Queen Elizabeth Death Discussion Thread

During a debate on will England impose sanctions on South Africa to help end Aparthied the P.M. Maggie Thatcher was leaning toward the Conservatives voting for no sanctions, The Queen got involved and changed the direction of the debate to support sanctions. So she did get involved. You gotta love a gal who hunts brown bears and other predators on foot in spot and stalk :thup: :) May she R.I.P. may her life be always reported with truth.
What of the Groomer Of The Stool does he have his shit together. The Illuminati Meeting shall be one with the Moon Of Scrotums
My ancestors also fought for the colonies in the American Revolution... and that doesn't diminish the British monarchy. You are certainly petty and mean spirited which is not a good look on an American patriot.

Godspeed Queen Elizabeth.

I have nothing against her personally and WOULD NEVER go to British forums to denigrate their Queen. (Unlike foreigners here who denigrate America on the daily.) My problem is that **Americans** are obsessed with the British monarchy. Hello, fellow citizens. Many, many of our ancestors fought AND DIED to break away from this system and their people. So, just stop fawning. You don't have to be disrespectful. But fawning is not required.
I have nothing against her personally and WOULD NEVER go to British forums to denigrate their Queen. (Unlike foreigners here who denigrate America on the daily.) My problem is that **Americans** are obsessed with the British monarchy. Hello, fellow citizens. Many, many of our ancestors fought AND DIED to break away from this system and their people. So, just stop fawning. You don't have to be disrespectful. But fawning is not required.

The British Royal Family's name, the House of Windsor, was changed from the former name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in 1917 because of its German origin.

In 2015, The Sun published a film recorded in 1933 that showed the Queen Mum, Uncle Edward (who would be crowned king in '36), along with the recently deceased Queen, Elizabeth II, and her sister Margaret all raising their arms in a Nazi salute.

The kids are not to blame for the grotesqueness of that gesture for they didn't know any better -- but the two adult Nazi sympathizers did know and history should hold them accountable.

Light is now shone why Prince Harry chose a Nazi desert uniform, swastika and all, for a costume back in 2005.

Yup it looks like this is it. Our paedo enabling Queen is on he way out and will be replaced by her corrupt son. He accepts payments in cash wrapped up in carrier bags,
Even republicans are putting on a sad face for fear of the backlash.
And i dont get it.
She has lived a life of luxury whilst ignoring the suffering of the people. She hasnt lifted a finger to alleviate any of this.
The tories murdered thousands of old people during covid and there were no state funerals for them.
Time to end this worn out relic and install a republic based on meritocracy
Something you and I disagree on. We often don't, but on this we do. She has done plenty for her people and those around the world. Do you think you will work 11 months a year from the age of 26 to 96? Don't think so.

If you call being gawked at 14 hours a day on most days of the week a life of luxury, or eating cucumber sandwiches, or having a household in terms of maids and footman always being around, and having literally no privacy, a life of luxury. Won't even go into the fact she dedicated her life to that of service to her country and the Commonwealth.

The US is a republic-based 'meritocracy' apparently. Given the choice which has the better system, it's a no brainer.
Something you and I disagree on. We often don't, but on this we do. She has done plenty for her people and those around the world. Do you think you will work 11 months a year from the age of 26 to 96? Don't think so.

If you call being gawked at 14 hours a day on most days of the week a life of luxury, or eating cucumber sandwiches, or having a household in terms of maids and footman always being around, and having literally no privacy, a life of luxury. Won't even go into the fact she dedicated her life to that of service to her country and the Commonwealth.

The US is a republic-based 'meritocracy' apparently. Given the choice which has the better system, it's a no brainer.
You really need to be here to appreciate the levels of shit attached to this.
The establishment are using this event to reinfirce an outdated and irrelevant institution that oppresses all of us.
We laugh at North Korea and similar but it is really no different. A bloke got arrested yesterday for calling Andrew a paedo. A wman got arrested for holding up a sign that said "Not my King".
Those are extreme eamples where a policeman has made a bad call but the period of forced mourning is absolutely intolerable.
On saturday they stopped 7 year olds from playing football.
this is the state of play.
Then new king is a philanderer ho takes bribes off arab Sheikhs. His brother is a paedo who paid off an accuser with £12m. His mother gave him the cash to do so.
The king is head of the church now ,our spiritual leader.
they sit at the top of a pyramid of privilege and patronage that depends on subjugation of the people who do the work and keep the country running.
If I go to watch my team tonight I will be forced to stand thru a minutes silence to someone I care nothing about. That is tyranny.
As a Welshman I was told on friday that william is the new prince of Wales. Even our first minister found out on the tv news. That is how you treat a colony.
Fuck them all.
its a bit disjointed I know. But its not about a 90 year old woman. Its about control and power.
You really need to be here to appreciate the levels of shit attached to this.
The establishment are using this event to reinfirce an outdated and irrelevant institution that oppresses all of us.
We laugh at North Korea and similar but it is really no different. A bloke got arrested yesterday for calling Andrew a paedo. A wman got arrested for holding up a sign that said "Not my King".
Those are extreme eamples where a policeman has made a bad call but the period of forced mourning is absolutely intolerable.
On saturday they stopped 7 year olds from playing football.
this is the state of play.
Then new king is a philanderer ho takes bribes off arab Sheikhs. His brother is a paedo who paid off an accuser with £12m. His mother gave him the cash to do so.
The king is head of the church now ,our spiritual leader.
they sit at the top of a pyramid of privilege and patronage that depends on subjugation of the people who do the work and keep the country running.
If I go to watch my team tonight I will be forced to stand thru a minutes silence to someone I care nothing about. That is tyranny.
As a Welshman I was told on friday that william is the new prince of Wales. Even our first minister found out on the tv news. That is how you treat a colony.
Fuck them all.
its a bit disjointed I know. But its not about a 90 year old woman. Its about control and power.
I have never been into the monarchy and for some time was against it and then I became neutral. Most people enjoy it and it is a very good tourist attraction but I definitely agree that we could do without this extremely expensive ten days of pageantry/mourning. I haven't seen anyone mourning. Possibly the hope was a redo of Dianna's but it hasn't been. In any case she had had a good innings as they say ,so more a celebration. No need to cry.

