Putin's Foreign Policy: Nuclear Blackmail Of The USA - West


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Does USA buy Putler´s BS? or everyone sees that he is buffing ? whats about Trump?

You didn’t listen to our country then... Listen to us now.”
Vladimir Putin, announcing that Russia has developed and is testing a new line of strategic nuclear-capable weapons

Looking to bolster his image with the electorate prior to Russia's impending Presidential elections, Vladimir Putin's has chosen the tried and tested route for such leaders - create an enemy for the people to worry about, and to focus their minds.

Putin has very little to offer the ordinary Russian. Inflation and unemployment continue to rise, EU and US sanctions imposed after the illegal annexation of Crimea limit choices and opportunities.

Beating the war drums, and invoking memories of the so-called "Great Patriotic War", all with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church, which both at home and abroad is no less an instrument of the Kremlin than are the FSB (successor to the KGB) or the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence), always plays with the Russian populace outside the Metropolitan capitals.

Although the result of the March 18th election is likely to have been pre-determined, Putin will be anxious to increase the turnout - a poor attendance will undermine his credibility amongst the elites and abroad although ordinary Russians will hear the story Putin wants them to hear, and that message is that the Motherland is under threat from the US and NATO, and only Putin can save them." Putin's Foreign Policy: Nuclear Blackmail Of The West - EU Today
The US/West chose to be the aggressor after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It culminated with placing missiles right up to Russia's borders. We wouldn't tolerate Russia placing missiles in Mexico or Cuba. Russia has always considered the missiles to be an act of aggression.

Americans just don't often hear the other side's point of view. They only get bombarded with Government/Corporate Media propaganda. It's always healthy & wise to listen to what the other side has to say. Putin and Russia have some valid points.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..

Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.
And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.
It does, eh? Interesting.

What country are you from?

I'm from the US. And it is fact the CIA has been installing Puppet Governments all over the world for several decades. Russia can't hold a candle to the US in that regard. The US meddles everywhere. That's why i find it so entertaining seeing folks whining so much about other nations possibly meddling in our Election. If they did meddle, it would = a sort of 'Karmic Justice.'
And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.
It does, eh? Interesting.

What country are you from?

I'm from the US. And it is fact the CIA has been installing Puppet Governments all over the world for several decades. Russia can't hold a candle to the US in that regard. The US meddles everywhere. That's why i find it so entertaining seeing folks whining so much about other nations possibly meddling in our Election. If they did meddle, it would = a sort of 'Karmic Justice.'
So, let's get this straight: we should not complain or worry about attacks on our system, because we have attacked the system of other countries.

Right? I want you to think a little more about what you are saying, here.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

Libs are desperate for a world war. Its very disturbing.

Yeah, all because their corrupt jerk Hitlery lost. We shouldn't be moving towards another Cold War or possibly WWIII. Russia should be an ally. Russians and Americans actually have so much in common. The Democrats' behavior since losing the Election, has been appalling. Hopefully Americans will make them pay for it at the Ballot Box in future Elections. But i guess we'll see.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

Libs are desperate for a world war. Its very disturbing.

Yeah, all because their corrupt jerk Hitlery lost. We shouldn't be moving towards another Cold War or possibly WWIII. Russia should be an ally. Russians and Americans actually have so much in common. The Democrats' behavior since losing the Election, has been appalling. Hopefully Americans will make them pay for it at the Ballot Box in future Elections. But i guess we'll see.
Actually, it's you right wing freaks who have becaome little.foitsoldiers for Russian interests, to the detriment of our own and those of our allies. Russia is not our friend. They want territory and resources and parts of the economy that may come at our expense. They are fometnting right wing nationalism worldwide to weaken our alliances and treaties. And you goobers just couldn't be happier to do their little dirty work

Trust me, they are very surprised and pelased by your eager compliance.
And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.
It does, eh? Interesting.

What country are you from?

I'm from the US. And it is fact the CIA has been installing Puppet Governments all over the world for several decades. Russia can't hold a candle to the US in that regard. The US meddles everywhere. That's why i find it so entertaining seeing folks whining so much about other nations possibly meddling in our Election. If they did meddle, it would = a sort of 'Karmic Justice.'
So, let's get this straight: we should not complain or worry about attacks on our system, because we have attacked the system of other countries.

Right? I want you to think a little more about what you are saying, here.

The US meddles everywhere. No other nation on earth meddles more. Its CIA has rigged countless Elections worldwide. I mean flat-out rig-jobs. Not just 'influencing' Elections. And how many Coups has the CIA been behind over the last several decades?

