Progressives: The Thirst For Absolute Power


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
And yet it's Guilliani who's claiming the president is above being indicted for murder. The current president who's insisting he can pardon himself. The current president who's making decision in such a manner that even his own aides don't know about it until after it's made. It's a Republican congress that feels it doesn't need to grant a hearing to a SCOTUS nominee that is being put forth by the previous president for no better reason that he isn't nominated by their side. Here you are claiming PROGRESIVES are power-hungry??? A good long look in the mirror seems appropriate.
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
And yet it's Guilliani who's claiming the president is above being indicted for murder. The current president who's insisting he can pardon himself. The current president who's making decision in such a manner that even his own aides don't know about it until after it's made. It's a Republican congress that feels it doesn't need to grant a hearing to a SCOTUS nominee that is being put forth by the previous president for no better reason that he isn't nominated by their side. Here you are claiming PROGRESIVES are power-hungry??? A good long look in the mirror seems appropriate.

I'm gonna chalk your post into the category of "Thrown Every Bit of Non Sequitur Against The Wall And See If Any Of It Sticks."

So, we agree that the OP is irrefutable, eh?
4. Under Progressives, a fourth branch of government has been created, the admirative branchā€¦..unchecked and unaccountable. They are Americaā€™s secret aristocracy.

a.".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesnā€™t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably ā€œun-diverseā€ civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake ā€” the progressive civil servants remain. ā€œ How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

b.ā€œAs the administrative state distorts the United Statesā€™ constitutional architecture, Clarence Thomas becomes Americaā€™s indispensable constitutionalist. Now in his 25th year on the Supreme Court, he is urging the judicial branch to limit the legislative branchā€™s practice of delegating its powerā€¦.

This subject is central to todayā€™s argument between constitutionalists and progressives. The former favor and the latter oppose holding Congress to its responsibilities and restricting executive discretion.

ā€¦the court has ā€œoverseen and sanctioned the growth of an administrative system that concentrates the power to make laws and the power to enforce them in the hands of a vast and unaccountable administrative apparatus that finds no comfortable home in our constitutional structure.ā€ Battling the modern American administrative state

c.ā€œThe accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.ā€ Madison, Federalist #47
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5. Learning from John Locke, our Founders based the nation on the concept of equality before the law. It is not America if this idea is not observed in both theory and in fact. Therefore, government officials are subject to the same laws as everyone else.

Not so under the Progressivesā€™ instituted ā€˜administrative state,ā€™ under which bureaucrats are insulated from the rule of law.

If a corporation were guilty of poisoning a river, would the corporation, and its officials be held civilly and criminally responsible???

You betchaā€™!!!

How about bureaucrats?????

ā€œEPA causes a major environmental disaster, the question is: will it fine itself and fire those involved?

EPA crews trying to collect and contain waste water in the Gold King mine in Durango, Colorado, loosed 1.1 million gallons of ā€œacidic, yellowishā€ discharge, causing the pollution ā€“ which includes levels of arsenic, lead, cadmium, aluminum and copper ā€“ to flow into the Animas River (an early tributary of the Colorado) at a rate of 1200 gallons per minute.

The EPA has now released new figures, and its now 3 million gallons of toxic wastewaterand climbing.ā€ EPA causes a major environmental disaster, the question is: will it fine itself and fire those involved?

ā€œThe EPA has taken responsibility for the incident, but refused to pay for any damages claims filed after the accident on grounds of sovereign immunity, pending special authorization from Congress or re-filing of lawsuits in federal court.ā€ 2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill - Wikipedia

Sovereign immunity????????

ā€œAll animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.ā€
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.

Donald J. Trump


"As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!"

Odd comment in a, b & c above, in light of Art. I, sec 8 and in particular clause 18. One need not wonder why PolitialChic (PC) is once again posting ultra partisan threads. is it her fear that the Democrats will once again fix what the GOP has damaged?

Is PC an agent provocateur, or is she just one more toxic troll? That is the question!

Does she support and will she defend Donald Trump's assertion that he is above the law? Or will she not respond to his claim, and default to her usual deflection from this critical issue, and label this response as foolish?
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.

Donald J. Trump


"As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!"

Odd comment in a, b & c above, in light of Art. I, sec 8 and in particular clause 18. One need not wonder why PolitialChic (PC) is once again posting ultra partisan threads. is it her fear that the Democrats will once again fix what the GOP has damaged?

Is PC an agent provocateur, or is she just one more toxic troll? That is the question!

Does she support and will she defend Donald Trump's assertion that he is above the law? Or will she not respond to his claim, and default to her usual deflection from this critical issue, and label this response as foolish?

