Public Apathy Over Climate Change Unrelated To Science Literacy: Study


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Feb 28, 2011
Public Apathy Over Climate Change Unrelated To Science Literacy: Study - Public Apathy Over Climate Change Unrelated To Science Literacy: Study

...The study, in the journal Nature Climate Change, suggests that as members of the public become more science literate and numerate, individuals belonging to opposing cultural groups become even more divided on the risks that climate change poses.

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the study was conducted by researchers associated with the Cultural Cognition Project at Yale Law School and involved a nationally representative sample of 1500 U.S. adults.

"The aim of the study was to test two hypotheses," said Dan Kahan, Elizabeth K. Dollard Professor of Law and Professor of Psychology at Yale Law School and a member of the study team. "The first attributes political controversy over climate change to the public's limited ability to comprehend science, and the second, to opposing sets of cultural values. The findings supported the second hypothesis and not the first," he said...

..."Cultural cognition" is the term used to describe the process by which individuals' group values shape their perceptions of societal risks. It refers to the unconscious tendency of people to fit evidence of risk to positions that predominate in groups to which they belong.

..."In effect," Kahan said, "ordinary members of the public credit or dismiss scientific information on disputed issues based on whether the information strengthens or weakens their ties to others who share their values. At least among ordinary members of the public, individuals with higher science comprehension are even better at fitting the evidence to their group commitments."

..."What this study shows is that people with high science and math comprehension can think their way to conclusions that are better for them as individuals but are not necessarily better for society."

..."More information can help solve the climate change conflict," Kahan said, "but that information has to do more than communicate the scientific evidence. It also has to create a climate of deliberations in which no group perceives that accepting any piece of evidence is akin to betrayal of their cultural group."

subjectivity affects all people, and true objectivity is a difficult state for any to achieve in their considerations of any subject which they have taken the time and invested an effort in becoming informed about.
How interesting..................

This thread was COMPLETELY ignored by the climate change contingent!! Hmmmm...........what a surprise!!! But not to me. Far left guys who are OCD on this climate stuff always disregard ANY information if it does not conform with their ideology............

For example..........from todays REALCLEARSCIENCE morning edition. These dolts wont even read this because it nukes the shit out of their whole argument in a heartbeat.

On: How silly it is to think solar and wind can cure our energy needs...............

Getting power to the people: Why just being 'green' won't cure our energy woes | New York Daily News
Steve, most do not claim that solar and wind will cure our energy needs. Solar and wind will be a part of the overall package. As will be nuclear, geothermal, wave, and slow current. And probably some sources not yet thought of.
Public apathy will change when the jolt is great enough. As I stated before, when we have a weather event that takes lives in the tens of thousands, people will notice. Until then, the ever increasing numbers of smaller events will be passed off as natural variation. Sad that is what it takes to get peoples attention.
Steve, most do not claim that solar and wind will cure our energy needs. Solar and wind will be a part of the overall package. As will be nuclear, geothermal, wave, and slow current. And probably some sources not yet thought of.

The whole point Ray is that wind and solar are dinosaur technologies that will remain a small fraction of our energy needs. The solutions will indeed be related to some not yet created technology, but only if the government gets out of the way and allows innovation in this area. Subsidies for current green energy continues to be a serious impediment to innovations in energy production.
Public apathy will change when the jolt is great enough. As I stated before, when we have a weather event that takes lives in the tens of thousands, people will notice. Until then, the ever increasing numbers of smaller events will be passed off as natural variation. Sad that is what it takes to get peoples attention.

Perspective is everything here Ray...............

One single weather event will do nothing to change public perception. There are weather events going back forever that took tens of thousnds of lives. ( I posted up a link on this yesterday).

Im serious when I say...........if we get a few weeks of high temperatures during the dead of winter in a serverly cold climate ( like Alaska).........THAT will get peoples attention. Your side Ray, would be best served by not making ANY predictions. You're very knowledgable should get involved in a group that formulates a different plan..............and Im serious. The "alarmist" route is not effective and is now conterproductive at this point in time.

Hey Ray..........taking the kids to Delaware tomorrow for a NASCAR event. A needed vacation bro.........
Have fun, Steve. I like auto racing, but cannot stand crowds of people. So when I do attend a race, it is usually amateur races. Not that many people, and a lot more fun. Easier to relate to people that build and work on the cars they race on the week ends, than the constructs they race at Nascar events. Not that I don't enjoy watching these once in a while, simply cannot relate them to anything that I would ever drive.
Public apathy will change when the jolt is great enough. As I stated before, when we have a weather event that takes lives in the tens of thousands, people will notice. Until then, the ever increasing numbers of smaller events will be passed off as natural variation. Sad that is what it takes to get peoples attention.

Perspective is everything here Ray...............

