Question about Groups


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
If someone starts a group....does that someone become "manager" of it and have the ability to remove members if the members break the rules of the Group? Not be a mod or admin of the whole place here at USMB..just has some mod powers as a Group Manager sorta thing?

And if not...if I were to make a group, for example, and did my invites (still an example), and someone insulted someone else and although I asked them to not do such things, they did anyway....could I remove that person from the group or do I have to go thru admins and mods here to do it?

Just curious.
Usually, when you start a group, you are the Admin, and can add and reject anyone you like. Depending on the settings of the forum, you may be able to remove certain members as well.
All I know for sure is you can make a group invite only because I've seen it and also after I very first started posting here there was some drama because some people got kicked out of a group for expressing different views but only the one managing the group can do it.

You should ask BDBoop-I think she runs Left Leaning and that appears to be invite only.
It is, and yes - you can boot people.

Unfortunately, no group is truly private, so anybody who has enough hate in their heart can take what is said out of the group, and down to the basement, where they can flame themselves senseless.

Something to keep in mind.
People who take what is said in a private group where people are getting along and sharing their daily experiences and slap it down in the basement to make fun of are losers and not worthy of attention. They only need the hate to keep themselves fueled.'s good to know that it happens here and made aware of it.
Keep in mind that Site Wide Rules do apply to all Groups, and though Groups are lightly moderated, they are not outside of the Law or the Rules.
Thanks. I figured that, and counted on it :)

I did make a group...but damned if I could figure out how to start a first thread in it. I couldn't find where to post anything. All it did was take me back to all groups. When I clicked on my new group...with no members yet since I just made took me back to all groups again. I couldn't get IN it. So..I deleted it.
Do you still run that Left Leaning group, BD?

If so, can you send me an invite if I am not already a member? :)
Me too if you guys decide to resurrect the group. Also yours too Gracie if you can get it going. I know a lot of these groups have members but aren't overly active and some have leaders that aren't around anymore.

So we'll see, but if it can be done, it might be fun. :)
Let's just head to BDBoop's group and chat there?! No need for me to make one when hers is already up and running. Let's bring our pillows to flop on, and I'll see if I can find an ice chest for drinks. :)

Send me an invite, Boop!
I'm there!

Now ya just gotta get it repopulated again. Let me know if I can help.
I'm there!

Now ya just gotta get it repopulated again. Let me know if I can help.

Roger, Roger! Most of the members still belong and are active out on the board, they just don't think to check in on groups.

You can subscribe to the threads in the group - that way you know when someone posted something new!

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