Question for some on the Right


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
If you oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that a man has the right to labour for whom we will for what payment they might agree to, free of government intervention.... how do you justify laws banning 'illegals' from doing just that?
If you oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that a man has the right to labour for whom we will for what payment they might agree to, free of government intervention.... how do you justify laws banning 'illegals' from doing just that?

The term "illegal" says it all.

If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Get it? If not that's understandable.
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The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and outcompeting you?
The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and out competing you?

1. If said human being is in the wrong country he's illegal. Please read up on "sovereignty" of nations. Try explaining your theory to NK if they catch you ass in their country illegally.

2. See answer #1, all scabs aren't illegal, but all illegals are scabs. Its not out competing, its an illegal competition. We have illegals arrested frequently here. Jobs are scarce and citizen-taxpayers get the jobs, the illegals get deported.
The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and outcompeting you?

Can anyone be in Mexico illegally? You dishonest fuck.
If you oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that a man has the right to labour for whom we will for what payment they might agree to, free of government intervention.... how do you justify laws banning 'illegals' from doing just that?

Pasty faced limey says what?
If you oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that a man has the right to labour for whom we will for what payment they might agree to, free of government intervention.... how do you justify laws banning 'illegals' from doing just that?
Because we believe in Borders, Language and Culture. Without those, we have no country.
The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and outcompeting you?

A person is illegal if he came over to this country without obeying the immigration laws. He is an immigrant if he came over legally by obeying the immigration laws and waiting for his turn.
If he is an illegal, he is a criminal and can be arrested and put in prison or deported for his crime. Just that easy to understand.
The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and out competing you?

1. If said human being is in the wrong country he's illegal. Please read up on "sovereignty" of nations. Try explaining your theory to NK if they catch you ass in their country illegally.

2. See answer #1, all scabs aren't illegal, but all illegals are scabs. Its not out competing, its an illegal competition. We have illegals arrested frequently here. Jobs are scarce and citizen-taxpayers get the jobs, the illegals get deported.

So if Americans wanted to do the same job for 25 cents, you're kosher with that, right? Even though it is below your "rightful" wage.
If you oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that a man has the right to labour for whom we will for what payment they might agree to, free of government intervention.... how do you justify laws banning 'illegals' from doing just that?
Because we believe in Borders, Language and Culture. Without those, we have no country.
Ah, so it's just plain old xenophobia in your case?
I find it interesting that in two different threads, each side- Left and Right- is ultimately arguing the same thing: that they hate those who will work less for them

In other words, even the Right is shouting the same union rhetoric about how those who are willing to sell their labour power for less and outcompete them in the free labour market are somehow harming them- as though RC cola is committing some crime against Pepsi by making a competing product and selling it at a lower price.

Yet the Right is usually so apt to cite the free market as the answer to just about everything- and to condemn the minimal wage for artificially driving up the cost of labour while they themselves seek to use the State much as the unions use the picket line and the guilds used to use their own power to prevent outsiders from out-competing them in the market so they can drive up the price of what they're selling (in this case, their labour power)...

Yet both sides are so blinded by their own partisanship and class/party allegiance to realize that they're making the same argument in the end. Or maybe they realize it but just don't care?

They're both fucking syndicates. Any anarcho-syndicalist, union organizer, or impartial observer should be able to see it. It's a fascinating case study in us-them psychology and the role of ideology and rhetoric as they relate to human interaction at the inter-group level.
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actually many libertarians believe in a no-border policy as protectionism can extend to the work force just as it can to the import and sales of goods. ron paul is one of the few to break from this policy...

and illegals don't get hired b/c they are illegal
So to be a conservative you're cruel for wanting us to follow the law, but a lib is kind because he feels some laws aren't fair. But to be honest with yourself you would have to admit they wouldn't give a darn if it weren't the potential votes illegals represent. So let's get real, shall we?
actually many libertarians believe in a no-border policy as protectionism can extend to the work force just as it can to the import and sales of goods. ron paul is one of the few to break from this policy...

and illegals don't get hired b/c they are illegal

They get hired because they're cheap.
If you oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that a man has the right to labour for whom we will for what payment they might agree to, free of government intervention.... how do you justify laws banning 'illegals' from doing just that?

Because their illegal. I'm sorry but if the U.S. opened their boarders to everyone then there would be no one left in all of the other countries. Sneaking across illegally is a federal offence and should be treated as such. Furthermore, minimum wage laws are incentives to hire illegals. And I object to minimum wage laws on more than one point. Minimum wage is the most anti black law in the history of this country. Watch this video. At about 2:00 in he hits minimum wage and can explain it far better than I ever could. Enjoy!

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The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and outcompeting you?

How can a human being be "illegal"? Ever take a shower in prison lukemia? You sound like it.
The term "illegal" says it all.

How can a human being be illegal?
If I can work for a dollar as a fair wage, and an illegal works for $.25 for the same job, he is injuring me and my family when I can't make my rightful wage.

Rightful? So, basically, your complaint is that he's a scab and he's siding with the capitalist over the Union and outcompeting you?

How can a human being be "illegal"? Ever take a shower in prison lukemia? You sound like it.
You can be illegal sitting at home in front of the TV. Laws are in place for a reason. To bad the Dems don't like that simple fact of life.

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