, way to high... Now what do people do, when they are hit with a bill, but the premiums have already driven them down so low on their paychecks, that other bills had begun to suffer as a result of, so of course before long the domino affect takes over in the citizen budget, where many things begin to fall, and then what happens next ? The government steps in and pays the bill to the insurance company for the stricken down citizen, and the insurance companies all to well know this to be the case many times now, as is found in this nation today so previlent in our condition and society in which we have now going on in this nation.

The new policy offer was going to be a 60/40 shockingly, but now our company says that Gaurdian (the new policy holder), that even it's rates are going up (WOW), so they aren't going to make a move at the moment to the new policy, and thus we will be keeping what we have right now is the last word I got on this today. Paying $150.oo a week for family now, and the new policy was going to be $182.oo on the Gaurdian plan, and they are going higher????????? Kidding me right ?

Like I said earlier, is there a more sinister subsidizng plan at large these days in all of this (i.e. scratch my back, and I will scratch yours) maybe ? Why the extreme gouging found now within the health care industry in America anymore, and against average working class citizens, where people are not getting their money's worth anymore for the policies they do have now, and now those policies are going to reach heights that are un-sustainable & un-obtainable by the majority of workers/citizens in this nation anymore today ?

Anybody? :eusa_pray:

1. Short answer: government interference.

2. must buy the policies that your state says you can...

And the states dictate what must be included....not what you choose!

Here are some of the mandates the 50 states and District
of Columbia have imposed, followed by the number
of states. Unless indicated otherwise, the added cost
to insurance is less than 1 percent:
Benefits mandates:
• Alcoholism, 45 states (1 percent to 3 percent added
• Alzheimer’s, 2 states
• Ambulance services, 8 states
• Breast reconstruction, 48 states
• Chlamydia, 3 states
• Cleft palate, 14 states
• Contraceptives, 30 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Dental anesthesia, 29 states
• Diabetic supplies, 47 states
• Drug-abuse treatment, 34 states
• In vitro fertilization, 14 states (3 percent to 5 percent
added cost)
• Mental health general, 40 states (1 percent to 3
percent added cost)
• Mental-health parity, 42 states (5 percent to 10
percent added cost)
• Newborn hearing screening, 16 states
• Newborn sickle-cell testing, 3 states
• Off-label drug use, 37 states
• Port-wine stain (a skin discoloration) elimination,
2 states
• Prescription drugs, 3 states (5 percent to 10 percent
added cost)
• Prostate screening, 32 states
• Second surgical opinion, 9 states
• Well-child care, 31 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
Provider mandates:
• Acupuncturists, 11 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Chiropractors, 46 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Dentists, 36 states (3 percent to 5 percent added
• Dieticians, 3 states
• Marriage therapists, 13 states
• Massage therapists, 5 states
• Naturopaths, 3 states
• Osteopaths, 21 states (1 percent to 3 percent added
• Physical therapists, 16 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Podiatrists, 35 states
• Psychiatric nurses, 16 states
• Psychologists, 44 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Social workers, 27 states (1 percent to 3 percent
added cost)
• Speech or hearing therapists, 18 states
Covered-persons mandates:
• Adopted children, 42 states
• Conversion to nongroup insurance, 42 states (1
percent to 3 percent added cost)
Put another way, if
just these two
mandates were
repealed in
California, from
177,776 to 499,995
people could again
afford insurance. 07 Seiler bah.pdf

Get it?

No free market.

ObamaCare is the logical extension of this absurdity.
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Why is health insurance so high now for everyone

Government meddling in the market, both at the state and federal level (perhaps some local governments as well). Wherever government disrupts a free market (think healthcare, education), prices skyrocket in excess of the rate of inflation and measurable results go into the toilet. This is not the case in markets where the government meddles less (think computers, Apple, etc). A perfect example is to look at the price of airline tickets pre and post deregulation. It's not even close.

You want health insurance to become less expensive? Vote in free market advocates at the state and federal level. Choice, competition, innovation...less cronyism...will bring prices down and improve results. The central planners do NOT know better.
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State benefit mandates apply to fully insured health insurance plans, not self-insured health plans. The majority (60%) of Americans with group insurance are in a self-insured plan not subject to benefit mandates.

