Push comes to shove, will U. S. military back Wall Street, POTUS, or American voters?

In the unlikely events that push really comes to shove the military will break down into tribes and gangs just like the society itself has.

You will have to excuse some of the conservative nimrods like Steph, which this board seems to attract. Some people around here believe that you must have one of two agenda's - lib or con. Anything in between or outside that perimeter, their brain has a meltdown....

Funny how you single out the 'conservative nimrods' and ignore the 'liberal nimrods' who do the exact same thing. I guess your brain has melted. Color me shocked.
Has, or is, Barack Obama selecting a coterie of top military officers that are willing to do his bidding rather than honor their oaths of allegiance to the US Constitution, similar to what happened in Germany? Remember, Germany was the best educated, most sophisticated, most culturally advanced nation on the continent of Europe in 1933, so the argument, it can't happen here, doesn't hold water. All it took was one extremely evil, devious and cunning man with a group of devoted followers. Same conditions that exist today with Barack Hussein Oabama.

You are describing the first two years of GWB's administration, aren't you?
In the unlikely events that push really comes to shove the military will break down into tribes and gangs just like the society itself has.

I'm really shocked to hear you say that, Editec; why and how do you think that might happen? Seriously, because I'm having a hard time envisioning that; I'd like to hear your reasoning.
Face it, folks. Prius (whatever) is a sociopath.

Since you are using the word "sociopath," I thought you might like to know the definition.

A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.


Please list all signs of a 'personality disorder,' or 'extreme antisocial attitudes' you think I have. Clearly you do not know what a "sociopath" is. Sounds like something you might have heard Rick Perry say, and you just grabbed onto it. :lmao:
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Face it, folks. Prius (whatever) is a sociopath.

Since you are using the word "sociopath," I thought you might like to know the definition.

A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.


Please list all signs of a 'personality disorder,' or 'extreme antisocial attitudes' you think I have. Clearly you do not know what a "sociopath" is. Sounds like something you might have heard Rick Perry say, and you just grabbed onto it. :lmao:

An exact definition of si modo's actions here.
Si Modo, look up the term before blabbing. You are a sociopath, Preius.

Actually, I am a wanna be 'xenophobe.' If any of you had take the time to Google, you would have learned that Preius was a xenophobic superhero in the Superman comic book series. You righties are so easy. But, I do agree with you, and disagree with the official Democratic Party line. We have been way too generous to illegal aliens, 12,000,000 have invaded the United States. I am really not a xenophobe because I do not care about their skin color, I intensly dislike their absorbing $113 BILLION a year of taxpayer money for their health care, education, and welfare. FAIR: Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers That is about the cost of one year of the Afghan War!!! We need to deport as we used to. Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am still barely a supporter of President Obama. I believe in supporting U.S. CITIZENS with a temporary safety net. But, Barry Obama spends too much crying over illegals, and not enough helping U. S. CITIZENS. We have been hearing JOBS, JOBS, JOBS from both parties for 44 months. Where are they? I blame the Tea Party more than Obama, and according to the polls, most Americans feel the same way. The Tea Party was a fad that failed. Teabaggers won't win any more elections.

You know, maybe I do have sociopathic tendency because if I worked for the Border Patrol, I could shoot and kill an illegal, and feel nothing. It would be like stepping on a cockroach. In fact, under the right circumstances I might see it as a patriotic act. However, as a philosophical liberal this would only apply to illegal aliens.

For example when it comes to African Americans, I feel we still owe them opportunity, and here is a link to Chicago Urban Prep, (a charter school - Repubs like that), that only takes African American males, and they have a 100% college acceptance rate! Welcome to Urban Prep Black males if you are not aware, are the single group of Americans that have the most difficult time making America work for them. Remember the ancestors of these folks were forced into the United States as slaves, they did not break the law to get here, they did not sneak into the United States, and they are not asking for a free ride. This is about long overdue opportunity. I would like to see these charter schools in every major city with a large African American population. Talk about a long overdue investment in American CITIZENS!


All any of us really want is a level playing field. Put real opportunity out there, and the creme will rise to the top.​
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Si Modo, look up the term before blabbing. You are a sociopath, Preius.

