(Proto)Typical White Denial: Reflections on Racism and Uncomfortable Realities

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
(Proto)Typical White Denial: Reflections on Racism and Uncomfortable Realities | The LA Progressive

by Tim Wise –

Not long ago, after I had written an article in which I discussed white denial–the tendency for most white folks to reject the notion that racism is still a significant obstacle for people of color in the U.S.–I received an e-mail from a white man who insisted that my argument was itself racist.

His reason? According to his message, simply by stating that most white folks remain in denial about the extent of racism and discrimination against people of color, I had engaged in anti-white bigotry, since I had made a generalization about a racial group: in this case, the one that both he and I share.

He went on to offer an analogy that he felt proved my argument to be racist. “What if I were to write an article where I said ‘most black people are criminals’?” he asked. “Wouldn’t that be racist against blacks?” In other words, he argued, to make any comments about racial groups is inherently racist, and so my saying that most whites were in denial was every bit as bad as saying that most blacks are criminals.

Of course, and as I explained to him at the time, such an argument makes no sense at all. The reason it is racist to say that “most blacks are criminals,” is because such a position is based on racial stereotypes rather than factual information: it casts aspersions upon an entire group of people, based not on truth, but on the basis of ignorant prejudice. Most blacks are not criminals; indeed, the vast majority are not. There are about 28 million African Americans over the age of 12 in the U.S. (and thus eligible for inclusion in crime data), and only a small number of these (fewer than five percent) will commit a crime in a given year.

So while it would not be racist to note that black folks have a higher official crime rate than whites–this is a fact borne out by evidence, and which doesn’t necessarily cast a characterological judgment upon those it mentions–saying that most blacks are criminals is simply a lie, and to the extent it casts aspersions upon a racial group that can lead to their continued stereotyping, a racist lie at that.

To say that “most white folks are in denial” is not racist, because such a belief is not based on stereotypes about whites; rather, the claim is supported by what white folks actually say when asked if we believe racism to be a significant problem: the vast majority, in poll after poll answer that it is not, irrespective of the evidence to the contrary. And we have long believed that, so even in the early 1960s, at a time when in retrospect all would agree the nation was profoundly unequal in its treatment of people of color, whites told pollsters in overwhelming numbers (anywhere from sixty-five to nearly ninety percent) that blacks had equal opportunities in employment and education. White denial has been a hallmark of the nation’s racial history. Saying that is not racist, it is an incontrovertible fact.
(Proto)Typical White Denial: Reflections on Racism and Uncomfortable Realities | The LA Progressive

by Tim Wise –

Not long ago, after I had written an article in which I discussed white denial–the tendency for most white folks to reject the notion that racism is still a significant obstacle for people of color in the U.S.–I received an e-mail from a white man who insisted that my argument was itself racist.

His reason? According to his message, simply by stating that most white folks remain in denial about the extent of racism and discrimination against people of color, I had engaged in anti-white bigotry, since I had made a generalization about a racial group: in this case, the one that both he and I share.

He went on to offer an analogy that he felt proved my argument to be racist. “What if I were to write an article where I said ‘most black people are criminals’?” he asked. “Wouldn’t that be racist against blacks?” In other words, he argued, to make any comments about racial groups is inherently racist, and so my saying that most whites were in denial was every bit as bad as saying that most blacks are criminals.

Of course, and as I explained to him at the time, such an argument makes no sense at all. The reason it is racist to say that “most blacks are criminals,” is because such a position is based on racial stereotypes rather than factual information: it casts aspersions upon an entire group of people, based not on truth, but on the basis of ignorant prejudice. Most blacks are not criminals; indeed, the vast majority are not. There are about 28 million African Americans over the age of 12 in the U.S. (and thus eligible for inclusion in crime data), and only a small number of these (fewer than five percent) will commit a crime in a given year.

So while it would not be racist to note that black folks have a higher official crime rate than whites–this is a fact borne out by evidence, and which doesn’t necessarily cast a characterological judgment upon those it mentions–saying that most blacks are criminals is simply a lie, and to the extent it casts aspersions upon a racial group that can lead to their continued stereotyping, a racist lie at that.

To say that “most white folks are in denial” is not racist, because such a belief is not based on stereotypes about whites; rather, the claim is supported by what white folks actually say when asked if we believe racism to be a significant problem: the vast majority, in poll after poll answer that it is not, irrespective of the evidence to the contrary. And we have long believed that, so even in the early 1960s, at a time when in retrospect all would agree the nation was profoundly unequal in its treatment of people of color, whites told pollsters in overwhelming numbers (anywhere from sixty-five to nearly ninety percent) that blacks had equal opportunities in employment and education. White denial has been a hallmark of the nation’s racial history. Saying that is not racist, it is an incontrovertible fact.

Is not.

We White folks are not in denial.

Not one bit.

I've asked a number of my White friends and they all agree.

Tim Wise must be misinformed.

When White folks say that racism isn't a significant problem, they are 100% accurate.

Racism isn't a significant problem...to them.
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What a crock of shit. Let's go ahead and generalize white people by hiding behind an assumed "fact" based on nothing more than the author's data-less observations while crying racism at the statistical data of prison populations by demographics. Laughable, really. And typical of the kind of one way reformers who are convinced that their black asses shit turds that don't stink and any suggestion thereof must be racism.

An estimated 12 percent of African-American men ages 20 to 34 are in jail or prison, according to a report released yesterday by the Justice Department.

By comparison, 1.6 percent of white men in the same age group are incarcerated.

