Progressive Education- More of The Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I'm certain that there are more and more folks who know this, and are seeking ways to avoid the poison of government education.

1. "Actress Slams American Schools for ‘Brainwashing’ Kids With ‘Progressive, Liberal’ Agenda

2. Actress Sam Sorbo, the wife of “Hercules” actor Kevin Sorbo, slammed the American education ...

3. The homeschooling mother remarked passionately: “You people who send your kids to school, you have no idea what the schools are doing to their fresh little brains, in brainwashing them into this progressive, liberal —

4. — it’s antithetical to America, the agenda that they’re being indoctrinated with.”

5. ...writing about education, thinking it was a relatively non-controversial issue.

6. ... of course school is the most political, because that’s where the progressive agenda is coming out the strongest and the hardest,”....

7. ....she went to public school herself and received a quality education, but “the schools have absolutely changed.”

8. “Why are we brainwashed into believing that an institution is the best place for our children to hang out all day?” she asked. “Who wrote that law?”.”
Actress Slams American Schools for ?Brainwashing? Kids With ?Progressive, Liberal? Agenda |


In a related story, here in NYC, our Progressive/Liberal/communist/Democrat mayor, deBlasio, has blocked parents who had hoped for some relief from government schools.....

9. "Mayor Bill de Blasio, seeking to curb the influence of outside providers of education, said on Thursday that he would block three charter schools from using space inside New York City public school buildings.

10. ....would reverse the decision of his predecessor, Michael R. Bloomberg, to provide free real estate to the schools so that they could open new programs this fall. The schools had already hired principals and teachers and were in the midst of recruiting students."
I heard about this last night. He's against charter schools and charter schools are producing positive results while the other schools aren't. So Deblasio is openly admitting his vote for the failure of NY's children because keeping the status quo is more important than doing what works.

In America there are alot of single parents. Still if they network together they can homeschool their children and avoid the communist indoctrination of their children happening inside the public school system. Homeschooling is the best option I believe.
One more comment! Because she is an actress, Hollywood isn't going to like what she is saying but they are going to pay attention to her. She broke the ice and others are going to start speaking up. Good for her.
I heard about this last night. He's against charter schools and charter schools are producing positive results while the other schools aren't. So Deblasio is openly admitting his vote for the failure of NY's children because keeping the status quo is more important than doing what works.

In America there are alot of single parents. Still if they network together they can homeschool their children and avoid the communist indoctrination of their children happening inside the public school system. Homeschooling is the best option I believe.

1. And when one sees the kind of actions that progressives take once they decide that everyone must march lock-step, or else, how can one not see the relationship to it's German origins.

2. In addition to the restrictions a deBlasio institutes, a look at the taxation applied to those on welfare who would like to work their way out of it- it is clear that the American variation of German fascism uses regulation where the European version used a more brutal and direct form of control.

3. The source of Progressive ideas was Germany, specifically the philosophy of Hegel, and this euro-thinking placed the ruler above the ruled:
Germans have a history of accepting authoritarian rule.

a. It was initially an academic phenomenon far removed from American politics. Particularly in the post–Civil War American university, professors — many of whom had obtained their graduate training in German universities, and whose thought reflected the “intoxicating effect of the undiluted Hegelian philosophy upon the American mind,” as progressive Charles Merriam once put it — articulated a critique of America that was as deep as it was wide.

It began with a conscious rejection of the natural-rights principles of the American founding and the promotion of a new understanding of freedom, history, and the state in their stead. From this foundation, the progressives then criticized virtually every aspect of our traditional way of life, recommending reforms or “social reorganization” on a sweeping scale, the primary engine of which was to be a new, “positive” role for the state.

b. Hegel introduced a system for understanding the history of philosophy and the world itself, often described as a "progression in which each successive movement emerges as a resolution to the contradictions inherent in the preceding movement. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, "Society and Democracy in Germany").
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Our Progressive educational system is like a broken down jalopy that we use to take our kids places. One third of the time it won't start, and of the 2/3 of the time it starts it only get to the destination 1 time out of 6, the 5 other times it breaks down on the way.