There is nothing about President Trump in my posts. is also true of your head.....not a thing in there.

The only conclusion to be drawn is that I have wounded you deeply, revealing the anti-American designs and desires of Liberals/Progressives.....

Absolute Power over other Americans.

Now....for your confession: when did you first develop the Fascist tradition????
6. Democrat/Progressive/Racist Woodrow Wilson wrote in ā€œThe State,ā€ 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ā€˜administrative state,ā€™ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government.
American progressivism: a reader - Google Books

That has always been a pillar of Progressive doctrine: a special class unrestricted by the Constitution.
Stalin would be proud.

[The Founders] ā€œā€¦rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.

ā€¦it is simply a fantasy that the administrative priesthood can be walled off from the seductions of human natureā€¦.a generous salary and a nice pension seem wholly inadequate to the task. No doubt, vast numbers of bureaucrats are decent and committed professionals. But the long history of humanity teaches us that any group of people walled off from accountability can be corrupted.ā€ Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy.ā€

7. One need look no further than the assault on a duly elected President, by the Deep State of federal law enforcement, and the intelligence community.

No one could successfully argue that President Trump has been given the impartiality due, or that Democrats have not been held immune from the consequences of law-breaking.

The Administrative State, the bureaucracy, has placed its own interests and priorities over those of the American people.
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
And yet it's Guilliani who's claiming the president is above being indicted for murder. The current president who's insisting he can pardon himself. The current president who's making decision in such a manner that even his own aides don't know about it until after it's made. It's a Republican congress that feels it doesn't need to grant a hearing to a SCOTUS nominee that is being put forth by the previous president for no better reason that he isn't nominated by their side. Here you are claiming PROGRESIVES are power-hungry??? A good long look in the mirror seems appropriate.

I'm gonna chalk your post into the category of "Thrown Every Bit of Non Sequitur Against The Wall And See If Any Of It Sticks."

So, we agree that the OP is irrefutable, eh?
He makes good points. Do you have the objectivity to agree or at least address what he said in his post?
1) Jonah Goldberg. He totally misrepresented what progressivism is.

2) you need to read Ignorantia juris non excusat

3) administrative law defines powers and responsibilities of government agencies.

4a) everybody has a different name for the 4th branch of government: federal reserve, the media, Dick Cheney, IRS.
4b) Susan Rice was not ordered to spy on political opponents. Susan Rice was ordered to gather Intel on FOREIGN parties.
4c) Republicans have control of them all
5) With Pruitt deregulation, we can have thousands of more spills.
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
And yet it's Guilliani who's claiming the president is above being indicted for murder. The current president who's insisting he can pardon himself. The current president who's making decision in such a manner that even his own aides don't know about it until after it's made. It's a Republican congress that feels it doesn't need to grant a hearing to a SCOTUS nominee that is being put forth by the previous president for no better reason that he isn't nominated by their side. Here you are claiming PROGRESIVES are power-hungry??? A good long look in the mirror seems appropriate.

I'm gonna chalk your post into the category of "Thrown Every Bit of Non Sequitur Against The Wall And See If Any Of It Sticks."

So, we agree that the OP is irrefutable, eh?

you misspelled indigestible

tighten up, chunk
never ending troll thread - how does shit like this stay in politics?
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
And yet it's Guilliani who's claiming the president is above being indicted for murder. The current president who's insisting he can pardon himself. The current president who's making decision in such a manner that even his own aides don't know about it until after it's made. It's a Republican congress that feels it doesn't need to grant a hearing to a SCOTUS nominee that is being put forth by the previous president for no better reason that he isn't nominated by their side. Here you are claiming PROGRESIVES are power-hungry??? A good long look in the mirror seems appropriate.

I'm gonna chalk your post into the category of "Thrown Every Bit of Non Sequitur Against The Wall And See If Any Of It Sticks."

So, we agree that the OP is irrefutable, eh?
He makes good points. Do you have the objectivity to agree or at least address what he said in his post?

Did you have anything to say about the premise of the thread to which you voluntarily subscribed, that Progressives have created an unaccountable unconstitutional administrative state?

Then....why the attempt to change the subject?
1) Jonah Goldberg. He totally misrepresented what progressivism is.

2) you need to read Ignorantia juris non excusat

3) administrative law defines powers and responsibilities of government agencies.

4a) everybody has a different name for the 4th branch of government: federal reserve, the media, Dick Cheney, IRS.
4b) Susan Rice was not ordered to spy on political opponents. Susan Rice was ordered to gather Intel on FOREIGN parties.
4c) Republicans have control of them all
5) With Pruitt deregulation, we can have thousands of more spills.

