Push-Back Against Gender Identity Politics.

"Arizona House passes bill banning transgender students from girls’ sports
...applies to both public and private schools as well as community colleges and universities, requires teams in the state to be “expressly designated” for “males, men or boys;” “females, women or girls;” or “co-ed or mixed-sex.” Teams “designated for females, women or girls may not be open to students of the male sex,” under the proposal.

The bill, which passed in a party-line vote of 31-29, will now move to the GOP-controlled Senate.

“It preserves a level playing field for girls and women, so they will continue to have available to them the equal opportunity Title IX promised them nearly 50-years ago,” she said.

This is just the beginning of a nationwide awakening to the realization that fairness in women’s sports needs to be preserved. 18 states have introduced bills regarding this issue and Idaho’s HB 500 passed the house and goes to the Senate on Friday morning. Passing it will set a powerful precedent.”
Arizona House passes bill banning transgender students from girls' sports · Caldron Pool

Good to see that people are catching on to the way the left is trying to undo all the advances women have made, and their attempt to relegate us back to second-class citizens.
While there is a push-back against the warped, perverted ideology of the the 'woke,' the insane will use every chance they get to destroy tradition, values and the basis of Western Civilization...

"Canada introduces a bill to make it a CRIME to help children overcome gender confusion and same-sex attraction
The bill will add five new crimes to the Criminal Code, making it the most “progressive and comprehensive law in the world,” according to Justice Minister David Lametti.

Lametti, who tabled the bill, said the legislation will make it a criminal offence to: (1) cause a minor to undergo conversion therapy; (2) remove a minor from Canada to undergo conversion therapy abroad; (3) cause a person to undergo conversion therapy against their will; (4) profit from providing conversion therapy and advertising an offer to provide conversion therapy; (5) authorize seizure of conversion therapy advertisements or order their removal."

Canada introduces a bill to make it a CRIME to help children overcome gender confusion and same-sex attraction · Caldron Pool
"DOJ: State can't have males compete against females
Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, 'not on the basis of transgender status'
The federal government is formally objecting to Connecticut's requirement that boys who "identify" as girls be allowed to compete against girls in high school athletics.

"They are incorrect. Title IX and its implementing regulations prohibit discrimination solely 'on the basis of sex,' not on the basis of transgender status, and therefore neither require nor authorize [the state's] transgender policy," explains a legal filing in a lawsuit over the dispute. "

Wouldn't have happened if Hillary had won.
"Idaho Bars Biologically Male Athletes From Competing in All-Female Sports
Idaho governor Brad Little (R.) on Monday signed the Fairness in Women's Sports Act to prohibit biologically male students from participating in all-female sports.

"Athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls shall not be open to students of the male sex," the bill states.

The law cites differences in male and female physiology that results in distinct athletic capabilities.

"Under this bill, boys and men will not be able to take the place of girls and women in sports because it is not fair," state representative Barbara Ehardt told Reuters."

Sanity, the greatest weapon against Progressives.
[communist] "ACLU Sues Idaho for Banning Male Athletes From Female Sports

The American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho announced it will sue the state government over the Fairness in Women's Sports Act, a law that made Idaho the first state to ban biologically male students from participating in all-female sports.

"When [Republican governor Brad Little] signed a law to ban trans athletes, he sent a message that trans people do not deserve the benefits of sports available to their peers," ACLU of Idaho wrote on Twitter.

The bill cites biological differences between males and females that impact performance capabilities, such as bone density, heart size, and lung mass. Males can also generate more speed and strength due to many factors including their naturally higher levels of testosterone and hemoglobin. "
"Connecticut transgender sports policy discriminated against biological girls, feds conclude
The U.S. Education Department's Office for Civil Rights has determined Connecticut schools' transgender athletics policy improperly discriminated against biological girls.

The finding was contained in a Letter of Impending Enforcement Action dated May 15 that concluded biological females were negatively impacted because the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference and public schools allowed biological males to compete against them.

...denied athletic benefits and opportunities to female student-athletes competing in interscholastic girls' track in the state of Connecticut through the Revised Transgender Participation Policy, ..."

This never would have happened had the 2016 election gone the other way.
"Connecticut transgender sports policy discriminated against biological girls, feds conclude
The U.S. Education Department's Office for Civil Rights has determined Connecticut schools' transgender athletics policy improperly discriminated against biological girls.

The finding was contained in a Letter of Impending Enforcement Action dated May 15 that concluded biological females were negatively impacted because the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference and public schools allowed biological males to compete against them.

...denied athletic benefits and opportunities to female student-athletes competing in interscholastic girls' track in the state of Connecticut through the Revised Transgender Participation Policy, ..."

This never would have happened had the 2016 election gone the other way.
A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won a women’s world championship cycling event on Sunday.

Rachel McKinnon, a professor at the College of Charleston, won the women’s sprint 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles."


Biological Male Wins World Championship In Women’s Cycling

Another victory for the insane Left.

