Queensland’s floods have cost grain farmers an estimated $400 million

Untrue, the warmer the climate becomes the LESS unstable the weather becomes. Take a look at the weather of the equator someday.

warm air=much more moisture and heavier rains. The tropics gets extreme heavy rains. A warmer earth would be a one of swamps and heavy down pours.:tongue: Just picture 85-200 mya and 400-600 mya.

Wrong again boyo. The equator has a continuous low pressure gradient due to the warm air. The air rises and comes back down to Earth at around the 30 degree lattitude both north and south. Those areas are known as the Horse latitudes and the trade winds generated flow towards the equator where they die out in the doldrums. Calm light winds is the norm with lots of gentle rain showers all day long all over the place. If you're sailing through the area it sucks but if you're cruising having a good time it is simply wonderful.

That low pressure forms because of warm air converging and raising. The clouds within the tropics can be 50, 60 thousand feet and is mostly cumulonimbus clouds, which don't normal have steady rains like stratus that the pacific northwest enjoys for most of the year. These cumulonimbus clouds are convective in nature and can produce down pours...Most thunderstorms on earth occur within the tropics...Your right about the raising of the air and the sinking once you get to 25-35 north, which are where the deserts of our earth are mostly. The rain within a tropical rain forest is convective and can be very heavy indeed. I'm saying the tropics can have rains that rain inches and inches in a very short time.
warm air=much more moisture and heavier rains. The tropics gets extreme heavy rains. A warmer earth would be a one of swamps and heavy down pours.:tongue: Just picture 85-200 mya and 400-600 mya.

Wrong again boyo. The equator has a continuous low pressure gradient due to the warm air. The air rises and comes back down to Earth at around the 30 degree lattitude both north and south. Those areas are known as the Horse latitudes and the trade winds generated flow towards the equator where they die out in the doldrums. Calm light winds is the norm with lots of gentle rain showers all day long all over the place. If you're sailing through the area it sucks but if you're cruising having a good time it is simply wonderful.

That low pressure forms because of warm air converging and raising. The clouds within the tropics can be 50, 60 thousand feet and is mostly cumulonimbus clouds, which don't normal have steady rains like stratus that the pacific northwest enjoys for most of the year. These cumulonimbus clouds are convective in nature and can produce down pours...Most thunderstorms on earth occur within the tropics...Your right about the raising of the air and the sinking once you get to 25-35 north, which are where the deserts of our earth are mostly. The rain within a tropical rain forest is convective and can be very heavy indeed. I'm saying the tropics can have rains that rain inches and inches in a very short time.

Yes and so can Los Angeles, or almost any other place on the planet. "Crazy" weather occurs when you have cold air meeting warm air. If the air is uniformly warm you have no "crazy" weather.
LOL. Now who in hell ever said that global warming was going to produce uniformly warm air? Look at the weather patten for the last decade. We see increasing swings, very wet, then very dry. Very cold, then very warm.

One of the major predictions of global warming is that we will see wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. That is exactly what we are seeing and the toll on agriculture has just began.
LOL. Now who in hell ever said that global warming was going to produce uniformly warm air? Look at the weather patten for the last decade. We see increasing swings, very wet, then very dry. Very cold, then very warm.

One of the major predictions of global warming is that we will see wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. That is exactly what we are seeing and the toll on agriculture has just began.

Fine. Good. Great. Wonderful.

You people will never get it. You think about earth and its changes on YOUR terms and perspective of time. Not earth's perspective of time. NEWSFLASH: THE EARTH GOES THROUGH FUCKING CHANGES. BIG ONES An entire super contient is now seven separate continents. Where I live was once under a mile of ice. Another time it may have been a jungle. We would think absolutely nothing of Queensland growing fields flooding, if the human life span was on the order of thousands of years as oppossed to tens of years.

It is absoultely asanine to believe you would be able to grow corn in the same field forever without mother nature interferring with it at some point. And it is absolutely asanine to believe that a change like that can't possibly happen in your life time. Therefore it is absolutely asanine to point things out like, massive rains hear, flooding there, glaciers receeding over here as if they are some major never before seen catastrophy that man should do something about.
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It is absolutely asinine to ignore the scientific evidence that we have created many of these problems ourselves through the amount of GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.
The heavy rains have returned to the Philippines. Their rainy season should have ended in Nov.

