Public school teacher put on leave after drunken anti-Trump rant in front of students

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Parents, make sure you know who your children are exposed to in school. People like this are likely widespread in the public schools, and this kind of abuse often goes unreported.

"turn off the Fox News,"
Trump is a "sexual predator" and a "literal moron,"
"You don’t have to do everything your parents say, and you don't have to believe everything your parents believe, because most likely you're smarter than them,"
"That's pathetic that you think that. You're the problem with the world,"

Geesus, if I didn't know better, I'd swear those were the words coming from some leftwing knucklehead here on this forum like JackOfNoTrades!

They must mail out a playbook of things to say along with a pill to suppress individual will.
LOL! That's hilarious!

Makes me wish I was back in school, Gabe. I'd point to the door, yell: "Hey! It's Trump!" and when that teacher turned and looked, break a chair across her face. Because if that was my kid in her classroom, I'd be wanting to go to the school and bang her head off her car fender a few times telling her never to try to politically brainwashing my child again.

Seriously, I really think we need to disband the public school system. Having the government in charge of education was a terrible idea.
Makes me wish I was back in school, Gabe. I'd point to the door, yell: "Hey! It's Trump!" and when that teacher turned and looked, break a chair across her face. Because if that was my kid in her classroom, I'd be wanting to go to the school and bang her head off her car fender a few times telling her never to try to politically brainwashing my child again.

Seriously, I really think we need to disband the public school system. Having the government in charge of education was a terrible idea.
Of would physically assault someone such a kowardly way. Unless you just talk tough....and are really just a kowardly keyboard kommando.
Sure you would.

Sure you would.

You're right. As an adult in 2021, I'd first cover her car in Trump stickers and logos head to stern instead, the kind with a glue that doesn't peel off but has to be sanded off to remove.

That way, she'd go through days and weeks of aggravation and expense, not just an instant of blackness, meantime, every Trump hater passing her would identify her as a Trumpist and be wrecking into her, flattening her tires, breaking her windshield and assaulting her for being a Trump cultist. :21:

Then they would follow her home and protest her house, vandalize her yard and break her windows.

Then she'd still have to get the car sanded and repainted. If she still had a car.

The best way to make leftards suffer is at the hands of other leftards.
Parents, make sure you know who your children are exposed to in school. People like this are likely widespread in the public schools, and this kind of abuse often goes unreported.

Maybe we should write her--the literal moronic teacher explaining to her that Trump is both smarter and moral than either her or Biden who is actually a pedophile. I love the kids reactions--I would have been making fun of her too.
Parents, make sure you know who your children are exposed to in school. People like this are likely widespread in the public schools, and this kind of abuse often goes unreported.

I will attempt to list all the ways this was horrid, horrid teaching:

1. She talks to the students having no prior relationship with them, ass-usming they care what she thinks about big life issues. They do not care. Get to know them; be kind, fair, approachable, tough when you need to, and passionate about your subject. Believe ALL of them can learn and make them believe it. Listen to them. THEN they will respect you and when you weigh in on LIFE (life, not politics) they want to listen. Because they like and trust you.

2. She disrespects their parents, which disrespects them. On day ONE.

3. She loves to hear herself talk much, much more than she loves to hear her students talk. This is obvious in no small part because:

4. They are egging her on in a mocking manner and she is grandstanding, not even seeming to pick up on it.

Inappropriate, unprofessional.

Goodbye. Find a job more suited to you.

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