It's needs to be reformed, it's a world class embarrassment
Well if you want the best and the brightest teaching, you had better increase teacher salaries so they can match the earning potential in the private sector. I know of some pretty good teachers in our district who have left the profession and have gone on to make a whole lot more money. A WHOLE lot more. Young talented potential teachers would be stupid to go into the profession when they can do so much better. This has always been a problem. Second, my kids went through the public schools and did quite well. They took AP classes and their teachers from k - 12 were very good. As far as being brainwashed, it must be happening in other districts because they said the pledge every day (which I frankly don't see as necessary). This must be happening in cities.
1. "Thanks to de Blasio’s decision, about 700 kids—most of them are minority students from low-income households—planning to attend some of the city’s best schools in the fall will now have to return to the neighborhood schools from which they had fled.

2. academically valid reason for de Blasio’s move. As is true everywhere, the quality of charter schools in New York City varies, but research consistently demonstrates that students benefit academically from attending the city’s charters, and Success Academy appears to run some of the best of the bunch."
No Co-location For You by Marcus A. Winters, City Journal 28 February 2014

I've often said that Progressives/Liberals/DeathPanelDemocrats should never be allowed near any seat of political power.

I'll amend that to include any control over education.
And reasons it should be all conservatives running schools?

Then we can all be cheerleaders for the good ole USA right? I see being a flag waving patriotic mumbo jumbo kind of teacher just as offensive as one who tries to push a total liberal agenda.d. Ones job is not to praise, nor denigrate ones country. Teach only the facts, no bias in either direction. There needs to be balance.
Well if you want the best and the brightest teaching, you had better increase teacher salaries so they can match the earning potential in the private sector. I know of some pretty good teachers in our district who have left the profession and have gone on to make a whole lot more money. A WHOLE lot more. Young talented potential teachers would be stupid to go into the profession when they can do so much better. This has always been a problem. Second, my kids went through the public schools and did quite well. They took AP classes and their teachers from k - 12 were very good. As far as being brainwashed, it must be happening in other districts because they said the pledge every day (which I frankly don't see as necessary). This must be happening in cities.

"Well if you want the best and the brightest teaching, you had better increase teacher salaries so they can match the earning potential in the private sector."

I certainly don't want to attack teachers....but your post is so beyond the rational, I am forced to point out two facts.

1. Teachers work half a year. Literally. 180 days.

2. A teacher in NYC, after 22 years, earns over $100,000.
So....a two-teacher household makes over $200,000.

For purposes of comparison:
"...from the officially defined end of the recession (in June 2009) to the most recent month for which figures are available (June 2013)—the median American household income has fallen by $2,380 (from $54,478 to $52,098)..."
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession | The Weekly Standard
How many days one works has no bearing on my point of view. Where I live teachers top out at 53,000 which is in my view a joke for someone who has worked for 30 years. And there are those who will complain they make too much. I agree we need reforms. I agree we need to get rid of bad teachers and keep the good ones. But I see a lot of good ones leaving the profession to do much better for themselves and frankly I don't blame them. Again time spent working has no bearing to me. I know CEOs that make 30 times what others in the same company make and they have a lot of time off as well. That's simply the job. They have the talents to be the CEO so they get paid for it and work the hours that come with it. Every job is different. If we go to year round school (which is being discussed in many states) then you will see even more people leaving the profession for much better wages.
And reasons it should be all conservatives running schools?

Then we can all be cheerleaders for the good ole USA right? I see being a flag waving patriotic mumbo jumbo kind of teacher just as offensive as one who tries to push a total liberal agenda.d. Ones job is not to praise, nor denigrate ones country. Teach only the facts, no bias in either direction. There needs to be balance.

Are you serious????

1. The documents that memorialized what America was meant to be are the Declaration, and the Constitution. The language therein is neither casual, nor random. They speak of “one people,” and “We the people.”

a. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
Prager, “Still The Best Hope,” chapter one.