Actually, I am a wanna be 'xenophobe.' If any of you had take the time to Google, you would have learned that Preius was a xenophobic superhero in the Superman comic book series. You righties are so easy. But, I do agree with you, and disagree with the official Democratic Party line. We have been way too generous to illegal aliens, 12,000,000 have invaded the United States. I am really not a xenophobe because I do not care about their skin color, I intensly dislike their absorbing $113 BILLION a year of taxpayer money for their health care, education, and welfare. FAIR: Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers That is about the cost of one year of the Afghan War!!! We need to deport as we used to. Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am still a supporter of President Obama. I believe in supporting U.S. CITIZENS with a temporary safety net.

You know, maybe I do have sociopathic tendency because if I worked for the Border Patrol, I could shoot and kill an illegal, and feel nothing. It would be like stepping on a cockroach. In fact, under the right circumstances I would see it as a patriotic act. However, as a philosophical liberal this would only apply to illegal aliens.

For example when it comes to African Americans, I feel we still owe them opportunity, and here is a link to Chicago Urban Prep, (a charter school - Repubs like that), that only takes African American males, and they have a 100% college acceptance rate! Welcome to Urban Prep Black males if you are not aware, are the single group of Americans that have the most difficult time making America work for them. Remember the ancestors of these folks were forced into the United States as slaves, they did not break the law to get here, they did not sneak into the United States, and they are not asking for a free ride. This is about long overdue opportunity. I would like to see these charter schools in every major city with a large African American population. Talk about a long overdue investment in American CITIZENS!


All any of us really want is a level playing field. Put real opportunity out there, and the creme will rise to the top.​

Look back at what I posted, Preius, please.
They currently swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, n'est ce pas?
Hitler succeeded in having the German Army swear an oath of personal allegiance to him rather than to the German State, as was the immediate prior custom, in 1937, four years after Hitler suceeded in gaining office. Most historians concur that moment was the tipping point, the point of no return, after which WWII, the Holocaust and the deaths of fifty million people worldwide could no longer be prevented or avoided.
Friends of Barack Obama have already proposed suspending national elections and the Freedom of Information Laws, allowing the Government to decide what it wishes to tell the people, after only thirty three months in office, fifteen months faster than Hitler's pace.

it is always nice to see links to supporting facts when a poster gets outrageously into fantasy. :link:
Believe what ever you want............... It's your own little world I hope you're happy in it.

Yes it is my own little world, and come October 31, 2011 there will be an even seven billion people where I live on planet earth. I am a very concerned individual about many things, but a walk on the California beach makes everything work for my wife and I.


This is what America is about to me, and it must be protected.
As a member of the Surfrider Foundation we call this "ocean view" politics.
Our terms are non-negotiable.​
Take a photo in that spot in about 2 1/2 years when the 20 million tons of toxic Fuckashemale, Japan rolls in.
These guys will be here to defend your right to protest.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4To4vk3hlE]G 20 Military police attack and assaulting civilians in Amarica - YouTube[/ame]

In the real world, Surfrider Foundation with "ocean view" politics are being heard. Keep in mind that many affluent, influential people live on or near California's beaches.
Si Modo, look up the term before blabbing. You are a sociopath, Preius.

Actually, I am a wanna be 'xenophobe.' If any of you had take the time to Google, you would have learned that Preius was a xenophobic superhero in the Superman comic book series. You righties are so easy. But, I do agree with you, and disagree with the official Democratic Party line. We have been way too generous to illegal aliens, 12,000,000 have invaded the United States. I am really not a xenophobe because I do not care about their skin color, I intensly dislike their absorbing $113 BILLION a year of taxpayer money for their health care, education, and welfare. FAIR: Illegal Immigration a $113 Billion a Year Drain on U.S. Taxpayers That is about the cost of one year of the Afghan War!!! We need to deport as we used to. Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am still a supporter of President Obama. I believe in supporting U.S. CITIZENS with a temporary safety net.

You know, maybe I do have sociopathic tendency because if I worked for the Border Patrol, I could shoot and kill an illegal, and feel nothing. It would be like stepping on a cockroach. In fact, under the right circumstances I would see it as a patriotic act. However, as a philosophical liberal this would only apply to illegal aliens.

For example when it comes to African Americans, I feel we still owe them opportunity, and here is a link to Chicago Urban Prep, (a charter school - Repubs like that), that only takes African American males, and they have a 100% college acceptance rate! Welcome to Urban Prep Black males if you are not aware, are the single group of Americans that have the most difficult time making America work for them. Remember the ancestors of these folks were forced into the United States as slaves, they did not break the law to get here, they did not sneak into the United States, and they are not asking for a free ride. This is about long overdue opportunity. I would like to see these charter schools in every major city with a large African American population. Talk about a long overdue investment in American CITIZENS!


