Pushback Against Green Tyranny Begins

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Pushback Against Green Tyranny Begins

Green tyranny entails the ruling class demanding that we radically lower our standard of living and surrender basic liberties like freedom of movement for the sake of politically contrived models that promise the climate will be a degree or two cooler 100 years from now if we obediently submit. That this stratagem has not already been laughed into oblivion is a testament to the liberal establishment’s power to manipulate the masses through its control of the media and education. However, people are inevitably figuring out how much the global warming hoax will cost them. The Wall Street Journal reports that global pushback has begun:
The Swiss last month rejected a referendum to impose a fuel tax and a tax on airline tickets.
In Britain, announced plans to ban gas-fired home heating have encountered resistance. In France, gilet jaunes protests ignited by a fuel tax hike have stalled the green agenda for years.
The EU hadn’t even unveiled its marquee new climate package this week before furious lobbying erupted in opposition from almost everyone.
As for Japan,
Resolutions codifying aggressive corporate carbon targets were defeated at all three companies where activists proposed them — Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo and Kansai Electric Power.
This followed the announcement in April that Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, the world’s largest with around $1.6 trillion under management, is abandoning trendy ESG investing.
ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance” — i.e., moonbattery. The truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke” has burst the bubble of PC posturing.

Dopey lies about inefficient electric cars and corrupt green energy boondoggles somehow helping the economy have worn thin.

Meanwhile, countries more interested in economic growth than political correctness have ratios of carbon emissions to GDP 9–10 times as high as some countries in the West. Even if we continue to slash at our wrists on behalf of the climate, China, India, and Russia will keep pumping out massive quantities of harmless CO2, rendering our sacrifice all the more obviously futile.

Yet Biden’s handlers are doubling down on the green agenda. They plan to spend $trillions that we do not have on economically insane gestures that will have no measurable impact on the climate. This will be financed by continuing to inflate the currency, making the money we work for and save throughout our lives increasingly worthless.

When stagflation shatters the liberal establishment’s wall of hysterical propaganda, more energetic pushback will get underway.

We will know there really is such a thing as “climate justice” when we see the leftist politicians who tried to play us for fools tarred, feathered, transported by rail to the nearest body of water, and dumped therein.

On a tip from Varla.

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Ya Can't argue that some shouldn't be starved to death ....cause they should .....

Pushback Against Green Tyranny Begins

Green tyranny entails the ruling class demanding that we radically lower our standard of living and surrender basic liberties like freedom of movement for the sake of politically contrived models that promise the climate will be a degree or two cooler 100 years from now if we obediently submit. That this stratagem has not already been laughed into oblivion is a testament to the liberal establishment’s power to manipulate the masses through its control of the media and education. However, people are inevitably figuring out how much the global warming hoax will cost them. The Wall Street Journal reports that global pushback has begun:
The Swiss last month rejected a referendum to impose a fuel tax and a tax on airline tickets.
In Britain, announced plans to ban gas-fired home heating have encountered resistance. In France, gilet jaunes protests ignited by a fuel tax hike have stalled the green agenda for years.
The EU hadn’t even unveiled its marquee new climate package this week before furious lobbying erupted in opposition from almost everyone.
As for Japan,
Resolutions codifying aggressive corporate carbon targets were defeated at all three companies where activists proposed them — Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo and Kansai Electric Power.
This followed the announcement in April that Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, the world’s largest with around $1.6 trillion under management, is abandoning trendy ESG investing.
ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance” — i.e., moonbattery. The truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke” has burst the bubble of PC posturing.

Dopey lies about inefficient electric cars and corrupt green energy boondoggles somehow helping the economy have worn thin.

Meanwhile, countries more interested in economic growth than political correctness have ratios of carbon emissions to GDP 9–10 times as high as some countries in the West. Even if we continue to slash at our wrists on behalf of the climate, China, India, and Russia will keep pumping out massive quantities of harmless CO2, rendering our sacrifice all the more obviously futile.

Yet Biden’s handlers are doubling down on the green agenda. They plan to spend $trillions that we do not have on economically insane gestures that will have no measurable impact on the climate. This will be financed by continuing to inflate the currency, making the money we work for and save throughout our lives increasingly worthless.

When stagflation shatters the liberal establishment’s wall of hysterical propaganda, more energetic pushback will get underway.

