Question for gun grabbers

wanting guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies and terrorists doesn't make one a "gun grabber".... unless of course you're a terrorist, a criminal or a loon.

in which case i understand your consternation. i just don't give a rat's putout.

More willful ignorance. The gun grabbers do not want anyone to have guns except them self. Why do you think that every time a mass shooting happens your president starts yapping about gun control? What you should be more concerned about is why they refuse to prosecute people attempting to buy guns when they are not allowed to do so. The obama thugs never prosecute them, but every time we have butchering like at Orlando, this pos calls for more gun control. He wants ALL semi autos gone, you know, the ones they always call "assault rifles".

ban cars.jpg
you can

and you can keep guns away from abusers, people on the terrorist watch list and criminals. *shrug*

funny....we have laws against murder and some people break them. your logic fails.

And your logic is precise? If you want something stopped, just simply make a law against it and it will stop?

you don't think it's idiocy to say "oh we shouldn't pass a law because some people might break it"?

like i said.
You can?

Tell me has the war on drugs kept people from buying illegal drugs?

Of course it hasn't. Drug users and sellers are not on a watch list of some kind. You see, if we had a watch list and forbade any drug user and seller from drugs, that would solve the problem.

wanting guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies and terrorists doesn't make one a "gun grabber".... unless of course you're a terrorist, a criminal or a loon.

in which case i understand your consternation. i just don't give a rat's putout.

More willful ignorance. The gun grabbers do not want anyone to have guns except them self. Why do you think that every time a mass shooting happens your president starts yapping about gun control? What you should be more concerned about is why they refuse to prosecute people attempting to buy guns when they are not allowed to do so. The obama thugs never prosecute them, but every time we have butchering like at Orlando, this pos calls for more gun control. He wants ALL semi autos gone, you know, the ones they always call "assault rifles".

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and if a kid in school hits another kid with a stick we should give sticks to all the other kids?

you don't think it's idiocy to say "oh we shouldn't pass a law because some people might break it"?

like i said.

No, I think it's idiocy to believe that making such a law will solve any problem.

We have a problem with terrorists and crazy people in our country. So open the borders, keep the crazy people out of institutions, and go after the guns. Yeah, that's not idiocy.

Can you tell me how many people on the terrorist or airline watch lists have ever committed murder with a gun?

and if a kid in school hits another kid with a stick we should give sticks to all the other kids?


If the kid with the stick is going to have a stick no matter what regulations are in place, then yes, the only way for the other kids to defend themselves is with a stick.

The only way to stop a bad kid with a stick is a good kid with a stick.
So background checks are working?

Background checks have little to with anything. Crime is declining because the law abiding are armed. It's that simple. The problem with background checks is the NO ONE will prosecute those attempting to buy guns when they are not eligible to do so legally. They ignore criminals attempts. Just like the butcher in orlando. A gun store tipped off the FBI to his suspicious activities, and they did NOTHING.
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So why do we need more gun control when gun violence is going down? The situation is improving; leave it alone.
Did you know gun violence is actually on the decline, and has been since the 60s/70s?


wanting guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies and terrorists doesn't make one a "gun grabber".... unless of course you're a terrorist, a criminal or a loon.

in which case i understand your consternation. i just don't give a rat's putout.
Aand it's the worst poseur on USMB pretending to make a point.
In fact gun control ahs been an abject failure at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.
Murder rate in the USA today is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the UK today is virtually the same as it was in 1950 even after the strictest of their gun laws were passed in the 60s

So tell me how gun bans lessen murder rates
wanting guns out of the hands of criminals, crazies and terrorists doesn't make one a "gun grabber".... unless of course you're a terrorist, a criminal or a loon.

in which case i understand your consternation. i just don't give a rat's putout.

You cannot stop crazy people from owning guns. What don't you understand? It's not hard to buy a gun from the black market. All gun control will do is give black market arms dealers more business. The only people that would be hindered by gun control are those that have respect for the law. Your view on this matter is illogical.

you can

and you can keep guns away from abusers, people on the terrorist watch list and criminals. *shrug*

funny....we have laws against murder and some people break them. your logic fails.
How do you propose keeping guns from criminals?
Did you know gun violence is actually on the decline, and has been since the 60s/70s?

Did you know this fails as a straw man fallacy – as there are no ‘gun grabbers.’

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

‘Taking guns’ would be un-Constitutional, any measure enacted authorizing guns be ‘taken’ would be immediately enjoined and subsequently struck down.

And that gun violence is decreasing is not ‘justification’ to refuse to enact lawful, Constitutional measures that will help further facilitate a decrease in gun violence.
Did you know gun violence is actually on the decline, and has been since the 60s/70s?

Did you know there are more guns in the country than ever before? That virtually ANYONE can get their hands on a gun?
That last night there was no big raid to confiscate guns. That if you want to buy a gun today, you can.

Where is that "gun grabbing" going on?

When you go into "gun free" zones, which is why shooters are going there ...
Did you know gun violence is actually on the decline, and has been since the 60s/70s?

Did you know this fails as a straw man fallacy – as there are no ‘gun grabbers.’

No one wants to ‘take your guns.’

‘Taking guns’ would be un-Constitutional, any measure enacted authorizing guns be ‘taken’ would be immediately enjoined and subsequently struck down.

And that gun violence is decreasing is not ‘justification’ to refuse to enact lawful, Constitutional measures that will help further facilitate a decrease in gun violence.

Yes, every thread not by liberals is a "strawman," and the more accurate it is, the more a straw man it is!

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