Putin in response to Biden: a story about the colonization of America and the attack on Hiroshima


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Putin in response to Biden: a story about the colonization of America and the attack on Hiroshima + fat trolling about Binden´s age

" What would I answer him? I would tell him: be healthy! I wish him good health,.... recalled the colonization of the United States, accompanied, in his opinion, by the genocide of indigenous peoples, the atomic bombing of Japan and social problems expressed in the Black Lives Matter movement. "

as i expected, KGB gang farted in the water every time we ask them a straight question , and what KGB gang can do ? except using whataboutism again ? nothing ,

the old KGB crime cortel has to be liquidated , do you agree with me !!!

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There is certainly plenty of blame to go around, when your country is run by psychopaths.
Name one Country, Tribe or Group that through history and the centuries has not one time or another committed crimes against those they supressed?
Ouch, Russia teaches the US about their own history..
Name one Country, Tribe or Group that through history and the centuries has not one time or another committed crimes against those they supressed?

Putin said the legacy of slavery and the country's treatment of Native Americans weighed heavily on its dealings abroad.

"In the history of every people, every state, there are a lot of hard, dramatic and bloody events. But when we evaluate other people or even other governments, we always look as if into the mirror. We always see ourselves in it," Putin said.

I get my information from average Russians - school teachers, engineers, doctors etc....

American has demonized Russia & Putin simply because Russia is the enemy the American Military-industrial complex LOVES to have. They give us an excuse to invest hundreds of billions in the Military-industrial complex. What's more is that western Europeans have wanted to invade Russia for many, many centuries.

The TRUTH is:

Putin is over overwhelmingly popular - he has no need for political assassinations to keep him in power.

Putin is by far the best leader for the Russian people in history.

The Russians couldn't care less about sanctions - they're more than used to being economically isolated. Sanctions have only promoted internal economic development.

Putin was a LAW AND ORDER candidate that has successfully suppressed organized crime in Russia after the devastating free-libertarian years when Yeltsin ruled. What is left of Russian organized crime are all scared shitless of Putin and do whatever he says.

Russian is many months ahead of the U.S. in develop and distributing Covid-19 vaccines and has made the technology for producing the vaccines available for free to all countries. Many countries are producing vaccine based on the Russian vaccines - including many European countries.

Sorry to bust your bubbles, but the U.S. media tends to ignore any good news about Russia while demonizing them every chance they get.

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