One single weather event will do nothing to change public perception. There are weather events going back forever that took tens of thousnds of lives. ( I posted up a link on this yesterday).

Im serious when I say...........if we get a few weeks of high temperatures during the dead of winter in a serverly cold climate ( like Alaska).........THAT will get peoples attention. Your side Ray, would be best served by not making ANY predictions. You're very knowledgable should get involved in a group that formulates a different plan..............and Im serious. The "alarmist" route is not effective and is now conterproductive at this point in time.

Hey Ray..........taking the kids to Delaware tomorrow for a NASCAR event. A needed vacation bro.........

Actually, some took lives in the millions. Floods in China, droughts in the same place. But why do to ourselves what nature can do at will? Not that we are going to avoid some major consequences from the amount already in the atmosphere. Watch what happens in the Arctic over the next decade. That will be the dertiminant as to how bad it will be.
How interesting..................

This thread was COMPLETELY ignored by the climate change contingent!! Hmmmm...........what a surprise!!! But not to me. Far left guys who are OCD on this climate stuff always disregard ANY information if it does not conform with their ideology............

I usually assume that if no one comments upon a post then it is because they either agree with its content and see no reason to add comment, or that they aren't interested in the topic and have no desire to learn other's perspective or understanding with regard to the subject

On: How silly it is to think solar and wind can cure our energy needs...............

Getting power to the people: Why just being 'green' won't cure our energy woes | New York Daily News

Only the foolish seek a single energy system to replace the diverse energy integration we currently have in place. This isn't to say that solar and wind do not have a significant potential role in our future energy picture, merely that trying to use one system to replace many will cause as many problems as it resolves.
Public apathy will change when the jolt is great enough. As I stated before, when we have a weather event that takes lives in the tens of thousands, people will notice. Until then, the ever increasing numbers of smaller events will be passed off as natural variation. Sad that is what it takes to get peoples attention.

Well, the apathy is more a symptom of the politicization than the true lack of concern or care. We had a narrow window back in the late '90s and first couple of years of this century before politics divded the issue along partisan lines for most people. There were as many leading Republicans eager to address climate change issues as there were leading Democratic representatives. It is getting back to that stage of understanding and eliminating the partisan political divide over the issue that will take a lot of time and effort to correct.
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Public apathy will change when the jolt is great enough. As I stated before, when we have a weather event that takes lives in the tens of thousands, people will notice. Until then, the ever increasing numbers of smaller events will be passed off as natural variation. Sad that is what it takes to get peoples attention.

The high priest of the Death Worshiping Cult of AGW chimes in right on cue
From the OP which is kind of interesting but what is THIS condescending crappola??

..."What this study shows is that people with high science and math comprehension can think their way to conclusions that are better for them as individuals but are not necessarily better for society."

In other words high function in math and science does NOT write you an automatic invitation into OUR NPR listening, NYTimes reading elite.... Better for ME as an individual? Yeah that's why after applying my science and math skills, I've decided that nuclear is better JUST FOR ME.

WTF does this even mean? Who considers debate about energy policy or the environment to be JUST ABOUT THEM?? Ole Rocks maybe? Maybe HempMan?
How interesting..................

This thread was COMPLETELY ignored by the climate change contingent!! Hmmmm...........what a surprise!!! But not to me. Far left guys who are OCD on this climate stuff always disregard ANY information if it does not conform with their ideology............

For example..........from todays REALCLEARSCIENCE morning edition. These dolts wont even read this because it nukes the shit out of their whole argument in a heartbeat.

On: How silly it is to think solar and wind can cure our energy needs...............

Getting power to the people: Why just being 'green' won't cure our energy woes | New York Daily News

You must have posted the wrong link, the one you have posted makes no scientific arguments for or against AGW whatsoever.
From the OP which is kind of interesting but what is THIS condescending crappola??

..."What this study shows is that people with high science and math comprehension can think their way to conclusions that are better for them as individuals but are not necessarily better for society."

In other words high function in math and science does NOT write you an automatic invitation into OUR NPR listening, NYTimes reading elite.... Better for ME as an individual? Yeah that's why after applying my science and math skills, I've decided that nuclear is better JUST FOR ME.

WTF does this even mean? Who considers debate about energy policy or the environment to be JUST ABOUT THEM?? Ole Rocks maybe? Maybe HempMan?

All it is saying is that the more intelligent (problem-solving) a person is, the more capably they tend to conform information and understanding to their own existent perspective. That really isn't that revolutionary a concept though most of us prefer to think that our subjective perspective best approximates objective reality.
So only the liberal brand of smarts is intelligence. lol

How did you partisanly distort and twist that from what I stated?

(re:"All it is saying is that the more intelligent (problem-solving) a person is, the more capably they tend to conform information and understanding to their own existent perspective. That really isn't that revolutionary a concept though most of us prefer to think that our subjective perspective best approximates objective reality.")

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