We will know there really is such a thing as “climate justice” when we see the leftist politicians who tried to play us for fools tarred, feathered, transported by rail to the nearest body of water, and dumped therein.

On a tip from Varla.

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View attachment 513762

Ya Can't argue that some shouldn't be starved to death ....cause they should .....
ESG is taking in billions of private investment. Its the future. Your future is in a home of some kind. With kindly nurses wiping your stupid arse.
When the individual owns the means of production, they have won a small victory against the capitalist. The cost of grid electricity to charge an electric bike battery is $0.25, which battery will have a range of 20 miles in assist mode. When they (completely [italics])own the solar recharging equipment as well as the EV, climate justice gets a boost. Lithium recycling technology should be wrested away from the Chinese communists, though air-aluminum tech may render that unnecessary.

Pushback Against Green Tyranny Begins

Green tyranny entails the ruling class demanding that we radically lower our standard of living and surrender basic liberties like freedom of movement for the sake of politically contrived models that promise the climate will be a degree or two cooler 100 years from now if we obediently submit. That this stratagem has not already been laughed into oblivion is a testament to the liberal establishment’s power to manipulate the masses through its control of the media and education. However, people are inevitably figuring out how much the global warming hoax will cost them. The Wall Street Journal reports that global pushback has begun:
The Swiss last month rejected a referendum to impose a fuel tax and a tax on airline tickets.
In Britain, announced plans to ban gas-fired home heating have encountered resistance. In France, gilet jaunes protests ignited by a fuel tax hike have stalled the green agenda for years.
The EU hadn’t even unveiled its marquee new climate package this week before furious lobbying erupted in opposition from almost everyone.
As for Japan,
Resolutions codifying aggressive corporate carbon targets were defeated at all three companies where activists proposed them — Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo and Kansai Electric Power.
This followed the announcement in April that Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund, the world’s largest with around $1.6 trillion under management, is abandoning trendy ESG investing.
ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance” — i.e., moonbattery. The truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke” has burst the bubble of PC posturing.

Dopey lies about inefficient electric cars and corrupt green energy boondoggles somehow helping the economy have worn thin.

Meanwhile, countries more interested in economic growth than political correctness have ratios of carbon emissions to GDP 9–10 times as high as some countries in the West. Even if we continue to slash at our wrists on behalf of the climate, China, India, and Russia will keep pumping out massive quantities of harmless CO2, rendering our sacrifice all the more obviously futile.

Yet Biden’s handlers are doubling down on the green agenda. They plan to spend $trillions that we do not have on economically insane gestures that will have no measurable impact on the climate. This will be financed by continuing to inflate the currency, making the money we work for and save throughout our lives increasingly worthless.

When stagflation shatters the liberal establishment’s wall of hysterical propaganda, more energetic pushback will get underway.

We will know there really is such a thing as “climate justice” when we see the leftist politicians who tried to play us for fools tarred, feathered, transported by rail to the nearest body of water, and dumped therein.

On a tip from Varla.

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View attachment 513762

Ya Can't argue that some shouldn't be starved to death ....cause they should .....
ESG is taking in billions of private investment. Its the future. Your future is in a home of some kind. With kindly nurses wiping your stupid arse.

lol........dude you are wrong 100% of the time! Its fascinating!

It might be the future but you'll be in your box for many decades before it is. You dummy......China is building new coal plants each month than Joe Biden has gaffe's. For the next 9 years btw. Two - three per month. In the USA, solar and wind combined provide less than 8% of the electricity. :hello77:

Unicorn chasing is fun I suppose but you see a world few others do! Energy policymakers in the western world arent giving a sh*t about climate change.....its not even debatable. Oh.....unless one is a unicorn chaser!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
"Despite the pandemic, the growth rate in the world's renewable energy capacity jumped 45% in 2020, part of "an unprecedented boom" in wind and solar energy, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency. It's the largest annual rate of increase since 1999.

"An exceptional 90% rise in global wind capacity additions led the expansion," the report states. It also cites a 23% expansion in new solar power installations.

In 2020, renewable power was "the only energy source for which demand increased ... while consumption of all other fuels declined," says the IEA, whose mission is to make the world's energy supply more reliable, affordable and sustainable.