I have to say, I think female athletes should start boycotting events where they're expected to compete against delusional men. There's a reason why we have separate sporting categories for men and women, and taking estrogen and calling yourself by a fluffy name doesn't negate that reason in the slightest.

The Left, the Democrats and Liberals, have but two modes: mandating or banning.

Transgender movement: mandating everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

"The Left, the Democrats and Liberals, have but two modes: mandating or banning."

And as it has been written....so it shall be done:

"Panetta calls on Biden to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for military

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that President Biden should require all military members to get the COVID-19 vaccines."

Biden may order mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for U.S ...

Biden may order mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for U.S. troops
For Biden to be able to mandate vaccinations, the currently available COVID-19 vaccines would need to secure standard FDA approval, a lengthy process that can take 10 months. Under the agency's...

Mandatory Vaccination 'on the Table for Discussion' in ...

Mandatory Vaccination ‘on the Table for Discussion’ in Biden Administration: Fauci Vision Times
Fauci's response to the question regarding mandatory vaccines: "Everything will be on the table for discussion" should Joe Biden become President of the United States on Jan. 20. "It's not up to me to make a decision. But these are all things that will be discussed," he said. However, Fauci did say that he did not believe a national ...

Anyone recall when 'freedom' and 'America' were synonymous????


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"The Left, the Democrats and Liberals, have but two modes: mandating or banning."
It's a single sex labor union. Transgender need not apply. Every whore on the street is filing sex charges, and the sex enforcement cops are breathing heavy with haircutting eyestabbing prison lust and have their battering rams to break in the door and batons to deliver a beating 2, 3, 4 o'clock in the morning every night.
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The Russian military is already vaccinated with the same technology that came out of Duke-NUS, Singapore, which the Obama-Biden administration funded. It uses two adenoviruses, both human, whereas Astrazeneca vaccine uses the chimpanzee adenovirus.

That JoeXi is a CIA puppet links to transgender Yale and its Skull and Bones as well as opiates, so JoeXi currently allowing ‘gender neutral’ on passports is actually the CIA allowingt it on passports. When JoeXi called Floyd’s family, the painting links to CIA complicity in global drug trade. (See www. for reddit: r/opiates page). The CRT books list on the Definitive Critical Race Theory thread will now link Maria Cook to Christine Jorgensen to Susan Stryker to Yale.
The ‘painting’ being the Lincoln painting that is/was hanging in the White House dining room. JoeXi, if he’s not in bed or getting diapers changed, should go there to contemplate it, right now.
That JoeXi is a CIA puppet links to transgender Yale and its Skull and Bones as well as opiates, so JoeXi currently allowing ‘gender neutral’ on passports is actually the CIA allowingt it on passports
Our own government is intent on fucking us over internationally and making extra sure that we are never allowed to leave the country, before taking further measures to oppress us and punish us within our own country.
For explanations beyond the word of those Democrat parrots lost within the ignorance of falsified medical science and philosophies the origins of which they have never read, see: French Postmodernism, Critical Theory, Identity Politics, The Frankfurt School, Deconstruction Theory, Moral Relativism, Factual Relativism, Human Nature as a Social Construct, Antipositivism, Moral Nihilism, Perspectivism, Consilience--as it applies to the studies of homosexuality and transgenderism, and Hegelian Dialectic. If you can get through all of that with your brain intact, on the other side of it all you will have gained both valuable understanding of where the radical Left is coming from with all of this anti-fact insanity, and invaluable tools with which to educate others and lay waste to the unprecedented historical fraud that is LGTBQ indoctrination of America.
As OP has brought the thread forward, this post has substance.
Criteria for choosing this thread is based on the quality and historical aging of the thread itself. This report:

20 Jul 2021 UW to Start LGBTQ+ Fellowship Program for Doctors
"MSNBC Calls Republican’s Belief in Only Two Genders ‘Incendiary’
Jansing: To be a mainstream Republican means to offend women, LGBT community

"In Louisiana, the Republican candidate for governor, Ralph Abraham, is out with a new TV ad this week making incendiary comments about gender," she added.

Rep. Ralph Abrahama (R., La.), who is seeking the GOP nomination to challenge Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D.), released a TV ad where he laid out a series of his conservative positions, among them his medical assertion there are only two genders.

"Here's the truth," he said. "Life begins at conception. Government is too big. Our taxes are too high. And our car insurance is too expensive. President Trump is doing a great job. Facts matter more than feelings. The Second Amendment is self-explanatory. And as a doctor, I can assure you there are only two genders."
MSNBC Calls Republican's Belief in Only Two Genders 'Incendiary'

Get that?
"...his medical assertion there are only two genders."

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27


"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY
Lennin’s “nubile, spiritual idea of god” is where badger should interject D&G’s ‘bronzed founders of the state in comparison to ‘state capture’ mentioned in this thread for political morphologies in South Africa, the black African tendency towards overspiritualization of the socius. What might this exerpt look like in parallel English and Cyrillic? Obviously to badger, Lenin is speaking of Nubia, which would resonate with Stinson mentioned in this thread, the nubile wench par excellence for FTM studies. Idealism is the concept.

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