Proud Boys Planned Street Violence for NYC Jan 10

Thread reported for a lying thread title. Even the writer of the hit piece doesn't claim that the evidence is of them planning violence but planning FOR potential violence, which is a big fucking difference.
Lesh definitely lied in this thread title. The group teaches non-violence.

Is he violating a rule that is usually enforced?
Good luck with that complaint moron.

And there is NO difference

Big difference between planning to DO violence and planning to be prepared for POTENTIAL violence.

You lied. Your thread title is a lie. Even the hit piece writer couldn't bring himself to make the claim you made.

He did fill his piece of shit article with unrelated shit and pure spin, and didn't get to the actual "information" till past the mid point of the article.

Standard leftard propaganda.
Big difference between planning to DO violence and planning to be prepared for POTENTIAL violence.

You lied. Your thread title is a lie. Even the hit piece writer couldn't bring himself to make the claim you made.

He did fill his piece of shit article with unrelated shit and pure spin, and didn't get to the actual "information" till past the mid point of the article.

Standard leftard propaganda.
There is no difference between your word salad and anything.

They were planning on engaging in violence.

Lesh definitely lied in this thread title. The group teaches non-violence.

Is he violating a rule that is usually enforced?

There is no difference between your word salad and anything.

They were planning on engaging in violence.


Being prepared for something is not the same as planning to do something.

Your thread title is a clear lie.


That's some bizarre parsing there.

They were not "getting prepared" to defend themselves. They were planning to instigate and engage in street violence.

lol you clowns are pathetic hypocrites. You're running out of gas, even with your own base of racists and thugs. Withiout Trump to snivel about you got nothing but going after each other over the spoils now. lol bye bye Reds; you have zero control over the hoodlums you've enabled.
That's some bizarre parsing there.

They were not "getting prepared" to defend themselves. They were planning to instigate and engage in street violence.

Your own source disagrees with you.

"It shows the lengths to which the Proud Boys go to prepare for potentially violent encounters"
These guys were intimately involved in the Jan 6 Capitol raid. They were NOT protesters. They were NOT tourists
The Jan 10 plan was abandoned when Jan 6 imploded but this shows their intent
You're just upset they took a page from the DNC playbook.

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