The IEA predicts large capacity gains in renewable energy will become the "new normal" in 2021 and 2022, with increases similar to 2020's record total.

An unprecedented amount of renewable power came online in the fourth quarter of 2020, the report states. China alone added more than 92 gigawatts of capacity – more than triple the amount it added in the fourth quarter of 2019. The U.S. added 19 gigawatts, a sharp gain over the 13.7 it added in the same quarter of the previous year."

With this kind of growth rate, renewables will soon be the dominate source of generation in the world. As the extreme weather events cost ever more, you are going to see an increasing demand from the people that we cease making the situation worse, and start addressing adaptations. The dumb fucks, i.e., the Cult of Trump, formerly the GOP, will try to derail any such attempts, but they will lose as it becomes apparent to all but the dumbest, like people on this board, that climate change is a reality and the stupidity of the "Conservatives' have put the rest of us behind the 8 ball.

Pushback Against Green Tyranny Begins

Green tyranny entails the ruling class demanding that we radically lower our standard of living and surrender basic liberties like freedom of movement for the sake of politically contrived models that promise the climate will be a degree or two cooler 100 years from now if we obediently submit. That this stratagem has not already been laughed into oblivion is a testament to the liberal establishment’s power to manipulate the masses through its control of the media and education. However, people are inevitably figuring out how much the global warming hoax will cost them. The Wall Street Journal reports that global pushback has begun:

That this stratagem hasn't been laughed into oblivion might be a clue that your fantasies have no relationship to reality and reality being that AGW is real and a real threat.


Pushback Against Green Tyranny Begins

Green tyranny entails the ruling class demanding that we radically lower our standard of living and surrender basic liberties like freedom of movement for the sake of politically contrived models that promise the climate will be a degree or two cooler 100 years from now if we obediently submit. That this stratagem has not already been laughed into oblivion is a testament to the liberal establishment’s power to manipulate the masses through its control of the media and education. However, people are inevitably figuring out how much the global warming hoax will cost them. The Wall Street Journal reports that global pushback has begun:

In Britain, announced plans to ban gas-fired home heating have encountered resistance. In France, gilet jaunes protests ignited by a fuel tax hike have stalled the green agenda for years.

As for Japan,

ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance” — i.e., moonbattery. The truth of the maxim “Get woke, go broke” has burst the bubble of PC posturing.

Dopey lies about inefficient electric cars and corrupt green energy boondoggles somehow helping the economy have worn thin.

Meanwhile, countries more interested in economic growth than political correctness have ratios of carbon emissions to GDP 9–10 times as high as some countries in the West. Even if we continue to slash at our wrists on behalf of the climate, China, India, and Russia will keep pumping out massive quantities of harmless CO2, rendering our sacrifice all the more obviously futile.

Yet Biden’s handlers are doubling down on the green agenda. They plan to spend $trillions that we do not have on economically insane gestures that will have no measurable impact on the climate. This will be financed by continuing to inflate the currency, making the money we work for and save throughout our lives increasingly worthless.

When stagflation shatters the liberal establishment’s wall of hysterical propaganda, more energetic pushback will get underway.

We will know there really is such a thing as “climate justice” when we see the leftist politicians who tried to play us for fools tarred, feathered, transported by rail to the nearest body of water, and dumped therein.

On a tip from Varla.

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View attachment 513762

Ya Can't argue that some shouldn't be starved to death ....cause they should .....
It is very simple... you comply with environmetal regulations or you're busted. Your heavy fines will help finance the necessary global conversion to clean energy. Your wasteful wilthy deadly seflish lifestyle will not continue, consumer-maddened pointless tail-chaser
lol........dude you are wrong 100% of the time! Its fascinating!

It might be the future but you'll be in your box for many decades before it is. You dummy......China is building new coal plants each month than Joe Biden has gaffe's. For the next 9 years btw. Two - three per month. In the USA, solar and wind combined provide less than 8% of the electricity. :hello77:

Unicorn chasing is fun I suppose but you see a world few others do! Energy policymakers in the western world arent giving a sh*t about climate change.....its not even debatable. Oh.....unless one is a unicorn chaser!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I'm buying a Prius just so I can pull up alongside you and whatchagonnado, punk? Really, try something. Jump, froggy,

You halfwit, your irresponsibility is killing the planet. You couldn't ass a 5th-grade science test, so just shut up.

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