Prison Rates Among Blacks Reach a Peak, Report Finds - New York Times

Don't blame white people because a significant portion of your CULTURE sells crack and robs liquor stores. No one forced a single black man to act like a fucking thug.
Is not.

We White folks are not in denial.

Not one bit.

I've asked a number of my White friends and they all agree.

Tim Wise must be misinformed.

When White folks say that racism isn't a significant problem, they are 100% accurate.

Racism isn't a significant problem...to them.

Shogun, Willowtree, Againsheila and Gunny are in dep denial to the point of absurdity.
What a crock of shit. Let's go ahead and generalize white people by hiding behind an assumed "fact" based on nothing more than the author's data-less observations while crying racism at the statistical data of prison populations by demographics. Laughable, really. And typical of the kind of one way reformers who are convinced that their black asses shit turds that don't stink and any suggestion thereof must be racism.

An estimated 12 percent of African-American men ages 20 to 34 are in jail or prison, according to a report released yesterday by the Justice Department.

By comparison, 1.6 percent of white men in the same age group are incarcerated.

Prison Rates Among Blacks Reach a Peak, Report Finds - New York Times

Don't blame white people because a significant portion of your CULTURE sells crack and robs liquor stores. No one forced a single black man to act like a fucking thug.

A significant portion of Mr Bass' people are not crack dealers, it is your people who use crack the most, in fact, your people use drugs more than anyone and users buy their drugs from people of the same race all of the time if not almost all of the time. The reason a high percentage of blacks are behind bars is the because the way "The War of Drugs" is being wage, you sissified, punkdafied, devilish cracker liberal. Our culture isn't based on selling drugs and robbing liquor stores, you speak out of ignorance and racial stereotypes.
As long as the Democrats can profit from denigrating the African race there will still be racism.

believe you me, it isn't only the Democrats and fake white liberals that are the proble, its also Uncle Toms and mentally ill republican conservatives that make the problem worse.
Please give examples of said "Uncle Toms" and "mentally ill republican conservatives".

Sean Hannity, Jesse Lee Peterson, Ward Connerly, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, Juan Williams, Clarence Thomas, come on, there are conservatives out there that are just straight up looney coons.
Shogun, Willowtree, Againsheila and Gunny are in dep denial to the point of absurdity.

Like a ghetto scholar, you are simply wrong. You can dig for victimhood all you need to but, at the end of the day, all you've done is dug your own hole.

Like a ghetto scholar, you are simply wrong. You can dig for victimhood all you need to but, at the end of the day, all you've done is dug your own hole.


You stupid wigger troll, you logic is indicative of a mentally ill person. People who experience racism and say nothing about are not victims of racism but if they speak out against it they're all of the sudden victims? Your sissified jackass could never make the Bass a victim, but you sure sound like a victim yourself, one who's been smacked up by the reality that racism still exists and as well and being smitten by his guilt.
Sean Hannity, Jesse Lee Peterson, Ward Connerly, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanan, Juan Williams, Clarence Thomas, come on, there are conservatives out there that are just straight up looney coons.
Juan Williams is a conservative? :lol: Come on now friend, get real.

As far as the others, they speak the truth. How does that make them insane?

How about my favorite Rush substitute, Dr. Walter E, Williams? The man is a genius. Walter Williams Home Page
A significant portion of Mr Bass' people are not crack dealers, it is your people who use crack the most, in fact, your people use drugs more than anyone and users buy their drugs from people of the same race all of the time if not almost all of the time. The reason a high percentage of blacks are behind bars is the because the way "The War of Drugs" is being wage, you sissified, punkdafied, devilish cracker liberal. Our culture isn't based on selling drugs and robbing liquor stores, you speak out of ignorance and racial stereotypes.

Hey, I whipped out the stats, negro. Feel free to think longer on what kind of rims your broke ass needs rather than what these CONCRETE NUMBERS say about your culture.

yea, dude.. white people sure do smoke crack more than black ghetto thugs... :lol:


you sissified, punkdafied, devilish cracker liberal.

hey, WAY to insist that whites are the racist ones, ******!


And yes, your culture is defined by gangland thug wannabe, droop pant, criminals in training whose decision to kill each other and rob people make themselves the only ones to blame for their criminal incarceration. Your laughable excuses wrapped in black racism mean little to nothing to the demographics that we can all google.
Juan Williams is a conservative? :lol: Come on now friend, get real.

As far as the others, they speak the truth. How does that make them insane?

How about my favorite Rush substitute, Dr. Walter E, Williams? The man is a genius. Walter Williams Home Page

If you think Sean Hannity speaks the truth and is real you're about as mentally ill as that fake hypocrite is. If fact any Americans who allows himself to have his mind warped by extremists on both the left and right and allow themselves to be divided by such political beliefs are mentally ill. A Black Panther pimp-smacked him up on the Hannity and Colmes show about his association with Hal Turner and like the coward he was he denied on national TV.
Hey, I whipped out the stats, negro. Feel free to think longer on what kind of rims your broke ass needs rather than what these CONCRETE NUMBERS say about your culture.

You whipped out jack crap that says anything about black culture. There are almsot 40 million black people in America and if your retarded logic was true almost all blacks would be in prison or have a criminal record. Seems like you're too retarded to properly read and interpret stats wigger wannabe.

replaying in kind to posted racism. but you knew that before you posted a bitter little reply, didn't' you. Perhaps you should tread deep enough to figure out the point in using such vocabulary against clear and present racism by the bass.

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