Putin, Trump Agreed in Helsinki Iran Should Exit Syria - Reports


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Putin, Trump Agreed in Helsinki Iran Should Exit Syria - Reports

White House says Trump, Putin agree in principle on getting Iran out of Syria

Bloomberg report on the same matter

Helsinki summit: what did Trump and Putin agree?

i'm unsure if the forum rules actually allow me to post my own opinion along with these news links,
but here goes :

I'm glad to learn that Trump is no complete Russian-intelligence asset.

He is however, playing brinkmanship in the form of mercilessly hurting the vulnerable : Iranian citizens, immigrants at the Mexican border.
He's also raising prices world-wide with his trade-war, he's anti free speech, and he's been caught in lies by CNN dozens of times at least over the past 5 months that i've paid attention to that.
And he's probably enriching the rich far more than than he's raising the standard of living of the middle class.

All in all i can't say i like him as leader of the free world, nor as leader of the US.
Must keep Israel and SA happy. We really don't know what Trump and Putin planned except the interference in this upcoming election and 2020.

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