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines, Dec. 30 (UPI) — Five days of rain have caused floods and landslides and displaced more than 4,000 in Albay province in the Philippines, officials said.
Latest news, Latest News Headlines, news articles, news video, news photos - UPI.com Top_News/ World-News/ 2010/ 12/ 30/ Floods-hit-Philippines-province-of-Albay/ UPI-70681293718948/
A quote I’ve never seen before, from an observer on the ground -

“It’s like a typhoon without wind,” Salceda said of the storms.

Salceda said the storm is a “treacherous” and “silent killer.”

Nine dead in Egypt, Saudi flooding

MECCA, Saudi Arabia — Flash flooding killed a man and three children in the Mecca region of Saudi Arabia on Thursday, as waste-high water snarled traffic in the nearby Red Sea port of Jeddah, where 123 people died in flooding last year.

Google hostednews/ afp/ article/ ALeqM5gwgwu5YxPgDCJ2gqxsIpn9K7yg5g?docId=CNG.a69773e48a0970301352054d0054365c.df1
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Heavy rain, flood warnings

Evert Scholtz, a forecaster with the South African Weather Services, told IRIN that heavy rain was expected over Angola, central South Africa, parts of Botswana and northern Namibia over the next five days.

Parts of South Africa experienced heavy floods in the second week of December, displacing at least 1,200 families, according to state media.

IRIN Africa | SOUTHERN AFRICA: Heavy rain, flood warnings | Angola | Botswana | Lesotho | Madagascar | Mauritius | Malawi | Mozambique | Namibia | Seychelles | Swaziland | South Africa | Zambia | Zimbabwe | Early Warning | Environment | Natural Disas
LOL. Now who in hell ever said that global warming was going to produce uniformly warm air? Look at the weather patten for the last decade. We see increasing swings, very wet, then very dry. Very cold, then very warm.

One of the major predictions of global warming is that we will see wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. That is exactly what we are seeing and the toll on agriculture has just began.

Because whenever the globe has been warmer there has been a corresponding decrease in natural disasters. The Roman Warming Period, the Medieval Warming Period both witnessed far less cases of flooding and food production soared due to a gentler climate. Read some history as well as your end of the world nonsense.
It is absolutely asinine to ignore the scientific evidence that we have created many of these problems ourselves through the amount of GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

It is absolutely assinine to think that because the alarmists have manipulated data that makes the data real. We don't KNOW whether we are the ones causing the increase or not to be frank. The natural expulsion of CO2 is so many orders of magnitude greater than what man introduces as to make the assertion that man is the last straw on the camels back absurd.

There is ZERO empirical data to support the theory that CO2 drives temperatures. There is loads that shows CO2 rises 800 years AFTER warming begins. Post that study again olfraud. Let everyone see it agan or are you afraid to?
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Heavy rain, flood warnings

Evert Scholtz, a forecaster with the South African Weather Services, told IRIN that heavy rain was expected over Angola, central South Africa, parts of Botswana and northern Namibia over the next five days.

Parts of South Africa experienced heavy floods in the second week of December, displacing at least 1,200 families, according to state media.

IRIN Africa | SOUTHERN AFRICA: Heavy rain, flood warnings | Angola | Botswana | Lesotho | Madagascar | Mauritius | Malawi | Mozambique | Namibia | Seychelles | Swaziland | South Africa | Zambia | Zimbabwe | Early Warning | Environment | Natural Disas

Here you go Matthew is this early enough for you? I randomly typed in weather and 1789 and these are a few of what showed up.

"To James Fenwick
Gunston-Hall, March 8th. 1789.

I am sorry I am disappointed in shipping all our Wheat by the Ship Maryland; but it was impossible to help it; the bad weather which delayed Mr. McCarty's Boat so long, also prevented Mr. Linton's Vessel from getting out of Quantico Creek, until it was too late to send up any more Wheat for this Ship; but I shall depend upon getting Room for what we have left, in the Becky; and as I expect she will be quickly dispatch'd, it may probably make no great Differrence to me; and I beg you will get the Matter so fixed, that I may not be again disappointed. The Bearer, Mr. McCarty's shipper, brings up eight or nine Hhds. of Tobo. for my Son George.