How did insurance premiums vary last year between fully insured plans (subject to state benefit mandates) and self-insured plans (not subject to state benefit mandates)? Across all firms:

Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Single Coverage
Fully Insured: $5,324
Self-Insured: $5,499​

Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Family Coverage
Fully Insured: $14,434
Self-Insured: $15,492​

Anyway, under the new law states have an incentive not to pass any additional benefit mandates on fully insured plans and in some cases state legislatures even have incentives to pare back some existing benefit mandates.
Why is health insurance so high now for everyone

Government meddling in the market, both at the state and federal level (perhaps some local governments as well). Wherever government disrupts a free market (think healthcare, education), prices skyrocket in excess of the rate of inflation and measurable results go into the toilet. This is not the case in markets where the government meddles less (think computers, Apple, etc). A perfect example is to look at the price of airline tickets pre and post deregulation. It's not even close.

You want health insurance to become less expensive? Vote in free market advocates at the state and federal level. Choice, competition, innovation...less cronyism...will bring prices down and improve results. The central planners do NOT know better.

Wait a minute here, but why is the government meddling in a market that needed no meddling in before, if this thing was going along as it should have been, and if so, then it should not have needed our attention as it had gotten from all of us lately right ? You see, this has been something that was coming for a long time now (these higher outrageous prices), that are a result of many things all considered, be it corruption and the overwhelming burdons placed upon the system by non-citizens (illegals), and people who abused the system for every cut and bruise, criminal get rich quick minded physicians excetra excetra, and so it just didn't start with Obama or within the last 4 years, and the only reason Obama has taken these issues on so strongly in his term as President, is because the majority of people wanted him to, and so he did. Now the question is, has he been effective in his attacking this huge problem so far ?

In some ways he has, now what is the track record of those who had come before him on the issue ?
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Wait a minute here, but why is the government meddling in a market that needed no meddling in before,

Why did Hitler Stalin and Mao meddle?? Its what liberals do because they are stupid.

When Jefferson gave us freedom from liberal meddling human history was instantly transformed.

Liberals lack the IQ to grasp that so want to go back to pre Jefferson times.
the only reason Obama has taken these issues on so strongly in his term as President, is because the majority of people wanted him to,

the majority folloed Hitler Stalin and Mao. If the majority mattered so much why bother with a Constitution, we can just consult the majority??

The majority was dead wrong for 10 million years. Only Jefferson was right in imposing freedom on us rather than the majority
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Is this a real or a rhetorical question? I really want to know the answer to that question. I've been in the private health insurance market since leaving corporate employment in 1972. I've shopped for and replaced policies along the way. I've mostly found it to be reasonably priced up until I went on Medicare. Right now my total costs for Medicare are higher than my costs for health insurance were when I went on Medicare.

If you're in the market for health insurance I suggest that you contact an independent commercial insurance agent, I.E. one which is not dutifully attached to a single company, in other words one which can sell insurance from a number of companies. They should have a dedicated agent who can give you some education about what's available, how it best fits your needs, and budget.

A great deal of the problem you may be having, and that most people have is that they believe the propaganda from the left which says that you nor most of us can afford health insurance, and if you do get it they'll screw you when you have a claim. I've never been denied any claim that I was legitimately entitled to, and that experience spans those 34 years I was in the private market for a family plan, and the previous 8 years when I was on group corporate plans.

All insurance policies are contracts between the purchaser and the insurance company. They inform you in that contract about what you are entitled to, what's required of you, and they give you a complete dictionary of definitions so that you can avoid confusion about terms.

It's interesting that the states which have the most mandates applied to their insurance companies, and regulates them the most have the least number of insurance companies operating within their jurisdiction. For instance the state of Maine's insurance industry is heavily regulated and mandated, and may now only have one or two insurance companies operating. They also have the highest insurance premiums in the US.

Indiana is insurance friendly and has among the lowest rates, and the greatest number of companies, some of which were Indiana start ups. Indiana also has very affordable health insurance for those with pre-existing health conditions, even those afflicted with incurable "orphan" diseases.
...but why is the government meddling in a market that needed no meddling in before...

