Question for Jewish Americans


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Do you realize that (American) Evangelical Christians are the biggest supporters of Israel in the world today? Do you also realize that many of the special interest groups comprising the Democratic Party will abandon you as soon as your financial support is no longer needed? This is not intended as a flame; I am just perplexed by this seeming paradox. Where am I going wrong?
For starters, most American Jews recognize that the most vocal 'support' for Israel comes from EC's who have no fondness for Jews or Judaism, but merely wish to 'insure' that their 'End Times' scenario can take place.....

For another - just like any other subset of Americans, we are individuals with individual perspectives and motivations. Contrary to certain highly-promoted ideas we do not consciously nore deliberately vote as a bloc. Nor, by the way, do we have some kind of 'hivemind' .......

As a third: since we represent something less than 2% of the electorate and it doesn't seem we're any richer than anyone else with similar education levels - I am really doubtful of the interest in 'Jewish money' for political contributions, or its overall 'effectiveness'.
For starters, most American Jews recognize that the most vocal 'support' for Israel comes from EC's who have no fondness for Jews or Judaism, but merely wish to 'insure' that their 'End Times' scenario can take place.....

For another - just like any other subset of Americans, we are individuals with individual perspectives and motivations. Contrary to certain highly-promoted ideas we do not consciously nore deliberately vote as a bloc. Nor, by the way, do we have some kind of 'hivemind' .......

As a third: since we represent something less than 2% of the electorate and it doesn't seem we're any richer than anyone else with similar education levels - I am really doubtful of the interest in 'Jewish money' for political contributions, or its overall 'effectiveness'.

Factually this is incorrect in several places.

1. The most vocal support for Israel comes from Jews, not Christians.

2. Jews do have a diversity of views and opinions, but there are patterns. They are strongly left-wing and Democratic. That's just a fact. They love the liberal view on everything BUT Israel.

3. Jews claim to be 6 percent of the U.S. population, not 2. At that, they wield outsized influence in politics, education, law, culture and media. And yes, it is "bipartisan" to an extent -- Sheldon Adelson funds the Republicans, and George Soros funds the Democrats. But both get what they want and twist things in a Jewish direction.
Most Jews are anti-religious so are fearful of evangelicals. Most Jews remember the union days and civil rights movement so cleave to the party said to represent them. Most Jews are clueless. I can't help that.
2. Jews do have a diversity of views and opinions, but there are patterns. They are strongly left-wing and Democratic. That's just a fact. They love the liberal view on everything BUT Israel.

How is opposition to Israel liberal? Until at least the Six Day War those on the left were generally more supportive of Israel.
Even though most Jews in the United States are fairly prosperous, they have a collective memory of how it feels to be poor and persecuted. This contributes to their support for the Democrats.
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As can easily be seen, ther are about 5.2 million Jews among 312 million Americans. IOW, the less than 2% I mentioned.

Whoa, my friend!

Isn't interesting how the number of Jews involved in the Holocaust always goes UP

But the number of Jews in America when someone's defending what a tiny beleagured group they are always goes DOWN

the phrase "twist things in a Jewish direction" is troublesome. Take for example the "Arab Spring" movement that toppled longstanding authoritarian governments in Libya and Egypt. What "Jewish Twist" can be discerned in our policies towards these countries?

Who knows. If I had to guess, I'd say the Jews don't have a lot of love either for Arab dictators or the Islamists who replace them. They roll with what happens if they can't succeed in wirepulling the thing from the beginning. For instance, I'm sure Jews would prefer the Shah to Aquavelvajad in Iran.

If you're suggesting I believe that Jewish control of world events is absolute, I'm not. But it's there, and it particularly drives American policy. Anyone trying to dispute that is going to be the nutter, not me.

Problem is that the Jewish stranglehold over U.S. policy comes at a great cost to us, with no benefit. It's basically a rich, smart, small group that leverages white guilt to extract billions in aid and thousands in lives to advance their little ethnocentric project in the Middle East. I say boo to that. Especially since this disgusting little crew is the first to screech whenever whites make a murmur about THEIR OWN right to a peoplehood.
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The sad thing is that the average American citizen has been brain washed into believing that whatever is best for Israel is best for the U.S.

When the truth is just the opposite. :cool:
the phrase "twist things in a Jewish direction" is troublesome. Take for example the "Arab Spring" movement that toppled longstanding authoritarian governments in Libya and Egypt. What "Jewish Twist" can be discerned in our policies towards these countries?

Who knows. If I had to guess, I'd say the Jews don't have a lot of love either for Arab dictators or the Islamists who replace them. They roll with what happens if they can't succeed in wirepulling the thing from the beginning. For instance, I'm sure Jews would prefer the Shah to Aquavelvajad in Iran.

If you're suggesting I believe that Jewish control of world events is absolute, I'm not. But it's there, and it particularly drives American policy. Anyone trying to dispute that is going to be the nutter, not me.

Problem is that the Jewish stranglehold over U.S. policy comes at a great cost to us, with no benefit. It's basically a rich, smart, small group that leverages white guilt to extract billions in aid and thousands in lives to advance their little ethnocentric project in the Middle East. I say boo to that. Especially since this disgusting little crew is the first to screech whenever whites make a murmur about THEIR OWN right to a peoplehood.

What is the "great cost to us," other than higher oil prices? Or do you blame them for 9/11? Do you really want to see the extermination of "this disgusting little crew?" Or do you think that could never happen (again)?
the phrase "twist things in a Jewish direction" is troublesome. Take for example the "Arab Spring" movement that toppled longstanding authoritarian governments in Libya and Egypt. What "Jewish Twist" can be discerned in our policies towards these countries?

Who knows. If I had to guess, I'd say the Jews don't have a lot of love either for Arab dictators or the Islamists who replace them. They roll with what happens if they can't succeed in wirepulling the thing from the beginning. For instance, I'm sure Jews would prefer the Shah to Aquavelvajad in Iran.

If you're suggesting I believe that Jewish control of world events is absolute, I'm not. But it's there, and it particularly drives American policy. Anyone trying to dispute that is going to be the nutter, not me.

Problem is that the Jewish stranglehold over U.S. policy comes at a great cost to us, with no benefit. It's basically a rich, smart, small group that leverages white guilt to extract billions in aid and thousands in lives to advance their little ethnocentric project in the Middle East. I say boo to that. Especially since this disgusting little crew is the first to screech whenever whites make a murmur about THEIR OWN right to a peoplehood.

What is the "great cost to us," other than higher oil prices?

Death of our soldiers. Death of our civilians. Billions in military adventurism in Iraq/Afghanistan.

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