"1) Jonah Goldberg. He totally misrepresented what progressivism is."

Clearly, you're a dunce....but let's prove it together.

a. Woodrow Wilson: : ā€œMen as communities are supreme over men as individuals.ā€ 1919: Betrayal and the Birth of Modern Liberalism by Fred Siegel, City Journal 22 November 2009

b. In addition to writing the 800-page tome, ā€œThe State,ā€ he wrote more popular commentary. One of his regular themes was the advocacy of progressive imperialism in order to subjugate, and thereby elevate, lesser races. As to the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines, ā€œthey are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justiceā€¦ā€

c. . Wilson wrote in ā€œThe State,ā€ 1889, that "Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand." His writings attack the Constitution, and the ideas of natural and individual rights. Along with Frank J. Goodnow, they pioneered the concept of the ā€˜administrative state,ā€™ which separated the administration of government from the limitations of constitutional government.
American progressivism: a reader - Google Books

d. The rights which [an individual] possesses are...conferred upon him, not by his Creator, but rather by the society to which he belongs. What they are is to be determined by the legislative authority in view of the needs of that society. Social expediency, rather than natural right, is thus to determine the sphere of individual freedom of action.ā€ The Claremont Institute - Leaving the Constitution

e. ā€˜Wilson wrote treatises explaining why Americans should abandon their ā€˜blind devotionā€™ to the Constitution, Teddy was rough-riding all over the document, doing what he pleased and giving bellicose speeches about how the courts had sided against ā€˜popular rightsā€™ and were ā€˜lagging behindā€™ the new realities.ā€ J.Goldberg, ā€œLiberal Fascism,ā€ p.90.

f. The essence of Progressivism, as Wilson put it, was that the individual ā€œmarry his interests to the state.ā€ James Bovard, ā€œFreedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen,ā€ p.8.

Perhaps you now understand that Progressivism is hardly different from Fascism.
Power over you, and how you direct your life. ā€˜Cause, they just know betterā€¦ā€¦

1.Under tireless pressure from Progressives, we have become a nation of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.

Americaā€™s Founders recognized that the enemy of liberty was unchecked power.

ā€œThey rejected a line of thought that stretches from Platoā€™s Republic through Rousseauā€™s social contract to any number of modern ideologies that men- the right men, disinterested men- could be trusted with unchecked power.ā€
Jonah Goldberg, ā€œSuicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy,ā€p.165

2. The method is the creation of more and more unaccountable and unchecked bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
Senator James L. Buckley speaking at the Heritage Foundation, on his book ā€œFreedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State.ā€

3. According to prominent legal historian Philip Hamburger, professor at Columbia University, the wielding of progressive power by appointees, agencies, bureaucrats, is the Leftā€™s effort to restore the sort of lawless absolute power forbidden by the Founders.

Professor Hamburger explains why investing this sort of power is unconstitutional:

a. This sort of bureaucratic power is not answerable to any of the three branches of government.

b. The power is ā€˜supralegal,ā€™ judges actually defer to their authority.

c. The administrative regime assumes for itself, powers that the Constitution allocates to different branches.
Philip Hamburger, ā€œIs Administrative Law Unlawful?,ā€ p.6-7

Slowly, but surely, Progressives have reversed the nation our Founders formed and made serfs out of citizens.
And yet it's Guilliani who's claiming the president is above being indicted for murder. The current president who's insisting he can pardon himself. The current president who's making decision in such a manner that even his own aides don't know about it until after it's made. It's a Republican congress that feels it doesn't need to grant a hearing to a SCOTUS nominee that is being put forth by the previous president for no better reason that he isn't nominated by their side. Here you are claiming PROGRESIVES are power-hungry??? A good long look in the mirror seems appropriate.

I'm gonna chalk your post into the category of "Thrown Every Bit of Non Sequitur Against The Wall And See If Any Of It Sticks."

So, we agree that the OP is irrefutable, eh?
He makes good points. Do you have the objectivity to agree or at least address what he said in his post?

Did you have anything to say about the premise of the thread to which you voluntarily subscribed, that Progressives have created an unaccountable unconstitutional administrative state?

Then....why the attempt to change the subject?
Not changing the subject at all. Pointing out things that the current administration is doing that falls into the same narrative as your OP is completely valid. Why did you avoid answering?

As for your OP it was riddled with hyperbole however, Iā€™m not a supporter of large government so I think a healthy check on the progressive agenda is a good thing. You just gotta be more honest and objective because these hyperbolic smear rants that you tend to do are useless, they only strengthen the polarization

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