Power, money, control, and more central planning.

People were not dying in the streets before 1964 (Medicare) nor before Nixon required businesses to provide health insurance. At one time, you could buy a 'bare-bone', emergency only policy...until the central planners decided what should and should not be covered. There was no need to meddle, but that has never stopped the meddlers. It's what they do.
State benefit mandates apply to fully insured health insurance plans, not self-insured health plans. The majority (60%) of Americans with group insurance are in a self-insured plan not subject to benefit mandates.

How did insurance premiums vary last year between fully insured plans (subject to state benefit mandates) and self-insured plans (not subject to state benefit mandates)? Across all firms:

Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Single Coverage
Fully Insured: $5,324
Self-Insured: $5,499​

Average Annual Premiums for Covered Workers with Family Coverage
Fully Insured: $14,434
Self-Insured: $15,492​

Anyway, under the new law states have an incentive not to pass any additional benefit mandates on fully insured plans and in some cases state legislatures even have incentives to pare back some existing benefit mandates.

"The majority (60%) of Americans with group insurance are in a self-insured plan not subject to benefit mandates."

So.....40% of such plans would immediately be far less expensive if there were no mandates, and individuals could choose coverage.

Shortly, the other 60% would find ways to purchase such plans.....sans government interference.

Mandated benefits (also known as “mandated health insurance benefits” and “mandates”) are benefits that are required to cover the treatment of specific health conditions, certain types of healthcare providers, and some categories of dependents, such as children placed for adoption. A number of health care benefits are mandated by either state law, federal law — or in some cases — both. Between the federal government and the states there are upwards of 2000 health insurance mandates.

Although mandates continue to be added as health insurance requirements, they are controversial. Patient advocates claim that mandates help to ensure adequate health insurance protection while others (especially health insurance companies) complain that mandates increase the cost of healthcare and health insurance.
Mandated Health Insurance Benefit Laws
Mandated health insurance laws passed at either the federal or state level usually fall into one of three categories:

Health care services or treatments that must be covered, such as substance abuse treatment, contraception, in vitro fertilization, maternity services, prescription drugs, and smoking cessation.

Healthcare providers other than physicians, such as acupuncturists, chiropractors, nurse midwives, occupational therapists, and social workers.

Dependents and other related individuals, such as adopted children, dependent students, grandchildren, and domestic partners.

The mandated benefit laws most often apply to health insurance coverage offered by employers and private health insurance purchased directly by an individual.

State Insurance Mandates and the ACA Essential Benefits Provisions
Why is health insurance so high now for everyone, ...Could it be that the health insurance companies, are now trying to force the governments hand,....
Anybody? :eusa_pray:

Heh. The insurance companies wrote Obamacare.

Like, you thought the AIG bail out was a random event?

The 1% own the government. Mussolini would be proud.
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the only reason Obama has taken these issues on so strongly in his term as President, is because the majority of people wanted him to,

the majority folloed Hitler Stalin and Mao. If the majority mattered so much why bother with a Constitution, we can just consult the majority??

The majority was dead wrong for 10 million years. Only Jefferson was right in imposing freedom on us rather than the majority
Well the majority being made up of Americans, umm I think they know what is right as found in the most of them, and what is wrong which is also known by the most of them, but for corporations who have a vested interest to protect now (Greed through Consumerism), it is their hopes that the majority are seen as some kind of foriegn enemy or total idiots, who want to destroy America now, when infact they are just Americans responding to the things that have been destroying their America, our America and all of our America in united we should all stand, concerning the goings on for the last 30 years or more now.
the majority being made up of Americans, umm I think they know what is right as found in the most of them, and what is wrong which is also known by the most of them,

so then why bother with the Constitution?? We'll always have a direct democracy to see how the majority feels. After all, they are Americans, not at all like those who followed Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Americans represent a higher rung on the evolutionary ladder- right????

but for corporations who have a vested interest to protect now (Greed through Consumerism), it is their hopes that the majority are seen as some kind of foriegn enemy or total idiots, who want to destroy America now, when infact they are just Americans responding to the things that have been destroying their America, our America and all of our America in united we should all stand, concerning the goings on for the last 30 years or more now.
that sounds totally idiotic and so perfectly liberal. Why be so afraid to give us your best example of "things that has been destroying America"???
Why is health insurance so high now for everyone, ...Could it be that the health insurance companies, are now trying to force the governments hand,....
Anybody? :eusa_pray:

Heh. The insurance companies wrote Obamacare.

