Question for conservatives who oppose ACA

Do you agree with Trump's goal of keeping the requirement that insurance companies sell policies to people who are already sick?

No. You can't buy auto insurance after you have an accident and expect them to pay for it. Ditto for home insurance, they aren't going to pay for your house burning down or getting burglarized after you get a policy. So why should anybody get HC coverage for a pre-existing condition?

Seems to me the best option would be a mandatory federal deduction from every paycheck for catastrophic HCI just like SSI. It won't cover anything other than high-cost care stuff, and I think it should be up to the states to offer HCI coverage beyond that, with the proviso that no insurance company can be denied the opportunity to offer policies in any state as long as they aren't ripping people off. In those instances I think the state should be able to hammer the insurance company hard, to include jail time for the top executives of that company.

A mandatory tax on a paycheck is against everything the republicans are about... It would never happen with this administration.

I think Trump would do it cuz he's on record as saying everyone needs coverage. But as you say it'll never happen but not because of him but rather the GOP controlled Congress. It's the only way I can see to help the low income and no-income people, a Trust Fund for catastrophic HC similar to the SSTF but not allowing the pols to get their grubby hands on any excess money for a given year. And everybody pays into the fund, even the self-employed.

Trump can't just impose a tax by himself, he would need congressional approval first.

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