Question for black folks concerning Obama.

Even though Obama is white and has failed the black community as all democrats have done, will you still vote for him?

The election is over he won. There is no way that Obama could or should have a "black agenda". If he did, the obstructionist tormentors that he faced in his first term would be nothing compared to the anarchy in the streets that would reign if he developed and publicly endorsed anything specifically "for blacks".

The black population will only improve over time through self reliant economic restructuring in predominately black communities and retaining, and recirculating the majority of black dollars within black communities.
Your still full of shit Aristotle no matter what name you go by!
Here is an excellent book. Many excellent points in this article.

I haven't read the book but it doesn't take much thought to understand where it is coming from if you are a conservative minded individual such as myself. Libs well not hard to figuare they will jump though any hoop to say it is racist. Good link though.
The question has been asked what had conservative america done for blacks. Quite a bit actually.
Affirmative action: A well meaning construct. Push whites back from eduction and jobs there by opening the door to education and jobs for blacks. While the door stood wide open to them. They wouldn't enter. After all didn't education mean BOOKS and jobs WORK. The door wide open created the vacuum filled by Asians in education and Mexicans in hard work jobs. Fast forward to today with whites out of the way we now have too few doctors and health professionals and no whites doing any kind of hard dirty work.
Point being White conservative America had a bad idea forced upon it with unintended consequences That helped neither black nor white.
I feel he's done a terrific job so far,with who and what he has to work with.So his wife is Black,you ever heard of LOVE,plus he has two beautiful girls. Your envy is showing.

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