Proof that Ambassadors should have been fired


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
Its a simple partisan shit show, making the ambassador look like a martyr and Trump a bully.
Trump needs to be aware how to play the game instead of constantly giving democrats clubs to beat him over the head with.
He could have removed Yovanovich gracefully and honorably, instead of the smear campaign and a major campaign issue.
Trump must have a learning disability, no one should take this fucking long to learn a job.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
They would not go along with Trump's abuse of power and incredibly corrupt behavior, and that makes them deserving to be fired, eh?

What they have all had to explain over and over and that the republicans refused to acknowledge is that the president was conducting his own Ukraine policy that was in direct conflict with the official policy. While the president has the power to set foreign policy and hire and fire ambassadors at will it has to be done in a procedural way through the state department. If all this is proper why were proper channels not used? It would have protected the president from impeachment.
What they have all had to explain over and over and that the republicans refused to acknowledge is that the president was conducting his own Ukraine policy that was in direct conflict with the official policy. While the president has the power to set foreign policy and hire and fire ambassadors at will it has to be done in a procedural way through the state department. If all this is proper why were proper channels not used? It would have protected the president from impeachment.

You dumbass there is NO official policy other than the president's in this respect period. Read the friggin constitution, specifically article two shitforbrains. THAT is the only official policy.
What they have all had to explain over and over and that the republicans refused to acknowledge is that the president was conducting his own Ukraine policy that was in direct conflict with the official policy. While the president has the power to set foreign policy and hire and fire ambassadors at will it has to be done in a procedural way through the state department. If all this is proper why were proper channels not used? It would have protected the president from impeachment.

You dumbass there is NO official policy other than the president's in this respect period. Read the friggin constitution, specifically article two shitforbrains. THAT is the only official policy.
Your profanity does absolutely nothing to make the spurious case that the president has unaccountable unilateral authority to conduct shadow foreign policy for the express purpose of advancing his own personal interests. The state department insulates the president from ever seeming to be corrupt in his foreign policy. Why did he not use proper procedure to accomplish something that he is desperately trying to portray as proper? There is only one answer, you're just not allowed to say it.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
Seems to me that after serving with many past administrations with distinction it all goes to hell under the present one. But that is way over your head.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
Seems to me that after serving with many past administrations with distinction it all goes to hell under the present one. .
Your point being...........?
Seems to me that after serving with many past administrations with distinction it all goes to hell under the present one. But that is way over your head.

Seems to me that English grammar is way over your head.
How to become an ambassador @ US Ambassadors | Jobs and Degree Requirements for US Diplomats

We find ourselves with a Department of State riddled with career diplomats who have no loyalty but to their own futures. Unlike someone the president personally appoints, their viewpoint of what's good for the country is based on their own political and world viewpoint.

An ambassador should be the personal representative to a foreign nation, espousing the president's views and policies first and foremost.

Someone like this doesn't get "fired", they just get sent back to another State Department post equivalent to their rank.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
Ambassadors serve the country, not for the personal benefit of government officials.
Part of the ambassador job is to fight corruption, not aid it.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!

Their testimony in the impeachment inquiry proves that they honor legal congressional subpoenas to testify. That's what great American patriots do. These patriots should be honored - not vilified.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
That these career professionals with decades of service to this nation put country over "Orange Criminal" is proof that they should be fired?
How to become an ambassador @ US Ambassadors | Jobs and Degree Requirements for US Diplomats

We find ourselves with a Department of State riddled with career diplomats who have no loyalty but to their own futures. Unlike someone the president personally appoints, their viewpoint of what's good for the country is based on their own political and world viewpoint.

An ambassador should be the personal representative to a foreign nation, espousing the president's views and policies first and foremost.

Someone like this doesn't get "fired", they just get sent back to another State Department post equivalent to their rank.
No, ambassadors are for the State. The US.
What they have all had to explain over and over and that the republicans refused to acknowledge is that the president was conducting his own Ukraine policy that was in direct conflict with the official policy. While the president has the power to set foreign policy and hire and fire ambassadors at will it has to be done in a procedural way through the state department. If all this is proper why were proper channels not used? It would have protected the president from impeachment.

You dumbass there is NO official policy other than the president's in this respect period. Read the friggin constitution, specifically article two shitforbrains. THAT is the only official policy.
Trump doesn't adhere to the Constitution or the norms of our democracy. Policy by Trump.
By their testimony in the impeachment inquiry, these former Ambassadors have proven that they are political partisans who had no respect for their Constitutional roles to serve at the pleasure of the President and to carry out his foreign policy. Fortunately, they have exposed themselves as denizens of the Deep State who deserved to be fired. Thank you!
That these career professionals with decades of service to this nation put country over "Orange Criminal" is proof that they should be fired?
1. Obama fired ALL ambassadors in 2008, so stop whining
2. Yonakovich was kept on by State and given a cushy professor job in Georgetown recruiting young candidates, she's happy there
3. The President, and only the President sets foreign policy, period. He listens to advisors, but makes the decision. The career professionals carry it out.
4. You have a "crime" committed by Trump? because none of the first 3 witnesses could name one.
From Wiktionary

  1. Noun
    ambassador (plural ambassadors)
    1. A minister of the highest rank sent to a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country. (Sometimes called ambassador-in-residence)
  2. An official messenger and representative.
  3. A corporate representative, often the public face of the company.
    As front hall porter, you are an ambassador for the hotel.

  4. Nowhere does it indicate that an ambassador is there to make policy.


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