Prophet Muhammad on Christians

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
1- “The Christians… respected my alliance. They recognized my rights. They fulfilled the promises that they had made during our meeting. They assisted the lieutenants that I had sent to the frontiers. They earned my concern and my affection by fulfilling the obligations that I had contracted with them…” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Najran)

2- “If a Christian woman enters a Muslim household, she shall be received with kindness, and she shall be given opportunity to pray in her church; there shall be no dispute between her and a man who loves her religion. Whoever contravenes the covenant of Allah and acts to the contrary is a rebel against his covenant and his messenger.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of Mount Sinai)

3- “If a monk or pilgrim seeks protection, in mountain or valley, in a cave or in tilled fields, in the plain, in the desert, or in a church, I am behind them, defending them from every enemy; I, my helpers, all the members of my religion and all my followers, for they [the monks and the pilgrims] and my proteges and my subjects.” – (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of Mount Sinai)

4- “All pious believers shall deem it their bounden duty to defend believers and to aid them wheresoever they may be, whether far or near, and throughout Christendom shall protect the places where they conduct worship, and those where their monks and priests dwell.

Everywhere, in mountains, or in the plains, in towns and in waste places, in deserts, and wheresoever they may be, that people shall be protected, both in their faith and in their property, both in the West and in the East, both on sea and land.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Persia)

5- “No Christian shall be brought by force to confess Islam, and no disputes except over the better things shall be envisaged in with them. Muslims shall extend over the Christians everywhere the arm of mercy and kindness, protecting them from the exactions of oppressors.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Persia)

6- “The Muslims must not abandon the Christians, neglect them, and leave them without help and assistance since I have made this pact with them on behalf of Allah to ensure that whatever good befell Muslims it would befall them as well and that whatever harm befell Muslims would befall them as well.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Najran)

7- “If the Christians seek the help and assistance of the Muslims in order to repair their churches and their convents or to arrange matters pertaining to their affairs and religion, they, [the Muslims], must help and support them.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World)

8- “… [Christians] have obtained inviolable rights to enjoy our protection, to be protected from any infringement on their rights, so that they will be bound to the Muslims both in good and bad fortune.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World)

9- “If there be among the Christians a great and learned man the Muslims shall honor him and not be envious of his greatness.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Assyrian Christians)

10- “If anyone is unjust and unkind to the Christians he will be guilty of disobeying the Prophet of God.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Assyrian Christians)


The post 10 Great Prophet Muhammad Quotes on Christians appeared first on About Islam.
Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
Let me travel to Mecca to see how well Christians are received.

Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians, murder them and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.
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Let me travel to Mecca to see how well Christians are received.

Today things are different because the Vatican has to make it appear as if their own nuns / priests / Catholic followers are part of the true body of Christ. They must look like a legitimate church. They can't afford to be exposed because without the Arabs they can't take Jerusalem which is what their goal has been all along. The real victims in this story are the Catholic people who have been lied to, kept in the dark for centuries (they weren't allowed to read the KJV Bible and still are told not to read it) and used as pawns, the Arabs who have been lied to and used as pawns, the Jews who have been persecuted and killed because of the lies the Arabs were taught (originating from the Vatican & their agents who indoctrinated Mohammad) and of course the true followers of Jesus Christ who have always resisted the Vatican and its false doctrines. It's hard to imagine any system or institution that could plot something so diabolical that spanned centuries but that is precisely what Rome has done. Read ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera books from Chick Publication - listen to his testimonies on youtube. It's free on youtube and the books are even read on those videos. It's really time that people found out the truth. I feel great compassion for the Catholic people who have been deceived. I used to be Catholic. Believe me when I tell you I was shocked when I learned the truth but it all made sense to me. The Vatican's Jesuits are behind these wars that are taking place in the Middle east, continent of Africa, all over. The endgame for them is their NWO and seizing Jerusalem by internationalizing it and claiming it as their headquarters to rule their One World Religion from. Remember that the Pope believes it is his right to rule over the world as he sees himself as God on earth. About WWII and the NWO plan. Hitler failed to deliver it to them but this time they have got the UN, UNESCO, and power over world leaders everywhere through their Fed Res. (created by Jesuits - Mandell House was a Jesuit), World Bank, IMF, they are in control of it all but would have you believe the Jews are behind the NWO - a lie designed to make the world blame the Jews and hate them - the Vatican has been doing this for centuries).
Last edited:
Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.

Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.

Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Oy vey. Alright. Let's do a short review. Which came first. The Vatican or Mohammad? The Vatican. Who came up with the plan to spread the message throughout Arab world that "a prophet" was coming who would lead them? The Vatican did. And it was a message that had to be waited upon for decades because they wanted to make sure everyone was expecting this prophet to arrive. Who wrote the script for that future prophet? The Vatican did. Who told Mohammad that he was called to be a prophet? A Catholic Monk on assignment from Rome did. Who gave Khadija are a large sum of money, told her to leave the convent and hire Mohammad to work for her - and later marry him? The Vatican did. Who taught Mohammad about "Christianity" - Khadija's cousin through the Vatican script and they made sure to alter a few things in order to make it appear as a unique religion. Who told Mohammad to beware of the Jews who would be his mortal enemies? A Catholic Monk did. Who told Mohammad that there were people who called themselves Christians who were not Catholic and that they were servants of the devil, evil people that must be slaughtered? The Vatican did. Are you getting the picture yet????
It looks like Francis has been busy with his common ground work with ISNA. This is the link AL is using 3 Non-Muslims Praised by Prophet Muhammad | About Islam
Note the story about the "Christian King" (Catholic actually) who converts to Islam....... Yes, Francis is crafting a one world religion and is now drawing the Muslims into his web of deceit. Incredible. You can be sure these teachings are right now being pushed everywhere.. Francis must look like the "man of peace" who brings world peace...and unites everyone! The only problem with that is that it is a false peace that the anti-Christ uses to deceive the world.
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
And in early Catholicism anyone who mocked the Pope would be put to death because he was seen as God's representative on the earth - a god unto himself. Sound familiar? I respect that you are a Christian but you have to understand that according to the Pope no one is a Christian unless he says they are one - and that requires bowing down to "Mary" and becoming part of the "MOTHER church" which is also known in the KJV Holy Bible as the Whore of Babylon.
1- “The Christians… respected my alliance. They recognized my rights. They fulfilled the promises that they had made during our meeting. They assisted the lieutenants that I had sent to the frontiers. They earned my concern and my affection by fulfilling the obligations that I had contracted with them…” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Najran)

2- “If a Christian woman enters a Muslim household, she shall be received with kindness, and she shall be given opportunity to pray in her church; there shall be no dispute between her and a man who loves her religion. Whoever contravenes the covenant of Allah and acts to the contrary is a rebel against his covenant and his messenger.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of Mount Sinai)

3- “If a monk or pilgrim seeks protection, in mountain or valley, in a cave or in tilled fields, in the plain, in the desert, or in a church, I am behind them, defending them from every enemy; I, my helpers, all the members of my religion and all my followers, for they [the monks and the pilgrims] and my proteges and my subjects.” – (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of Mount Sinai)

4- “All pious believers shall deem it their bounden duty to defend believers and to aid them wheresoever they may be, whether far or near, and throughout Christendom shall protect the places where they conduct worship, and those where their monks and priests dwell.

Everywhere, in mountains, or in the plains, in towns and in waste places, in deserts, and wheresoever they may be, that people shall be protected, both in their faith and in their property, both in the West and in the East, both on sea and land.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Persia)

5- “No Christian shall be brought by force to confess Islam, and no disputes except over the better things shall be envisaged in with them. Muslims shall extend over the Christians everywhere the arm of mercy and kindness, protecting them from the exactions of oppressors.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Persia)

6- “The Muslims must not abandon the Christians, neglect them, and leave them without help and assistance since I have made this pact with them on behalf of Allah to ensure that whatever good befell Muslims it would befall them as well and that whatever harm befell Muslims would befall them as well.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of Najran)

7- “If the Christians seek the help and assistance of the Muslims in order to repair their churches and their convents or to arrange matters pertaining to their affairs and religion, they, [the Muslims], must help and support them.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World)

8- “… [Christians] have obtained inviolable rights to enjoy our protection, to be protected from any infringement on their rights, so that they will be bound to the Muslims both in good and bad fortune.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World)

9- “If there be among the Christians a great and learned man the Muslims shall honor him and not be envious of his greatness.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Assyrian Christians)

10- “If anyone is unjust and unkind to the Christians he will be guilty of disobeying the Prophet of God.” (The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Assyrian Christians)


The post 10 Great Prophet Muhammad Quotes on Christians appeared first on About Islam.
I appreciate you posting this thread more than you know. It definitely gives all of us an idea of the Vatican's timeline - when the Vatican plans on starting their next inquisition. Much appreciated. Thank you.
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.

Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Oy vey. Alright. Let's do a short review. Which came first. The Vatican or Mohammad? The Vatican. Who came up with the plan to spread the message throughout Arab world that "a prophet" was coming who would lead them? The Vatican did. And it was a message that had to be waited upon for decades because they wanted to make sure everyone was expecting this prophet to arrive. Who wrote the script for that future prophet? The Vatican did. Who told Mohammad that he was called to be a prophet? A Catholic Monk on assignment from Rome did. Who gave Khadija are a large sum of money, told her to leave the convent and hire Mohammad to work for her - and later marry him? The Vatican did. Who taught Mohammad about "Christianity" - Khadija's cousin through the Vatican script and they made sure to alter a few things in order to make it appear as a unique religion. Who told Mohammad to beware of the Jews who would be his mortal enemies? A Catholic Monk did. Who told Mohammad that there were people who called themselves Christians who were not Catholic and that they were servants of the devil, evil people that must be slaughtered? The Vatican did. Are you getting the picture yet????

I got the story line------but it seems IMPOSSIBLY CONTRIVED ------why choose to foist this stuff
on ARABS-------why not hindus or Chinese ?? Of course it might have something to do with
the SILK ROAD------the all important trade routes?? oh gee
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.

Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Oy vey. Alright. Let's do a short review. Which came first. The Vatican or Mohammad? The Vatican. Who came up with the plan to spread the message throughout Arab world that "a prophet" was coming who would lead them? The Vatican did. And it was a message that had to be waited upon for decades because they wanted to make sure everyone was expecting this prophet to arrive. Who wrote the script for that future prophet? The Vatican did. Who told Mohammad that he was called to be a prophet? A Catholic Monk on assignment from Rome did. Who gave Khadija are a large sum of money, told her to leave the convent and hire Mohammad to work for her - and later marry him? The Vatican did. Who taught Mohammad about "Christianity" - Khadija's cousin through the Vatican script and they made sure to alter a few things in order to make it appear as a unique religion. Who told Mohammad to beware of the Jews who would be his mortal enemies? A Catholic Monk did. Who told Mohammad that there were people who called themselves Christians who were not Catholic and that they were servants of the devil, evil people that must be slaughtered? The Vatican did. Are you getting the picture yet????

I got the story line------but it seems IMPOSSIBLY CONTRIVED ------why choose to foist this stuff
on ARABS-------why not hindus or Chinese ?? Of course it might have something to do with
the SILK ROAD------the all important trade routes?? oh gee
Because it was the Arabs (not the Hindus or Chinese) who lived amongst the Jews in the Middle East - peacefully I might add - until that Catholic Monk came into the picture. It's meant to appear as if it was impossibly contrived. These people get their ideas from Satan himself. The Hindus have been schmoozed by the Vatican and its Popes too. Don't you remember Pope Paul II receiving the mark of Shiva in his forehead?

Not a Hindu Priest. A Hindu Shiva Priestess.

Pope Paul is getting the mark of Shiva on his forehead by Shiva Priestess.
No Christian would be apart of this occult ritual but you have to remember that
Catholicism isn't Christianity. How did the Vatican explain away this story? They claim she is a Catholic woman marking him with a little greeting. If you believe that you may be interested in buying the Brooklyn bridge too. No, the very foundation of Rome's Church is from the Babylonian occult. Ask HaShev about it.

And as for the Chinese - that's another story. Let's just say the Jesuits infiltrated China later on and left their mark there too.
Last edited:
I think I am getting hooked------it seems LOGICAL. Today----the big time alliance is also into
TRADE ROUTES--------and one of the centers of controversy is part of Arabia----to wit YEMEN and its ports-----yemen is technically part of "ARABIA" and VERY IMPORTANT for anyone interested in
CONTROL of maritime trade routes. Back then-----Arabia was the way to the WEALTH OF THE EAST.
( I still don't trust Francis)
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
Fraud------the quotations and-----the NON SOURCE. Every church in the Arabian peninsula had been defiled and destroyed by deathbed orders of the dog of mecca long ago. Every shariah cesspit
has conducted genocide upon its Christian population since the establishment of islam. For those interested----if you are in the USA----talk to a COPT, Chaldean, or even a Nigerian Christian. lion
and sunni seem to imagine that "about islam" is a website---newly discovered ---that had been buried in the dirt of medina 1400 years ago.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.

Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Oy vey. Alright. Let's do a short review. Which came first. The Vatican or Mohammad? The Vatican. Who came up with the plan to spread the message throughout Arab world that "a prophet" was coming who would lead them? The Vatican did. And it was a message that had to be waited upon for decades because they wanted to make sure everyone was expecting this prophet to arrive. Who wrote the script for that future prophet? The Vatican did. Who told Mohammad that he was called to be a prophet? A Catholic Monk on assignment from Rome did. Who gave Khadija are a large sum of money, told her to leave the convent and hire Mohammad to work for her - and later marry him? The Vatican did. Who taught Mohammad about "Christianity" - Khadija's cousin through the Vatican script and they made sure to alter a few things in order to make it appear as a unique religion. Who told Mohammad to beware of the Jews who would be his mortal enemies? A Catholic Monk did. Who told Mohammad that there were people who called themselves Christians who were not Catholic and that they were servants of the devil, evil people that must be slaughtered? The Vatican did. Are you getting the picture yet????

I got the story line------but it seems IMPOSSIBLY CONTRIVED ------why choose to foist this stuff
on ARABS-------why not hindus or Chinese ?? Of course it might have something to do with
the SILK ROAD------the all important trade routes?? oh gee
Because it was the Arabs (not the Hindus or Chinese) who lived amongst the Jews in the Middle East - peacefully I might add - until that Catholic Monk came into the picture. It's meant to appear as if it was impossibly contrived. These people get their ideas from Satan himself. The Hindus have been schmoozed by the Vatican and its Popes too. Don't you remember Pope Paul II receiving the mark of Shiva in his forehead?

Pope Paul is getting the mark of Shiva on his forehead by Shiva Priestess.
No Christian would be apart of this occult ritual but you have to remember that
Catholicism isn't Christianity. How did the Vatican explain away this story? They claim she is a Catholic woman marking him with a little greeting. If you believe that you may be interested in buying the Brooklyn bridge too. No, the very foundation of Rome's Church is from the Babylonian occult. Ask HaShev about it.

And as for the Chinese - that's another story. Let's just say the Jesuits infiltrated China later on and left their mark there too.

I've had lots of hindu friends-------they do not GREET each other with a DOT ON THE FOREHEAD----
the dot is a religious issue--------except for the ladies who do it for its BEAUTY effect----BUT --it really
happens in the course of some sort of prayer thing.----------it has something to do with an extra eye ---
don't quote me
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
No, Rosie. He's right. The Catholic Vatican and their Catholic monks had an ironclad agreement with Mohammad. In the earliest time of Islam while Mohammad was alive and afterward, the Catholics were exempt because the Vatican and their agent - Khadija's cousin, convinced Mohammad that they alone were the "One True Church" and the "Only Christians." Mohammad was told that we were the enemy, Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who were outside the Roman Catholic System. This is how the Vatican got Mohammad to make war against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ. In the earliest days, all Catholics were safe from any attack from followers of Islam because of the agreement Mohammad had with the Vatican. Later on, in order to appear as if they were part of the persecuted Believers they allowed their own churches / Catholic people to be killed as well. It was all very carefully laid out. Dr. Alberto Rivera - the ex-Jesuit - explains all of this in his testimony. He was told by Cardinal Bea that Khadija was living in a convent when she got her assignment to become Mohammad's wife and her cousin - who was an agent of Rome is the one who interpreted Mohammad's dreams and indoctrinated him into many belief systems that the Vatican taught. That's why you see so many similarities between the two religions. Islam came out of the Vatican, was created by the Vatican for the multitudes of Arabs who resisted Augustine's original plan to convert them all to Catholicism. Many Arabs wanted nothing to do with it. This was how they overcame that obstacle and of course Fatima plays a huge part in all of this (expect more sightings of Fatima). Augustine's main assignment was to hunt down true Christians and make sure all the Scriptures they had with them were taken away. The Catholic Church didn't want those scriptures getting into the hands of the Arabs because people who read the scriptures became followers of Jesus Christ (their mortal enemy). The Vatican's plan was to use these Arabs to take Jerusalem for them. The Vatican never cared about the Arabs or their salvation -they taught them a lie in order to use them as a weapon against the Jews and the followers of Jesus Christ who believed the Scriptures and rejected Rome and its false doctrines. In fact, the Arabs did take Jerusalem but they didn't hand it over to the Vatican and the Vatican was furious that they were double crossed. It's a long story. Ancient Lion is actually giving you the true history of the pact between the Vatican and Mohammad. It's all true. If you want me to dig up my Rivera books and get the exact details for you I can do that.

Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Oy vey. Alright. Let's do a short review. Which came first. The Vatican or Mohammad? The Vatican. Who came up with the plan to spread the message throughout Arab world that "a prophet" was coming who would lead them? The Vatican did. And it was a message that had to be waited upon for decades because they wanted to make sure everyone was expecting this prophet to arrive. Who wrote the script for that future prophet? The Vatican did. Who told Mohammad that he was called to be a prophet? A Catholic Monk on assignment from Rome did. Who gave Khadija are a large sum of money, told her to leave the convent and hire Mohammad to work for her - and later marry him? The Vatican did. Who taught Mohammad about "Christianity" - Khadija's cousin through the Vatican script and they made sure to alter a few things in order to make it appear as a unique religion. Who told Mohammad to beware of the Jews who would be his mortal enemies? A Catholic Monk did. Who told Mohammad that there were people who called themselves Christians who were not Catholic and that they were servants of the devil, evil people that must be slaughtered? The Vatican did. Are you getting the picture yet????

I got the story line------but it seems IMPOSSIBLY CONTRIVED ------why choose to foist this stuff
on ARABS-------why not hindus or Chinese ?? Of course it might have something to do with
the SILK ROAD------the all important trade routes?? oh gee
Because it was the Arabs (not the Hindus or Chinese) who lived amongst the Jews in the Middle East - peacefully I might add - until that Catholic Monk came into the picture. It's meant to appear as if it was impossibly contrived. These people get their ideas from Satan himself. The Hindus have been schmoozed by the Vatican and its Popes too. Don't you remember Pope Paul II receiving the mark of Shiva in his forehead?

Pope Paul is getting the mark of Shiva on his forehead by Shiva Priestess.
No Christian would be apart of this occult ritual but you have to remember that
Catholicism isn't Christianity. How did the Vatican explain away this story? They claim she is a Catholic woman marking him with a little greeting. If you believe that you may be interested in buying the Brooklyn bridge too. No, the very foundation of Rome's Church is from the Babylonian occult. Ask HaShev about it.

And as for the Chinese - that's another story. Let's just say the Jesuits infiltrated China later on and left their mark there too.

I've had lots of hindu friends-------they do not GREET each other with a DOT ON THE FOREHEAD----
the dot is a religious issue--------except for the ladies who do it for its BEAUTY effect----BUT --it really
happens in the course of some sort of prayer thing.----------it has something to do with an extra eye ---
don't quote me
She isn't putting a dot on his forehead. She is putting 3 lines on his forehead. The mark of Shiva. I've got documentation on the story somewhere. If you need me to find it I will.. Say the word, Rosie.
The only people that the Vatican didn't get over on is the Russians. Which is why there was over a 1,000 year split between Vatican and Orthodox Church of Russia. The story is truly astounding and every bit of it is true because it came straight out of the Vatican archives which ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera read for himself. After about 6 attempts on his life the Jesuits were finally able to murder Dr. Rivera on orders of the Jesuit General / and Pope in Vatican.
I think I am getting hooked------it seems LOGICAL. Today----the big time alliance is also into
TRADE ROUTES--------and one of the centers of controversy is part of Arabia----to wit YEMEN and its ports-----yemen is technically part of "ARABIA" and VERY IMPORTANT for anyone interested in
CONTROL of maritime trade routes. Back then-----Arabia was the way to the WEALTH OF THE EAST.
( I still don't trust Francis)
Yes, that is what that trouble between China and India is over that massive road they are building. India doesn't want them going through there. China needs that road for their 200 million man army that march to Israel which is in the plans for later on. You see, that road will eventually span from China right to Israel's front door. Look up the maps, Rosie. Oh, one more thing... you won't see a road being built through Iraq, etc because that terrain is already smooth / perfect for traveling on - no need for Chinese to build one there.....they will just march straight across it.
Prophet Muhammad on Christians
Who cares.

In France Christians have been killed for mocking Mohamed. I know we, the Christians, don't kill Muslims for mocking Jesus Christ.