You will be pleased to let me know, by a Line, when he returns, at what time the Ship Becky will certainly be ready to take in Wheat, & I will begin to send ours up immediately; and if this can not be yet known; as soon as it can, you will be good to inform me, by a letter per Post; directed to be left at the Post Office in Colchester; I shall be anxious to get our Wheat up in due time. My People went down again, as soon as the River opened, to Chickamuxan, to expect my Tobo. &; dispatch Messrs. F. & S.s Gaft; but have not vet return'd. I imagine the hard Frost, last Wednesday night, stop'd up the mouth of Chickamuxan Creek; or perhaps the low Tides have kept the Craft aground. She will surely be up, the first good Day; & I hope will bring up my Tobo. in time for the Ship Maryland. I am dear Sir, Your most obdt. Sert.
G Mason"

The Encyclopedia of Dumfries Virginia 1789-1793 ©


First Inaugural Address

Qld floods hit more than 200,000 people

Anna Bligh says the disaster has a long way to run before recovery efforts can begin in earnest, with 22 towns or cities inundated or isolated.

The crisis is still unfolding in the inland town of Emerald and the coastal city of Rockhampton is expected to be devastated within days.

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“This disaster is a long way from over. We’re not into the recovery stage yet. It’s some way off,” Ms Bligh told the Nine Network on Friday.
Breaking News: Latest Business, Local, National & World News breaking-news-national/ qld-floods-hit-more-than-200000-people-20101231-19bb4.html
Hmm.... The South Pacific Islands are esperiancing unuasual precipitation, as is South Africa and Australia. While South America is experiancing a major drought and record heat. A major drought in Argentina and Uraguay. A major drought in Brazil in areas that only a year ago saw record flooding.

Wider and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall warming trend.
It is absolutely asinine to ignore the scientific evidence that we have created many of these problems ourselves through the amount of GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

It is absolutely assinine to think that because the alarmists have manipulated data that makes the data real. We don't KNOW whether we are the ones causing the increase or not to be frank. The natural expulsion of CO2 is so many orders of magnitude greater than what man introduces as to make the assertion that man is the last straw on the camels back absurd.

There is ZERO empirical data to support the theory that CO2 drives temperatures. There is loads that shows CO2 rises 800 years AFTER warming begins. Post that study again olfraud. Let everyone see it agan or are you afraid to?

I see, dumb ass. All the newspapers are lying about the record heat in Argentina and Uraguay. Same for South Africa and Brazil.

And there you go with that yap yap about no evidence that CO2 is a GHG. Just because the physics of the absorbtion spectra of CO2 says differantly just proves that CO2 is liberal, probably has communistic tendencies:lol:
It is absolutely asinine to ignore the scientific evidence that we have created many of these problems ourselves through the amount of GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

It is absolutely assinine to think that because the alarmists have manipulated data that makes the data real. We don't KNOW whether we are the ones causing the increase or not to be frank. The natural expulsion of CO2 is so many orders of magnitude greater than what man introduces as to make the assertion that man is the last straw on the camels back absurd.

There is ZERO empirical data to support the theory that CO2 drives temperatures. There is loads that shows CO2 rises 800 years AFTER warming begins. Post that study again olfraud. Let everyone see it agan or are you afraid to?

I see, dumb ass. All the newspapers are lying about the record heat in Argentina and Uraguay. Same for South Africa and Brazil.

And there you go with that yap yap about no evidence that CO2 is a GHG. Just because the physics of the absorbtion spectra of CO2 says differantly just proves that CO2 is liberal, probably has communistic tendencies:lol:

Funny how with you loons if it is hot anywhere on the planet it is sure proof of global warming and when millions of critters are dying from cold.....it's weather.

And yes the newspapers have been reporting the lies they have been told by sleaze ball fraudsters. You know the people you sold your sould to.

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