So yeah, it is pretty entertaining watching Americans whining about their own Politicians seeking out foreign entities to influence their Election. Clinton hired the Brit Steele to work with the Russians to smear Trump. Your own Politicians sought out the 'meddling' you're whining about. You should be angry with them.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

Libs are desperate for a world war. Its very disturbing.

Yeah, all because their corrupt jerk Hitlery lost. We shouldn't be moving towards another Cold War or possibly WWIII. Russia should be an ally. Russians and Americans actually have so much in common. The Democrats' behavior since losing the Election, has been appalling. Hopefully Americans will make them pay for it at the Ballot Box in future Elections. But i guess we'll see.
Actually, it's you right wing freaks who have becaome little.foitsoldiers for Russian interests, to the detriment of our own and those of our allies. Russia is not our friend. They want territory and resources and parts of the economy that may come at our expense. They are fometnting right wing nationalism worldwide to weaken our alliances and treaties. And you goobers just couldn't be happier to do their little dirty work

Trust me, they are very surprised and pelased by your eager compliance.

Trump is placing more sanctions on russia....even moreso than O did. Do you have a problem with that?
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

you and the rest of your numbnut pals have NO clue what I want derpieboi --

I want, and this country deserves a POTUS that brings truth, pride, and integrity with him, and not the goddamn Russian's and Russian lovers who think invading our democracy is OK ..

F this pissant president and his entire drone collective - Reagan turned over in his grave so you can kiss his butt.

Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

you and the rest of your numbnut pals have NO clue what I want derpieboi --

I want, and this country deserves a POTUS that brings truth, pride, and integrity with him, and not the goddamn Russian's and Russian lovers who think invading our democracy is OK ..

F this pissant president and his entire drone collective - Reagan turned over in his grave so you can kiss his butt.


You should be much angrier at your Hitlery for seeking out that 'meddling' you're whining about. She paid Steele to collude with the Russians to smear Trump. Your own Politicians seek out such 'meddling.' They pay big bucks for it. You should hold your Hitlery accountable first, before hopping up on your high horse preaching to others.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

Libs are desperate for a world war. Its very disturbing.

Yeah, all because their corrupt jerk Hitlery lost. We shouldn't be moving towards another Cold War or possibly WWIII. Russia should be an ally. Russians and Americans actually have so much in common. The Democrats' behavior since losing the Election, has been appalling. Hopefully Americans will make them pay for it at the Ballot Box in future Elections. But i guess we'll see.

The behavior of many on the left has been borderline psychotic. One guy I work with, I though we were going to have to have him committed, he literally was freaking out.

I don't get it.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

Libs are desperate for a world war. Its very disturbing.

Yeah, all because their corrupt jerk Hitlery lost. We shouldn't be moving towards another Cold War or possibly WWIII. Russia should be an ally. Russians and Americans actually have so much in common. The Democrats' behavior since losing the Election, has been appalling. Hopefully Americans will make them pay for it at the Ballot Box in future Elections. But i guess we'll see.

The behavior of many on the left has been borderline psychotic. One guy I work with, I though we were going to have to have him committed, he literally was freaking out.

I don't get it.

I don't either. Its very disturbing.
Does USA buy Putler´s BS? or everyone sees that he is buffing ? whats about Trump?

You didn’t listen to our country then... Listen to us now.”
Vladimir Putin, announcing that Russia has developed and is testing a new line of strategic nuclear-capable weapons

Looking to bolster his image with the electorate prior to Russia's impending Presidential elections, Vladimir Putin's has chosen the tried and tested route for such leaders - create an enemy for the people to worry about, and to focus their minds.

Putin has very little to offer the ordinary Russian. Inflation and unemployment continue to rise, EU and US sanctions imposed after the illegal annexation of Crimea limit choices and opportunities.

Beating the war drums, and invoking memories of the so-called "Great Patriotic War", all with the help of the Russian Orthodox Church, which both at home and abroad is no less an instrument of the Kremlin than are the FSB (successor to the KGB) or the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence), always plays with the Russian populace outside the Metropolitan capitals.