Then I listened to Democracy Now and they were speaking to some people about Kenya. One man who is an Intellectual and whose ancestors were warriors against colonialism, two of whom got killed for no decent reason - one because he couldn't hear when he was asked to stop. He told a different story of the queen. He said everything was done for her. They went into speaking about the mass cruelty there was in the camps we kept these people in....and then things got talking about the reality that this summer there is expected to be millions of deaths in Africa from starvation due to Climate Change and Drought.... Somalia itself is expecting one and a half million deaths and they started asking what we were spending all the money we had got. Well we are apparently spending £250 billion on this ten days of pageantry. Just imagine how much help that could give to those countries and people's we exploited and now have given climate disaster to.

The Queen herself I have nothing against and though it was not seen by those speaking she apparently cared about the Commonwealth a great deal.

Another thing which came up was Bristol and that statue which people toppled last year and how he had been involved in the horrors they had experienced in Kenya and the guy was thinking we might have changed and I thought OMG they were threatening to put people in jail for eternity if they did that again. No we have not changed. Te were talking about Liverpool as well being built by slavery.

So I guess I see Royalty in two ways. I don't have a problem with the UK one, but I do feel we have a responsibility towards it on the international level and in that I would agree with you that Royalty is about Control and power and how it is being manipulated at the moment appears to be an attempt to get Nationalism strong. A woman in the highlands brought out a picture of her with words welcoming her death or something and put it on youtube. Not necessarily the best thing to do at such a time but she put her life in danger. Within a short while a crowd of angry lunatics had arrived and started throwing things at her shop, writing graffiti on it and then attacking it with bricks. The police had to come and rescue her. Certainly this is not good feelings which have been stirred. I also agree with your concerns about freedom of speech.
I have never been into the monarchy and for some time was against it and then I became neutral. Most people enjoy it and it is a very good tourist attraction but I definitely agree that we could do without this extremely expensive ten days of pageantry/mourning. I haven't seen anyone mourning. Possibly the hope was a redo of Dianna's but it hasn't been. In any case she had had a good innings as they say ,so more a celebration. No need to cry.

Then I listened to Democracy Now and they were speaking to some people about Kenya. One man who is an Intellectual and whose ancestors were warriors against colonialism, two of whom got killed for no decent reason - one because he couldn't hear when he was asked to stop. He told a different story of the queen. He said everything was done for her. They went into speaking about the mass cruelty there was in the camps we kept these people in....and then things got talking about the reality that this summer there is expected to be millions of deaths in Africa from starvation due to Climate Change and Drought.... Somalia itself is expecting one and a half million deaths and they started asking what we were spending all the money we had got. Well we are apparently spending £250 billion on this ten days of pageantry. Just imagine how much help that could give to those countries and people's we exploited and now have given climate disaster to.

The Queen herself I have nothing against and though it was not seen by those speaking she apparently cared about the Commonwealth a great deal.

Another thing which came up was Bristol and that statue which people toppled last year and how he had been involved in the horrors they had experienced in Kenya and the guy was thinking we might have changed and I thought OMG they were threatening to put people in jail for eternity if they did that again. No we have not changed. Te were talking about Liverpool as well being built by slavery.

So I guess I see Royalty in two ways. I don't have a problem with the UK one, but I do feel we have a responsibility towards it on the international level and in that I would agree with you that Royalty is about Control and power and how it is being manipulated at the moment appears to be an attempt to get Nationalism strong. A woman in the highlands brought out a picture of her with words welcoming her death or something and put it on youtube. Not necessarily the best thing to do at such a time but she put her life in danger. Within a short while a crowd of angry lunatics had arrived and started throwing things at her shop, writing graffiti on it and then attacking it with bricks. The police had to come and rescue her. Certainly this is not good feelings which have been stirred. I also agree with your concerns about freedom of speech.
Its a forced hysteria with people trying to out do each other. When Diana died I remember Noel from Oases saying that all these people were visiting her grave when they didnt vist the graves of theri own family. He was right.

I dont have any problem with their mourning. I have a problem with being forced to be a part of it. Have a look at this nonsense.


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