Like, you thought the AIG bail out was a random event?

The 1% own the government. Mussolini would be proud.

too stupid but perfectly liberal. If the top 1% owned the county they would not be paying 40% all Federal Income taxes while the bottom 50% paid 0%!!!

See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
Wait a minute here, but why is the government meddling in a market that needed no meddling in before,

Why did Hitler Stalin and Mao meddle?? Its what liberals do because they are stupid.

When Jefferson gave us freedom from liberal meddling human history was instantly transformed.

Liberals lack the IQ to grasp that so want to go back to pre Jefferson times.

You lack IQ period.
Why is health insurance so high now for everyone, I mean so high that people either can't afford it anylonger (or) for the ones who do have it still, the deductible is now out of this world high on them, where as they are virtually getting nothing for their money paid into these companies (especially if healthy), but yet keeping still a policy active just encase ?

Could it be that the health insurance companies, are now trying to force the governments hand, by going higher and higher on the rates, in order that the government begins subsidizing the insurance industry even more for the working class masses, who can no longer pay after the super high deductible is either met or not met, and this for the ones who are barely hanging on in these situations these days, who have employer based health care policies ?

I want to know are these higher rates being done purposely by the insurance industry, in hopes of forcing the governments hand, to then pay for the ones who can no longer afford the total bill after (the deductible is met or not met), in which is expected to be paid for by the patient/worker after they use the policy sadly for what ever it was worth, thus leaving the Insurance industry with a huge healthy bottom line all because of the government finally kicking in (through assistance programs) and finally paying the difference on the bill for the patient/worker when all is said and done ????

The private sector in this nation has become experts now, at getting the feds to pay or subsidize them (while leaving them soveriegn in the process), while these industries are getting a garantee on their profits/money by way of the government, yet it is killing the ones who try and hang on without government assistance helping them at all in this big scheme of things now, in which is taken place in America yet again and again in this nation, and ultimately for the rich who are the soul beneficieries in the end, and this after all is said and done.

This was being done with the illegals as well in this nation, where the rich were working the illegals, but letting the government handle everything else for them (EBT, Welfare, Public Schooling etc), all outside of the low paid wages that they (the illegals) were receiving from the rich in the process.

How do you like it ((("Working Class America"))), and this is for all of you who have been taking care of the rich by way of paying your hard earned taxes to the government, just so they can inturn subsidize or hold up the rich in all their schemes concockted for their own self enrichment, while you the working class are being taken as the biggest fools that ever walked the face of this earth in these deals going on now ? How does it feel to know that you were purposely put out of work in your own nation, so that the rich could work someone less educated foriegn and illegal, and this while your government paid for them through entitlements and indirect subisidies given them, yet in the meantime your jobs, healthcare etc. were going away quicker than a short fuse could ignite the powder keg that would eventually burn down the entire barn around you ? It was once the illegals in a long list of these schemes, now it's health care premiums and on and on, so whats the game going to be tommorrow or the next day or the next I wonder?

Wake up America to the con game that is being played constantly on you. Just WAKE UP!!

Right now we have United Health Care, and according to my co-workers who have had to use it some, they say if totally reeks and is no good (won't hardly pay anything), and this I am told by them. The policy is an 80/20, but the deductible is to high, way to high... Now what do people do, when they are hit with a bill, but the premiums have already driven them down so low on their paychecks, that other bills had begun to suffer as a result of, so of course before long the domino affect takes over in the citizen budget, where many things begin to fall, and then what happens next ? The government steps in and pays the bill to the insurance company for the stricken down citizen, and the insurance companies all to well know this to be the case many times now, as is found in this nation today so previlent in our condition and society in which we have now going on in this nation.

