Professor Watchlist


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
That's a great idea, keep an eye on the indoctrinators, we need to clean them out and get back to teaching...


Welcome to Professor Watchlist, a project of Turning Point USA.
This watchlist is an aggregated list of pre-existing news stories that were published by a variety of news organizations. While we accept tips for new additions on our website, we only publish profiles on incidents that have already been reported by a credible source.
TPUSA will continue to fight for free speech and the right for professors to say whatever they wish; however students, parents, and alumni deserve to know the specific incidents and names of professors that advance a radical agenda in lecture halls.
Below are professors currently featured on the watchlist. Check out our full listing to see if any of your professors have made the list.


Lunatic lecturer is only a symptom of a larger disease.
April 14, 2017

Bruce Thornton

The uproar over a Fresno State history lecturer’s tweets about assassinating President Trump is understandable, but in the end the outrage is pointless. It’s doubtful the feds will charge the fellow, given how outlandish and obviously hyperbolic the tweets are. Nor is he likely to be fired. All the commotion has accomplished is to turn a nobody into a left-wing martyr persecuted for “speaking truth to power.”

The fact is, there is nothing this guy said that wouldn’t be applauded by most faculty in the social sciences and humanities, even if they don’t have his gumption to say so out loud. The politicized university is entering its fifth decade, and was already a done deal when Alan Bloom publicized it in his surprising 1987 bestseller The Closing of the American Mind. Thirty years later, focusing on the stupid statements of individual professors, or in this case lecturers, does nothing to get at the root of the problem. They are symptoms of deeper structural changes in the administrative apparatus of most colleges, and these changes in part have been responses to federal laws, particularly affirmative action, sexual harassment law, and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. With federal agency thugs backing campus leftists by threatening administrators with investigation or the reduction of federal funds, it has been easy to transform the university from a space for developing critical thinking and intellectual diversity, into a progressive propaganda organ and reeducation camp.


But the offending lecturer? That’s a dog-bites-man story in the university. Focusing on him merely gives him a profile he could never earn otherwise. He is a symptom, not a cause. If we want to drain the fetid swamp of higher education, first get Congress and Trump’s DOE to reform bad laws.

Drain the Higher Ed. Swamp That Produced the 'Hang Trump' Prof.

"At least part of the project that we are engaged in, is to rewrite history that we are concerned about."
July 13, 2017

Is Hatem Bazian the most dangerous professor in the USA? Nablus-born Bazian, is notorious for calling for intifada [violent uprising] in the United States.
He is the founder of the radical organizations Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP). He is a serial pusher of conspiracies, and has a "project" to re-write history. More worryingly, he is largely responsible for the wave of anti-Semitic incitement across North American campuses.

For more info about Bazian, go to this link at the indispensable Canary Mission website. The Canary Mission database was created to document people and groups that are promoting hatred of the U.S., Israel and the Jewish people, particularly on college campuses in North America.You can also learn more about Bazian, SJP and AMP at their comprehensive profile pages at the Freedom Center's Discover the Networks resource site.



Hatem Bazian: Terrorist Professor, Hamas Promoter
September 3, 2017
CAIR Forms an Outpost at Georgetown U
By Andrew Harrod

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) "will always hold a very, very special place in my heart until the day I die," declared Arsalan Iftikhar on April 1 at CAIR-Oklahoma's annual awards banquet in Oklahoma City. The commentator's affection for the Hamas-derived, Islamist CAIR has now landed him a position at Georgetown University's fount of Islamist propaganda, the anti-"Islamophobia" Bridge Initiative.

Iftikhar will fit right in at Bridge, a "multi-year research project" of Georgetown's Saudi-funded Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU). Bridge's claim "to fulfill Thomas Jefferson's dream of a 'well-informed citizenry'" is laughable to anyone familiar with ACMCU's Potemkin village of academic integrity. Past ACMCU speakers have included 9/11 Truthers, while the center disinvited an Egyptian neo-Nazi only after public outcry.

With Iftikhar's hire, Bridge/ACMCU becomes effectively a branch of CAIR, as this self-proclaimed "Muslim Guy" worked with CAIR beginning in 2000 while in law school and then served as CAIR's national legal director until 2007. At CAIR he formed relationships with other organizational leaders, including his fellow banquet speaker and "dear brother" Hassan Shibly, a radical Israel-hater and Hamas- and Hezb'allah-supporter. Such are the less than pacific associations of Iftikhar, a "proud American Muslim pacifist."

Iftikhar adds a trophy to the Bridge/ACMCU rogue's gallery of Islamism's "honor brigade." ACMCU's director, the humorless Brown, is a genuine Islamist surrounded by fellow travelers among his Georgetown professor colleagues, such as Jocelyne Cesari, John Esposito, and Tamara Sonn. ACMCU is thereby transforming from a nest of apologists for Islamists worldwide to an active cell of Muslim Brotherhood-connected apparatchiks.


Read more: Articles: CAIR Forms an Outpost at Georgetown U
U of Texas Prof Calls Young Black Trump Supporter Racist Names
Cue gender studies professor in 3… 2… 1.


Trey Sanchez

Owen Shroyer of InfoWars found a racist University of Texas professor at an anti-Trump rally on the streets of Austin, Texas. She said some pretty terrible things to a young black boy who was there in support of the president and it was all caught on video.

Shroyer recognized the young man who was standing there watching the unhinged woman dodge questions. She then insulted the boy, saying:

“You found a nice little poster child… a token little person.”

Wow. Don’t hold back, lady.

Her name is Pascale Bos and you’ll never guess what she’s a professor of: women’s and gender studies. You can’t make this up. You can read her profile at the UT website, but here’s a bit about Professor Bos:



It’s no wonder college educations are going down the toilet these days.

U of Texas Prof Calls Young Black Trump Supporter Racist Names

It's time to start defunding and outsourcing education at all levels to the private sector. Along with removing some of the Department Of Education politurks and regulations.




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