Putting blacks down is panering to tea party at it's lowest.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


Give me a frigging break. Cain believe I should look to these for my retirement and medical care and for my children’s education. What are these people doing for the homeless and jobless?

If Government got out of your lives you would not have a life. Do us all a big favor Cain and stay the hell out of Government.

When you destroy Government, you destroy people and GOP T-Party congress is hell bent on doing just that.

If Obama fails, we all fail and the next president in line will fail also.

GOP stay the hell out of my government. Government created Social Security, Medicare and other social services programs and they are the one who will fix it if it need fixing. I get my Social Security check each month. I get medical care when I use my Medicare card. No church or charity has ever done that for me. Matter of fact they are always begging for my pennies.

I got you number Cain and I will not be calling you and on behalf of al Blacks. How the hell do he expect the black vote when all he do is put blacks down.

Blacks have not reached the promise land yet, Mr. Cain and left up to you they never will.

Cain putting Blacks down is pandering to White T-Bagger at it lowest.
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.


Give me a frigging break. Cain believe I should look to these for my retirement and medical care and for my children’s education. What are these people doing for the homeless and jobless?

If Government got out of your lives you would not have a life. Do us all a big favor Cain and stay the hell out of Government.

When you destroy Government, you destroy people and GOP T-Party congress is hell bent on doing just that.

If Obama fails, we all fail and the next president in line will fail also.

GOP stay the hell out of my government. Government created Social Security, Medicare and other social services programs and they are the one who will fix it if it need fixing. I get my Social Security check each month. I get medical care when I use my Medicare card. No church or charity has ever done that for me. Matter of fact they are always begging for my pennies.

I got you number Cain and I will not be calling you and on behalf of al Blacks. How the hell do he expect the black vote when all he do is put blacks down.

Blacks have not reached the promise land yet, Mr. Cain and left up to you they never will.

Cain putting Blacks down is pandering to White T-Bagger at it lowest.

Who in the Hell are you to Judge What a black man says about his own Race? Whites are critical of our own Race all the time, and were not attacked for it. Cain is not the only Black person in America to feel the way he does.

I swear you Libs man, You think you know everything, and you don't know a damn thing.
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.

She's already getting Social Security and Medicare. Maybe she's unable to "work for it."
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.

Many of them DID "work for it" their entire lives - while paying into Social Security. Many of them were also robbed of their pension plans by corporate raiders.

'Retirement Heist': How Firms Trimmed Pensions : NPR
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.
yeah yeah, i used to think that way too, decades ago....but as you get older, things can change.

i'm not working, at a job anymore but i am busy as a beaver....just because you don't work at a paying job does not mean you are idle....that's actually when you have the time to do things that count!!! That have true meaning....and when you can be more helpful to the needy!


Give me a frigging break. Cain believe I should look to these for my retirement and medical care and for my children’s education. What are these people doing for the homeless and jobless?

If Government got out of your lives you would not have a life. Do us all a big favor Cain and stay the hell out of Government.

When you destroy Government, you destroy people and GOP T-Party congress is hell bent on doing just that.

If Obama fails, we all fail and the next president in line will fail also.

GOP stay the hell out of my government. Government created Social Security, Medicare and other social services programs and they are the one who will fix it if it need fixing. I get my Social Security check each month. I get medical care when I use my Medicare card. No church or charity has ever done that for me. Matter of fact they are always begging for my pennies.

I got you number Cain and I will not be calling you and on behalf of al Blacks. How the hell do he expect the black vote when all he do is put blacks down.

Blacks have not reached the promise land yet, Mr. Cain and left up to you they never will.

Cain putting Blacks down is pandering to White T-Bagger at it lowest.

Are you black? I have feeling you aren't? I saw your other thread how many black people do you know?

I have a lot of black friends, I live in a predominantly black neighborhood, and I know a lot the racists will scoff at this on here, many of whom are tea partiers, but most of my idols coming up have been black.

I'm not a tea partier, but I like Cain a lot. This post is just dumb and like many of the Cain haters, a deluded view of reality.

If you want to say his 999 plan doesn't work, won't get passed, and even venturing into more crony capitalism. I understand those doubts and respect those opinions, but labeling him ignorant and I know how else many would label him. That is ignorant, and just so dumb I do not have enough intelligence to articulate a strong enough argument that has fallen deep into that pit of racism. You are over thinking it. People have different perceptions of what is wrong and what people need to do, but most of it comes from love not some form of hate.

A person wouldn't waste there time and put up with the ridicule if it was outta hate. He would say screw you and let you continue on this path of self destruction, and kick back and enjoy it.

I can't even begin to explain your lack of understanding the issues facing social security and medicare. It's all over the news. Even though yours would not be touched, you still refuse any risk of changes and all you do is screw all of us even more as prior generations have done, thanks.
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.
yeah yeah, i used to think that way too, decades ago....but as you get older, things can change.

i'm not working, at a job anymore but i am busy as a beaver....just because you don't work at a paying job does not mean you are idle....that's actually when you have the time to do things that count!!! That have true meaning....and when you can be more helpful to the needy!

lol so we should pay you so you can go off and do things that have "true meaning" while we work to pay for your life?

I'm having a hard time what you are saying... I could interpret it many ways you wouldn't like and I don't mean to overstep but a sever flaw in your character.
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.