Although the result of the March 18th election is likely to have been pre-determined, Putin will be anxious to increase the turnout - a poor attendance will undermine his credibility amongst the elites and abroad although ordinary Russians will hear the story Putin wants them to hear, and that message is that the Motherland is under threat from the US and NATO, and only Putin can save them." Putin's Foreign Policy: Nuclear Blackmail Of The West - EU Today
Russia can blackmail us after all the own 20 percent of the US nuke material.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

you and the rest of your numbnut pals have NO clue what I want derpieboi --

I want, and this country deserves a POTUS that brings truth, pride, and integrity with him, and not the goddamn Russian's and Russian lovers who think invading our democracy is OK ..

F this pissant president and his entire drone collective - Reagan turned over in his grave so you can kiss his butt.


Jesus, calm the fuck down already.. you're behaving like an insolent, mentally disturbed child.
Vlad can do anything he wants ..


Why do you want a new Cold War or possibly WWIII, so badly? You lost an Election. Get over it for God sake. And besides, your own Government meddles in more foreign elections than any other nation on earth. Russia doesn't even come close.

Libs are desperate for a world war. Its very disturbing.

Yeah, all because their corrupt jerk Hitlery lost. We shouldn't be moving towards another Cold War or possibly WWIII. Russia should be an ally. Russians and Americans actually have so much in common. The Democrats' behavior since losing the Election, has been appalling. Hopefully Americans will make them pay for it at the Ballot Box in future Elections. But i guess we'll see.

The behavior of many on the left has been borderline psychotic. One guy I work with, I though we were going to have to have him committed, he literally was freaking out.

I don't get it.

Democrat Fake News. It's incited such madness since the Election. It's a radicalization process. There are many dangerous deranged Democrats out there. They've been radicalized.
just the facts about Muscovy :

"Population of Russia. Statistics, facts, comments, forecasts ....

The territory of Russia is 17.075.260 square meters. km and mainly lies north of 55 ° N. Approximately 85% of the territory is not suitable for permanent comfortable living of the population. For a happy life, the Russians still have 2.561.289 square meters. km. those. real Russia is slightly larger than Sudan, but less than Kazakhstan.

The total number of settlements is 157.895, of which more than 30.000 are still without telephone communication. Most of the 39,000 abandoned villages and settlements are in the Central Federal District, the Northwest, the Far North, Siberia and the Far East.

In Russia only 65% of housing has been gasified. Up to 75% of Russia's food needs are covered by imports.

Life in Russia is satisfied with two categories of people: those who are not in the know and those who are in the share.

The total population of Russia, according to the latest information, is about 132,000,000 people.

Out of the total population:
- 57% are people of retirement and retirement age - 75.240.000
- the personnel of the army together with contractors, conscripts, civilians, personnel of auxiliary enterprises, scientific institutes, design bureaus and universities - 1.139.000
- personnel of the FSB, FSO, FPS, FAPSI, SVR, etc. - 2.140.000
- full-time employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures, the Federal Migration Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Ministry, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor's Office - 2.539.000
- customs, tax, sanitary and other inspectors - 1.238.000
- officials of licensing, controlling and registration bodies - 1.312.000
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and State Border Guard institutions (CIS, UN, UNESCO, PACE, etc.) - 91,000
- employees of other federal ministries and departments - 1,253,000
- clerks of pension, social, insurance and other funds - 1.724.000
- Deputies and employees of apparatuses of power structures of all levels - 1.870.000
- clergymen and servants of religious and religious buildings - 412.000
- notaries, legal offices, lawyers and prisoners - 1.842.000
- personnel of private security structures, detectives, security, etc. - 1.975.000
- Unemployed - 9.190.000

101.965.000 people who exist at the expense of the budget and the solvent part of the population.

There are 30,035,000 people left. All small, medium and farm business class. Where, by the way, also includes young children, students, housewives, street, homeless, displaced persons, refugees, and so on. And so on. And so on.

78% of Russians believe that Moscow lives at the expense of the regions. 74% of Russians dislike are Muscovites, 44% believe that dislike "strong" and "very strong", in other words, two-thirds of Muscovites citizens hated in Russia.

In Moscow, more than 12 million people actually live, of which 3,720,000 Russians. In the capital of the Russian State, Russians are a national minority.

In Moscow, Azerbaijanis live more than in Baku, and there are more Tatars than in Kazan.

By the middle of the century, at least one out of every four Russians will be a Muslim.

Muslim leaders are calling for the removal of Orthodox symbols from the emblem of Russia. If the number of Muslims grows at the current rate, then the Muslim community can raise the issue of introducing the post of vice-president in the country, professing Islam.

In Russia there are 2,338 children's homes registered. They contain 55.126 orphans. A little more than 60 million rubles were allocated to prevent child neglect.

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