Protocols of the elders of Zion read aloud in Greek parliament


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Ilias Kasidiaris, a spokesperson for Golden Dawn, read out Protocol 19 from the book: "In order to destroy the prestige of heroism we shall send them for trial in the category of theft, murder and every kind of abominable and filthy crime," according to Panayote Dimitras of the Greek Helsinki Monitor.

Kasidiaris was addressing parliament on October 23 at a discussion on lifting his immunity in connection with suspicions of assault. “There was absolutely no reaction” to this in parliament, Dimitras said, which, makes “all parties held as accomplices.”
Protocols of the Elders of Zion read aloud in Greek Parliament - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Greek MP: Immigrants are Subhuman
Proceedings in the Greek parliament were disrupted Thursday after a far-right deputy and member of a Council of Europe anti-discrimination committee described immigrants as subhumans.
Greek MP: Immigrants are Subhuman - Israel National News

Greece Displaying Disturbing Similarities to Weimar Germany
The rising power in the polls - and in the streets - of the extreme right Golden Dawn party in Greece is being compared to the rise of Nazism in Germany.
The parallels are there and the party is not shy about being anti-Semitic and employing Nazi and fascist symbols, such as the swastika and black shirts- and engaging in organized violence.
The conditions are similar, namely, an economy in freefall that is driving the middle class and even members of the upper middle class to below the poverty line and to soup kitchens and hostels.
Greece Displaying Disturbing Similarities to Weimar Germany - Israel National News
Left-wing media outlets across the UK and Europe were forced to back down after it was pointed out to them that the symbol used by Golden Dawn - that they'd been comparing to the Swastika - is actually the ancient Greek meander, which is a decorative border found on most ancient Greek architectural remains, including the world famous Parthenon in Athens.

PS. While Greece's ultra left-wing Syriza party, the EU and international Jewry are bemoaning Golden Dawn and calling them neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn fund soup kitchens and distribute clothing across Greece.
PS. While Greece's ultra left-wing Syriza party, the EU and international Jewry are bemoaning Golden Dawn and calling them neo-Nazis, Golden Dawn fund soup kitchens and distribute clothing across Greece.

They don't hand-out any soup to the Jew.

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