Prolife Question: if a virus like Zika caused mass damage to waves of unborn or newborn babies

Prolifers against federal health care: in case viral outbreak caused mass deformities in babies

  • A. I would make an exception for mothers who choose abortion who can't afford to raise such children

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. I would support federal govt covering care and costs of such children instead of abortion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. I would only support federal coverage for catastrophic and security issues, not all health care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. I would support health care by state to cover such costs but not federal govt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • E. I would support private business, nonprofit charity or other non-govt entity to cover health care

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F. Other : please specify how you would want such an epidemic handled

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • G. I can't answer poll since I'm not prolife against federal care, but I support (other pls specify)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I was discussing with a friend how the prolife conservatives believe it is inherently unconstitutional for the federal govt to mandate and regulate health care choices.

This friend, who has an even greater interest and experience in studying church-state history in order to understand the progression of govt, had suggested there could be a good use of federalized health care that is normally considered not govt business: What if there was a widespread epidemic, and it helped to organize resources in advance to reach the populations affected because federal structures were already in place? Could it be divine intervention that such systems be set up now, before it is seen as necessary, so that if some emergency outbreak happens in the future, the federal govt can deal with it globally?

Now, when I read about the Zika virus, for example, there isn't a vaccine in place as there is for Rubella which was also known to cause birth defects if the mother contracts it during pregnancy.

With Zika, there are two weeks that the mother would be affected and could pass it to the unborn child. There is no way to demand that people carrying Zika be put in "isolation" to prevent from being bitten by the particular mosquito that can carry it to a pregnant mother. So this risk is going to be out there.

So what if a virus like Zika did spread and create a rash of deformed babies or infants at risk of dying within their first month.

For the people who are prolife and also against federalized health care:
Would you still keep the same approach, of allowing the births to go forward with no choice of abortion? If a wave of unborn or newborn babies all turned out to need specialized care, would you support the federal govt paying for all this medical care?

What solution would YOU support if something happened on a epidemic scale:

Would you allow for abortions or just let the babies be born and live until they died naturally as with any other situation?

Would you support medical care through the federal govt to cover the costs of lifelong treatment for these children born with multiple problems (from microencephaly to loss of eyesight, and possible slower development or retardation).
If you want the government to support Zika babies, then the government has to support all other babies born with ailments to pro-life moms. All MR-DDs, all AIDS/HIV babies, all addict babies, all babies born with defects because their moms had the flu while pregnant, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
If you want the government to support Zika babies, then the government has to support all other babies born with ailments to pro-life moms. All MR-DDs, all AIDS/HIV babies, all addict babies, all babies born with defects because their moms had the flu while pregnant, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Not necessarily. If people don't agree that federal govt should be involved in health care AT ALL, then if they decide to make exceptions for certain catastrophic issues that threaten national security, it doesn't have to cover all cases.

But yes, if you are one of those people who believes all health care should be run through govt, then yes, ALL people and cases should be covered if that's what you believe.

However, I was addressing prolife who DON'T believe in federal health care, but believe in providing this on a state or local level or with business/nonprofits and not depending on federal govt. I wanted to know what exceptions or solutions would be supported, and where the lines would be drawn.
Zika virus could spread to Europe...

Zika virus may reach Europe this summer
Wed, 18 May 2016 - The Zika virus could spread to Europe this summer, although the likelihood of an outbreak is low to moderate according to the World Health Organization.
Areas most at risk are those where Aedes mosquitoes may spread the virus, like the Black Sea coast of Russia and Georgia and the island of Madeira. Countries with a moderate risk include France, Spain, Italy and Greece, while the risk in the UK is low. The UN agency is not issuing any new travel advice at this time. The WHO is calling on countries to eliminate mosquito breeding sites and to make sure that people - particularly pregnant women - have information on the potential harmful consequences of the disease. The agency says most countries that could be affected are well prepared to pick up any new cases and deal with them quickly - but others must bolster their ability to diagnose the virus.

Brain defects

Zika has been linked to a rise in brain defects in babies and the virus has been seen in more than 50 countries during this outbreak. And WHO experts say the risk of spread increases in late spring and summer as Aedes mosquitoes - thought to carry the virus - become more active. The report suggests 18 countries are at moderate likelihood of seeing Zika cases while the UK is one of 36 countries which have a low, very low or no likelihood of transmission. Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, at the WHO, said: "We call particularly on countries at higher risk to strengthen their national capacities and prioritise the activities that will prevent a large Zika outbreak."


Baby with microcephaly​

Meanwhile Prof Jimmy Whitworth, at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said the the risk of Zika spreading to Europe was real and called for holidaymakers to heed health advice. He added: "The main mosquito vector for Zika, Aedes aegypti, is only found in Madeira and around the Black Sea, but another mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is more widespread and is capable of transmitting Zika, although not very efficiently. "Countries in Southern Europe, including France and Italy, need to be especially vigilant and it's important that holidaymakers follow public health advice while abroad, including taking all the necessary precautions to avoid getting bitten. "This is especially so for pregnant women, or women planning to become pregnant, travelling to areas where there is Zika, as there is now a proven link with microcephaly and other birth defects."

Zika virus may reach Europe this summer - BBC News
"I was discussing with a friend how the prolife conservatives believe it is inherently unconstitutional for the federal govt to mandate and regulate health care choices."

A rather pointless discussion given its ignorance and stupidity – as the Federal government does no such thing – the notion is a ridiculous lie and straw man fallacy.

And what conservative believe is or isn’t Constitutional is irrelevant, ignorant, and wrong – as the ACA is in fact Constitutional.

Last, everyone is pro-life, including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy where she cannot be compelled through force of law to have a child against her will.
"I was discussing with a friend how the prolife conservatives believe it is inherently unconstitutional for the federal govt to mandate and regulate health care choices."

A rather pointless discussion given its ignorance and stupidity – as the Federal government does no such thing – the notion is a ridiculous lie and straw man fallacy.

And what conservative believe is or isn’t Constitutional is irrelevant, ignorant, and wrong – as the ACA is in fact Constitutional.

Last, everyone is pro-life, including those who defend a woman’s right to privacy where she cannot be compelled through force of law to have a child against her will.

No it is not.

And just because abortion cannot be banned at the point of pregnancy where it unfairly targets the woman,
doesn't mean sex itself could be illegalized which causes EITHER partner to suffer an unwanted abortion, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted child as a result of sex abuse.

The sex could be made illegal, just like rape, where NEITHER partner can coerce the other into a compromising situation without committing some form of relationship abuse.

If sex is illegal if it is forced,
what about sex being illegal if resulting pregnancy or abortion is forced.

Ever consider that C_Clayton_Jones

(And I hope the humor in that post isn't from you laughing at the thought of Zika Babies.
Maybe that will become the new NON-PC euphemism for calling
people the R word online. "Whining like a Zika Baby"
if that term catches on, I will credit it to you for inspiring it, CCJ!)

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