I'm a Christian and I care about Christian values and God's Law. If some other religion doesn't understand Christianity, its their problem, not ours.
Jerie-----the part I do NOT believe is -----that MUHUMMAD, HIMSELF was directly involved with these
"PACTS" There were lots of PACTS foisted on peoples conquered by muslims. As you know ---
my poor little hubby was born into a community that had muslim pacts shoved down its throats.
and ------technically if he still had the misfortune of living in that Islamic shit hole----he would be living
under the obligations of a "pact". The pacts were authored after the pig of mecca died. Attribution to "muhummad" confers upon them a GLOW for muslims. It seems to me that some of the
pacts now presented in "about islam" are REMARKABLY CLEANED UP. The "pacts" are
endlessly OPPRESSIVE. Muhummad died at the age of 60 ----and spent decades devastating the
Arabian peninsula-------when did this world trip happen with written (MUHUMMAD COULD NOT WRITE) with all sorts of Christian leaders? No question "pacts" do exist and the catholic clergy
had contact with the muslims who conquered throughout North Africa and parts of Southern Europe and Asia-----but DIRECTLY WITH MUHUMMAD--?? I doubt it
Oy vey. Alright. Let's do a short review. Which came first. The Vatican or Mohammad? The Vatican. Who came up with the plan to spread the message throughout Arab world that "a prophet" was coming who would lead them? The Vatican did. And it was a message that had to be waited upon for decades because they wanted to make sure everyone was expecting this prophet to arrive. Who wrote the script for that future prophet? The Vatican did. Who told Mohammad that he was called to be a prophet? A Catholic Monk on assignment from Rome did. Who gave Khadija are a large sum of money, told her to leave the convent and hire Mohammad to work for her - and later marry him? The Vatican did. Who taught Mohammad about "Christianity" - Khadija's cousin through the Vatican script and they made sure to alter a few things in order to make it appear as a unique religion. Who told Mohammad to beware of the Jews who would be his mortal enemies? A Catholic Monk did. Who told Mohammad that there were people who called themselves Christians who were not Catholic and that they were servants of the devil, evil people that must be slaughtered? The Vatican did. Are you getting the picture yet????

I got the story line------but it seems IMPOSSIBLY CONTRIVED ------why choose to foist this stuff
on ARABS-------why not hindus or Chinese ?? Of course it might have something to do with
the SILK ROAD------the all important trade routes?? oh gee
Because it was the Arabs (not the Hindus or Chinese) who lived amongst the Jews in the Middle East - peacefully I might add - until that Catholic Monk came into the picture. It's meant to appear as if it was impossibly contrived. These people get their ideas from Satan himself. The Hindus have been schmoozed by the Vatican and its Popes too. Don't you remember Pope Paul II receiving the mark of Shiva in his forehead?

Pope Paul is getting the mark of Shiva on his forehead by Shiva Priestess.
No Christian would be apart of this occult ritual but you have to remember that
Catholicism isn't Christianity. How did the Vatican explain away this story? They claim she is a Catholic woman marking him with a little greeting. If you believe that you may be interested in buying the Brooklyn bridge too. No, the very foundation of Rome's Church is from the Babylonian occult. Ask HaShev about it.

And as for the Chinese - that's another story. Let's just say the Jesuits infiltrated China later on and left their mark there too.

I've had lots of hindu friends-------they do not GREET each other with a DOT ON THE FOREHEAD----
the dot is a religious issue--------except for the ladies who do it for its BEAUTY effect----BUT --it really
happens in the course of some sort of prayer thing.----------it has something to do with an extra eye ---
don't quote me
She isn't putting a dot on his forehead. She is putting 3 lines on his forehead. The mark of Shiva. I've got documentation on the story somewhere. If you need me to find it I will.. Say the word, Rosie.

oh-----the only forehead thing I know is DA DOT------actually there are all sorts of drawings---
little dots in patterns -----and the henna designs------on hands and feet-----some times some
red stuff on the scalp --------THREE LINES? seems to me that the whole little ceremony
was PLANNED-------with that lovely sexually alluring girl in her floating, silk, virtually falling off
sari,,,,,,,,why would the CHASTE POPE agree to SO INDULGE?. it all looks so DAMNED
SEXY to me
I think I am getting hooked------it seems LOGICAL. Today----the big time alliance is also into
TRADE ROUTES--------and one of the centers of controversy is part of Arabia----to wit YEMEN and its ports-----yemen is technically part of "ARABIA" and VERY IMPORTANT for anyone interested in
CONTROL of maritime trade routes. Back then-----Arabia was the way to the WEALTH OF THE EAST.
( I still don't trust Francis)
Yes, that is what that trouble between China and India is over that massive road they are building. India doesn't want them going through there. China needs that road for their 200 million man march to Israel which is in the plans for later on. You see, that road will eventually span from China right to Israel's front door. Look up the maps, Rosie.

China's march to Israel? WAT DA HELL FOR?

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