Putin dramatically changing strategy in Ukraine

Actually, he isn't losing at all and what is more he never wanted to take over Western Ukraine in the first place he is after the Donbass and East Ukraine area which he is still in full attack mode.

Russia Indicates Withdrawal in Position From Ukraine Capital, Kyiv

March 29, 2022 | Sundance


While the western propaganda about the Russian objective in Ukraine remains at a fever pitch, most intellectually honest observers have always held that liberation of eastern Ukraine was the goal of Russia and western Ukraine was never part of the objective.

With a decade-long civil war in eastern Ukraine preceding the current Russian operations, and with western forces supporting one side while Russia supported the other, it was always presumed -prior to the Russian military operations- that Vladimir Putin’s central goal was be removing NATO influence from eastern Ukraine.

LINK and chart

You haven’t posted evidence. You’ve posted obviously biased theory/propaganda to justify Putin’s failure.
You keep ignoring the evidence I posted you are choosing to remain ignorant and ignoring that he is winning the East region his target region all along and his pro-Russian allies are helping him.

You have no demonstrated military understanding.

Preposterous. I guess it is time to explain war for you.

Putin has been bogged down in the Eastern Regions. Not because he never wanted the Western region. That is simply idiotic. That is foolish. If that was the case, why bomb and surround the port cities? If he was going to go for a peace plan which left Ukraine the Western Region, he would have to know that Ukraine would need port access for trade. But he didn’t leave them a Port City did he? He didn’t leave them jack shit.

If he was just securing the eastern regions, he had no need to come down through Belorussia to get to Kyiv. Oh and let’s not forget that his great ally the President of Belorussia told the truth.

But hey, you can ignore the truth of their own statements, the truth within their actions, and pretend they aren’t getting their asses kicked by the determined Ukrainians.

As for the military. Let me explain this to you. When Napoleon was the great general. The Army marched on their stomachs. Today, armies float on a sea of Diesel fuel. They use hundreds of shells and rounds of ammunition every minute. They burn through ammunition like a gold digger with a platinum card.

It is why the Russian Troops were short of food in the first week. They expected to have everything taken, and be able to use the resources of the people they were invading.

But lets discuss how acceptable it is to seize a neighbors land and claim you only want a little. It was barbaric a century ago. It was uncouth two centuries ago. And today, it is inexcusable. It is not acceptable.

Russia must withdraw completely. Abandon the seized territories that they want as the next step in the recreation of the Soviet Empire, and make restitution to Ukraine for every lost life, and all damaged and destroyed property. Nothing else is acceptable.

So fuck Putin, and fuck your lies about how they just want a little.
Preposterous. I guess it is time to explain war for you.

Putin has been bogged down in the Eastern Regions. Not because he never wanted the Western region. That is simply idiotic. That is foolish. If that was the case, why bomb and surround the port cities? If he was going to go for a peace plan which left Ukraine the Western Region, he would have to know that Ukraine would need port access for trade. But he didn’t leave them a Port City did he? He didn’t leave them jack shit.

If he was just securing the eastern regions, he had no need to come down through Belorussia to get to Kyiv. Oh and let’s not forget that his great ally the President of Belorussia told the truth.

But hey, you can ignore the truth of their own statements, the truth within their actions, and pretend they aren’t getting their asses kicked by the determined Ukrainians.

As for the military. Let me explain this to you. When Napoleon was the great general. The Army marched on their stomachs. Today, armies float on a sea of Diesel fuel. They use hundreds of shells and rounds of ammunition every minute. They burn through ammunition like a gold digger with a platinum card.

It is why the Russian Troops were short of food in the first week. They expected to have everything taken, and be able to use the resources of the people they were invading.

But lets discuss how acceptable it is to seize a neighbors land and claim you only want a little. It was barbaric a century ago. It was uncouth two centuries ago. And today, it is inexcusable. It is not acceptable.

Russia must withdraw completely. Abandon the seized territories that they want as the next step in the recreation of the Soviet Empire, and make restitution to Ukraine for every lost life, and all damaged and destroyed property. Nothing else is acceptable.

So fuck Putin, and fuck your lies about how they just want a little.

Ha ha ha you forgot to post Putins battle plans instead you used a media photo instead.


Meanwhile I have NEVER supported the invasion the entire time even said no in forum polls about it is just the latest failure of the Human Species preferring war over trade agreements.

You seems too quick to believe what the media who lies about everything is telling you. I have ignored the obvious propaganda from both Ukraine and Russia and they are often absurd yet YOU feast on them.

Most of the Russian army is in East Ukraine which is where his clear objectives are located whether he wants all of Ukraine remains to be seen since no one here has shown his full battle plans.
He has already annexed parts of EAST Ukraine from 2014 and has steadily increased his hold on parts of East Ukraine he wants to annex while doing little more than attack Kiev to help pin down the main Ukrainian army in the West.

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If you had any clue about Military strategy you would understand that Putin knows what he is doing.

Why don't you study how Montgomery's plan to attack Caen hard in June 1944 was a brilliant diversionary plan as it kept most of the German forces focused on that area allowing the Americans much further to the Southwest to build up and eventually unleash COBRA plan that swept the Germans out of Western France in just a couple months time.
I tend to agree with this.

Russia wants the oil and natural gas....not the country.

Everything we've seen over the last 30 years...Iraq, Iran, Syria...it's all been wars over oil, natural gas and pipelines.

This is Putin's move to secure Ukraine's oil and natural gas reserves and remain the supplier of Europe's energy needs.
The EU/Nato wanted to bring Ukraine into their fold as another state subordinate to the leadership in Brussels.
Putin said no, Ukraine will always be Russia's vassal state, and took decisive action to keep the status quo.

Putin must be furious. His military has been shown to be "not ready for prime time." They have stalled outside Kyiv. They are unable to take the capitol, so they have switched their strategy to the east and began a more coordinated effort to kill and terrorize civilians.

If you every doubted that Putin was a monster, this should convince you. His military cannot defeat the smaller and less equipped Ukrainian military, so he will begin slaughtering innocent civilians. The evidence of war crimes are piling up like hair dye bottles at trump's beautician's shop.
I tend to agree with this.

Russia wants the oil and natural gas....not the country.

Everything we've seen over the last 30 years...Iraq, Iran, Syria...it's all been wars over oil, natural gas and pipelines.

This is Putin's move to secure Ukraine's oil and natural gas reserves and remain the supplier of Europe's energy needs.
POSPOTUS and his POS son want the Yuzivka gas field.

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