Many of them DID "work for it" their entire lives - while paying into Social Security. Many of them were also robbed of their pension plans by corporate raiders.

'Retirement Heist': How Firms Trimmed Pensions : NPR

I understand this, my uncle lost everything. I don't see changes being suggested that cut social security for considerable time in which the people affected are still in the prime earning years of their lives. Life expectancy will continue to grow and people will work longer. Looking at reforming it considering the population changes we will experience, which is a reason we need immigration and will weigh heavily into this debate. They really need to look at it though, and I definitely think this needs to be accounted for if they ever get around to discussing tax and entitlement reform.
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.
yeah yeah, i used to think that way too, decades ago....but as you get older, things can change.

i'm not working, at a job anymore but i am busy as a beaver....just because you don't work at a paying job does not mean you are idle....that's actually when you have the time to do things that count!!! That have true meaning....and when you can be more helpful to the needy!

lol so we should pay you so you can go off and do things that have "true meaning" while we work to pay for your life?
I'm having a hard time what you are saying... I could interpret it many ways you wouldn't like and I don't mean to overstep but a sever flaw in your character.

Just curious - what do you know about his/her life that qualifies you to pass judgment?
There is only one person who should be concerned about your retirement: You.

If you don't care enough about it to work for it, then it's not that important to you and you shouldn't complain when you don't have one.

I dont plan on retiring. I like working. And Ill find some other work to do. Its healthy for people to work. Its not healthy for us to be idle.

She's already getting Social Security and Medicare. Maybe she's unable to "work for it."

If you are conscious you have the ability to work in some way.
Well, when you have a murder or rape rate making up 60 percent of all cases within the US...You will be judged harshly on it. But, I guess a certain people are more equal than others within the leftist view.
the black males committing these crimes make up only 6% of the US population !!:eek:
yeah yeah, i used to think that way too, decades ago....but as you get older, things can change.

i'm not working, at a job anymore but i am busy as a beaver....just because you don't work at a paying job does not mean you are idle....that's actually when you have the time to do things that count!!! That have true meaning....and when you can be more helpful to the needy!

lol so we should pay you so you can go off and do things that have "true meaning" while we work to pay for your life?
I'm having a hard time what you are saying... I could interpret it many ways you wouldn't like and I don't mean to overstep but a sever flaw in your character.

Just curious - what do you know about his/her life that qualifies you to pass judgment?

I have a feeling you are interpreting this in a very typical liberal view, he is disabled or something and I'm saying we should just ignore them... That's not what I'm saying and what he said didn't sound like that

But if he is able to work, no I don't want to pay to support him so he can post on a message board. I don't know if that is a thing that has "true meaning" but by having people working to pay for his lifestyle that comes with an inherent judgement of our time being worth less than his.

It's less of a judgement of him and more of an equality issue. Why does this person have a right to my income? I don't care what they do with their time that has "true meaning" if you are unemployed I shouldn't be paying for you. Do you not get this? I feel like I shouldn't of even had to explain this it is quite ridiculous.

And so if you are asking me what his life is worth if he is unemployed and capable of work but chooses not to in order to spend time doing things with "true meaning", I don't know. He wouldn't get much from me. Do you give every homeless person a considerable person of your income? They are more worthy of money than the person I just described, and most ignore them. Do you see my point?

EDIT- And if I misinterpreted her as being unemployed as opposed to retired those are two very different things. Retired people pay into the system and we should take care of them, perhaps you knew of her circumstances but I did not. I think my other posts and this one make clear my opinion on where I stand.
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Well, when you have a murder or rape rate making up 60 percent of all cases within the US...You will be judged harshly on it. But, I guess a certain people are more equal than others within the leftist view.
the black males committing these crimes make up only 6% of the US population !!:eek:

"The New York Times publishes an interactive online map of New York city with impressive statics on all the murders between 2003-2009.

New York City averaged 540 murders per year during that time. Using all the murders in which the race of the perpetrator is know, the black murder rate is almost 13 times the white murder rate in New York City. Now some might say that white people are better at getting away with murder. Well, most murders are intra-racial. The percentages of murder victims by race matches the percentage of known perpetrators almost exactly. If you calculate murder rate by race using the races of the victims, and round the intra-racial murder rate up to 100%, you get nearly the exact same results.


Using both methods we find that the murder rate for blacks in NYC is about 13 times the white murder rate in NYC.

Murder Rate per 100k: (source New York Times), Population figures are 2006 estimate.

White: 1.3 (7% of perpetrators, 35% of population)
Asian: 1.7 (3% of perpetrators, 12% of population)
Hispanic: 7.0 (29% of perpetrators, 27% of population)
Black: 16.6 (61% of perpetrators, 24% of population)"
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I've had too many to drink tonight but this racism shit is done. I've had enough. I'm not black but ido easily would tell you all to shove it.

It's time to move on.
In Chicago blacks make up 32.4% of the population but commit 75% of the murders.


Chicago Police department 2009

Prove me wrong?
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In Chicago blacks make up 32.4% of the population but commit 75% of the murders.


Chicago Police department 2009

Prove me wrong?

It simply proves that blacks are working twice as hard as crackers. Just think what they'd do if they had real jobs.

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