2. The attack on America by the Leftist ‘fifth column’ has been neither abrupt nor obvious. Rather, it has been slow, imperceptible, and unctuous. But it has been successful. Professor James Banks, major textbook author and prime mover in the development of the development of the National Council for the Social Studies guidelines on multicultural education, “To create an authentic, democratic unum (one) with moral authority and perceived legitimacy, the pluribus (diverse peoples) must negotiate and share power.” Educational Leadership:Educating for Diversity:Transforming the Mainstream Curriculum

3. Be clear: the notion of the “peoples” of the United States is a counterpatriotic ideological weapon aimed to subordinate the ‘unum’ to the ‘pluribus.’ Too subtle, too nuanced for some….it is what is known as “rhetorical subversion.”

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

"....the good ole USA right? ....flag waving patriotic mumbo jumbo .... Ones job is not to praise, nor denigrate ones country."

So....are you the result of government schooling?
I don't quite understand.... you don't want America to be a diverse nation? I agree that people who want to come here should go through a process to become a citizen. I also believe that all other ethnicities strengthen the nation. I've been a practicing Christian since I was 12 and have zero problem with "In god we trust.". Yes I am the result of public schooling in grades 9 - 12. I said the pledge every darn day, I never really understood why but I spent a week in US civics class breaking down every line of the pledge. Perhaps that's why I see it as redundant and why I was turned off to it. When schools try to cram stuff like that into their curriculum it leads to students not wanting to understand it. There was nothing any teacher in the world was going to do to make me really care about it either. I like facts, plain old no bias, just teach kids how to think. That's it. I believe that other ethnicities help strengthen a nation. I also agree they should become American citizens through a mandated process. Do other languages bother me? Why should they?
I don't quite understand.... you don't want America to be a diverse nation? I agree that people who want to come here should go through a process to become a citizen. I also believe that all other ethnicities strengthen the nation. I've been a practicing Christian since I was 12 and have zero problem with "In god we trust.". Yes I am the result of public schooling in grades 9 - 12. I said the pledge every darn day, I never really understood why but I spent a week in US civics class breaking down every line of the pledge. Perhaps that's why I see it as redundant and why I was turned off to it. When schools try to cram stuff like that into their curriculum it leads to students not wanting to understand it. There was nothing any teacher in the world was going to do to make me really care about it either. I like facts, plain old no bias, just teach kids how to think. That's it. I believe that other ethnicities help strengthen a nation. I also agree they should become American citizens through a mandated process. Do other languages bother me? Why should they?

1. "you don't want America to be a diverse nation?"
Depends what that means.
I came to this to be an American.

2. "I believe that other ethnicities help strengthen a nation."

Only if they become part of that nation.

a. The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission. Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”).

They rejected, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation. Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and the faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

Did you notice that this is what the article in the OP stresses?

b. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79
This is a good debate. I appreciate you not name calling as some would immediately do. Debate should always be civil. What doeis Strong American identity mean? I was born here. Here I will move onto my creator. I understand the anticommunism thing. The system of what communism is should be taught, that's it. Let the students discover its faults. I am perplexed by "the faith of the Fathers of our Nation". What are you getting at here? Please explain.
This is a good debate. I appreciate you not name calling as some would immediately do. Debate should always be civil. What doeis Strong American identity mean? I was born here. Here I will move onto my creator. I understand the anticommunism thing. The system of what communism is should be taught, that's it. Let the students discover its faults. I am perplexed by "the faith of the Fathers of our Nation". What are you getting at here? Please explain.

The greatness of America, the guidance of the Founders, was based on some basics....including individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

But faith in a Creator was uppermost.

Somehow, we've slipped into something very, very different:

a. "...the center of the wave of approval that went through Western intellectual circles in the 1920s and 30s about the new society being built in the Soviet Union was that man himself was to somehow be changed. What they failed to take into account was that the concept of the creation of a new man necessitates atheism, the rejection of God, as state policy. In order to create a new man, man's nature must be changeable. Therefore, God's creation of man with an immutable nature must be invalid."

b. "As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.

" I appreciate you not name calling as some would immediately do. "
Thank you.
I am never vulgar......but, if you could mention four or five of the names you really, really hate.....I might be able to work them into the next post......

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