Question about joining the Navy


Oct 6, 2017
I was born with a club foot and had a titanium lengthening rod put in my leg due to being born with one leg longer than the other.. I had the surgery in 2014 and all went well and I am doing great now, both of my legs are equal in length and I can physically do anything anybody else can.. Also, I can fit into the same uniform and gear just like anyone else. Would that disqualify me from joining the Navy or any other branch of the military? Any response or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Forgot his name, but that black dude lost a leg and stayed a Navy Diver.
But yeah..ask a recruiter. Maybe desk job?
Yes. That is him. Or was. Is he still alive? Saw the movie. Cuba Gooding did an excellent job, as usual.
Yes. That is him. Or was. Is he still alive? Saw the movie. Cuba Gooding did an excellent job, as usual.

He died back in 2006. I met him at Norfolk Naval Station in 1978.

He looked nothing like Cuba Gooding Jr.
I was born with a club foot and had a titanium lengthening rod put in my leg due to being born with one leg longer than the other.. I had the surgery in 2014 and all went well and I am doing great now, both of my legs are equal in length and I can physically do anything anybody else can.. Also, I can fit into the same uniform and gear just like anyone else. Would that disqualify me from joining the Navy or any other branch of the military? Any response or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

sorry-----you will probably have lots of trouble-----you COULD get your local congressmen to support your efforts. Education is a factor
The Navy would probably disqualify you, but you can always get into a gay bar.
The Navy would probably disqualify you, but you can always get into a gay bar.

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