"QOP" pin up girl offended when asked a question by reporters

In the UK this week a member of the royal family was advising young mothers about homeschooling. We cannot be held up as an example of common sense.
Homeschooling in the UK has grown 40% in the last three years, according to the BBC.

Time to pull your head out of your ass and look around you.
TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
The press was invited and no mention was made about not being able to ask questions.

And "when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone."
The free press is a First Amendment Civil Right. Unless this was a private interview lunatic girl has no right for restricting the press.

It wasn't a press event. The press was invited to cover the TH for constitutes to ask question. The reporter is from Tennessee.
You are making crap up for defending your nutjob lunatic domestic terrorist. She is a coward who was afraid of answering questions and you are trying to portray her as a victim.

What am I making up?
You have no idea or knowledge of the invitation communications and details of town hall meetings in the community.

The information is in the OP's linked article.

The invitation was to cover the event, press was informed they could not ask question, questions were for constituents, which would not include the report who is from Tennessee.

Now once again what am I making up?
They were told when they turned up after being invited. Tough shit. She could have answered a question her constituents would have liked to have seen answered.

TV crew knew beforehand questions were not allowed.
So they hung around and asked a question anyway.

Why the fake outrage?
Why hold a public event where folk cant ask questions ? The nazi slag invited them.

The event was for the public to ask questions and was not a press event...liberals whining about threats of arrest for the press :auiqs.jpg:
The press was invited and no mention was made about not being able to ask questions.

And "when the TV crew arrived they were told they would not be allowed to ask questions or speak with anyone."
The free press is a First Amendment Civil Right. Unless this was a private interview lunatic girl has no right for restricting the press.

It wasn't a press event. The press was invited to cover the TH for constitutes to ask question. The reporter is from Tennessee.
You are making crap up for defending your nutjob lunatic domestic terrorist. She is a coward who was afraid of answering questions and you are trying to portray her as a victim.

What am I making up?
You have no idea or knowledge of the invitation communications and details of town hall meetings in the community.

The information is in the OP's linked article.

The invitation was to cover the event, press was informed they could not ask question, questions were for constituents, which would not include the report who is from Tennessee.

Now once again what am I making up?
They were told when they turned up after being invited. Tough shit. She could have answered a question her constituents would have liked to have seen answered.

The reporter acknowledged the press was invited to cover the event, they were not invited to participate because they are not constituents and it wasn't a press event...not sure why this is so hard to understand. If you want I can pull up numerous videos of democrats refusing to answer questions from the press.


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