All any of us really want is a level playing field. Put real opportunity out there, and the creme will rise to the top.​

Look back at what I posted, Preius, please.

I like you because as your banner says, you live in the 'main stream.' I think I do too. We have a lot more viewers of USMB than we have posters. I think those viewers are here to watch the freak show.

Entertainment they seek, and we should provide. The more outrageous, (but thought out) posting we do, the greater the popularity of our unique USMB. Following is a utube of Bill Maher proposing something to us Dems that I have taken on as a challenge. After reading this thread again, I believe it is working. Last summer the Tea Party dominated the news with debt ceiling talks. Today OWS dominates the news with ANGRY AMERICAN CITIZENS.

I think Maher is correct, the more we push to the left with our extremes, the more we bring the national agenda back toward the middle. I like to wait until the right is going to nail me, and I nail Obama. The right does not know what to do! OWS commits to nothing, and then to everything. The right does not understand real American anger, they understand the Disneyland Tea Party type of upset.


Last poll I saw the Tea Party was viewed favorably by 27% of the U. S. population, and OWS was viewed favorably 53% of the population! Don't get me wrong Barry Obama and especially the Democratic Congress deserves a swift kick in the ass, (last nights news, Congress favorability rating hit the lowest at 9%). But in November 2012 when we step into that ballot box we may be pissed at Obama, but could anyone risk this guy in the White House? The head of the Federal Reserve is a traitor to the country? Please. :cuckoo:

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Many GOP and centrists are with you on this, preius. OWS is a progressive and populist centrist leaning economic reform movement that staggers the neo-econs horribly. They realize their day of thirty years in transferring wealth changes irrevocably, and the next year will show just how much that change will be. I believe enormous.
You would certainly know, Unkotare.

Just ignore. He is one of those 'cut and paste' posters who uses about four different words for name calling. I'd list them for you, but I do not want to take the punch out of his posting. :D He must have a half dozen users in the site. Mods will get him.

Unkotare's goal is usually to distract from topics that his crowd can not argue successfully. Just stay on message, and let him rip. The bumps will keep this thread alive for days. In the end we win with any argument, because viewers see right through the Unkotare and friends approach.


The topic of this thread is;

Push comes to shove, will U. S. military back Wall Street, POTUS, or American voters?​
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If the U. S. found itself in a position like Egypt where the people wanted to exercise the freedom under the Declaration of Independence to 'alter or abolish' America's economic system and remove the influence of money and lobbyists in our Republic do you think the U. S. military would;

1). Take the side of Wall Street.

2). Do whatever the Commander in Chief told them to do.

3). Like Egypt, the military would lean toward change while supporting our existing government.

4). Lean toward change because the gridlock of Wall Street and politics hurts the military also.

5). Other

History shows all of the above have occurred in the past world history. While I do not know, I am aware that there are members here om USMB with strong military backgrounds who might shed some light on the subject. My guess is that U. S. military personnel are suffering along with their fellow citizens, but the military also remembers lessons related to Patton, MacArthur, and Haig, and they also remain loyal to their oaths of service.

I am aware that when politics meets the military it can cause strange problems, but I am only seeking general individual opinions in our anonymous forum, not the policy of the joint chiefs. Though if the joint chiefs have a policy and we are allowed to know it, it would be most welcome.

Please do not associate this question with any anti-American influence.

I would have to say we would support and defend the constitution but it appears the military is about the only organization that actually still supports that paper. Everyone else seems to think their opinion should matter above all else. I mean after all that is what makes a great country. Everyone's opinions! :eusa_wall:
"...only takes African American males,..."

Wow, takes real daring to discriminate by both race and gender. If they could manage to work religion in there somehow their bigitry could be a match for the KKK!
Many GOP and centrists are with you on this, preius. OWS is a progressive and populist centrist leaning economic reform movement that staggers the neo-econs horribly. They realize their day of thirty years in transferring wealth changes irrevocably, and the next year will show just how much that change will be. I believe enormous.

On the contrary, Jake, I think OWS has no idea what it wants beyond anarchy and violent revolution if it doesn't get its way...whatever its way is. Preius has said as much here; he would like to see a replay of the French Revolution, which is why he asked this question to start with. He seems to have a lot of enthusiasm for violence and bloodshed...so long as the blood is someone else's. I suggest you read the rest of his rants here. Whatever that makes him and his fellow "revolutionaries", it's nothing good.

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