The new policy offer was going to be a 60/40 shockingly, but now our company says that Gaurdian (the new policy holder), that even it's rates are going up (WOW), so they aren't going to make a move at the moment to the new policy, and thus we will be keeping what we have right now is the last word I got on this today. Paying $150.oo a week for family now, and the new policy was going to be $182.oo on the Gaurdian plan, and they are going higher????????? Kidding me right ?

Like I said earlier, is there a more sinister subsidizng plan at large these days in all of this (i.e. scratch my back, and I will scratch yours) maybe ? Why the extreme gouging found now within the health care industry in America anymore, and against average working class citizens, where people are not getting their money's worth anymore for the policies they do have now, and now those policies are going to reach heights that are un-sustainable & un-obtainable by the majority of workers/citizens in this nation anymore today ?

Anybody? :eusa_pray:

First of all, it's not a conspiracy. The problem is much bigger than blaming it on one thing or another. There are valid arguments from all spectrums as to what is driving up costs. Some examples include requiring insurance companies to offer coverage for unnecessary and unwanted services, the cost of malpractice insurance, the high cost of becoming a doctor, the high cost of new technologies which are just not cost effective. The last may well be one of the worst. Companies continue to find all types of new equipment that does absolutely wonderful things for three or four people. That is just an example, but if it works and it may extend someone's life by a few extra months, then insurance may well cover it, even if the cost is $100,000 per patient because it is only useful to a very limited number of patients.

Now we will get the argument from many that cost should not be considered if it is a matter of saving someone's life, but does that really make sense. Unless that one person is footing the bill themself, should everyone else be required to foot the bill for something so expensive when it is only helping a very few individuals. Of course if it is something that will benefit many people then it makes sense to cover the cost, and the cost is likely to come down. But this is not how it works, and it works this way because insurance companies want it to. Insurance companies are locked into making a very small profit margin, so the only way to increase profits is to drive up the costs. So when something new and expensive comes along, if it will help drive up costs, it's in the interest of the insurance companies to cover it.

Insurance companies create an environment where competition in pricing becomes irrelevant. This is why the free market system does not work well in healthcare. At the same time, removing insurance companies from the equation is problematic because most people could never afford an extended illness. This is why we pay for insurance, to cover us in case of catastrophe. But then we get back to a situation where insurance companies do not create a competitive environment for providers, so it is a vicious circle. In the end, most other countries have figured out that more government involvement actually works to reduce costs.

Honestly, one of the best systems in the world is that of Great Britain. Now many people will tell you how horrible it is. They will tell you how there are terribly long waits to see doctors and one horrible story after another. The truth is that in their public system, you do wait a bit longer than we would here in the US, especially if it is to see a specialist. If your condition is life threatening though, you receive immediate care. You also receive very good care. Now for those who want the gold treatment and choose to pay extra for it, Great Britain also allows for private insurance, and some people do choose to carry it. My understanding is that it works somewhat in conjunction with the NHS so that some services are still covered by the public system while others are paid for through private insurance. In the end, having private insurance is like holding a gold card that lets you move to the head of the line if you need to see a specialist or need non-life threatening surgery.
Honestly, one of the best systems in the world is that of Great Britain.

you're a liberal so you like it because its free-right? Are you communist who wants government to control all industries so everything can be free?

Do you have any idea at all why communism failed??
Honestly, one of the best systems in the world is that of Great Britain.

you're a liberal so you like it because its free-right? Are you communist who wants government to control all industries so everything can be free?

Do you have any idea at all why communism failed??

No he likes it because it costs half of what Americans does despite providing care to everyone and having better health outcomes.
Why do you think wasting money, and having people die is good?
We are only people who accept reality of which in reality the govt manages some things better then the private sector health care being one of them.
The ironic thing is that you are just like communists you refuse to accept reality and instead hold a world view based on ignorance
Honestly, one of the best systems in the world is that of Great Britain.

you're a liberal so you like it because its free-right? Are you communist who wants government to control all industries so everything can be free?

Do you have any idea at all why communism failed??

You are a blithering idiot who has no idea what communism is. You think supporting some type of safety net is communism. It is completely laughable. And who said anything about anything being free? You really are stupid. Nobody said anything is free. Of course you believe stupid shit like that because you are an idiot. I don't normally take to make fun of people, but you are about as dumb as they get.

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