Pro Life


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
We can't complain about Cancel Culture if we engage in Cancel Culture ourselves.
You can’t be Pro-life if you support the death penalty.
It is possible to be pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time.

That's because killing the innocent is different from killing people who have been convicted of pre-mediated murder.
You can’t be Pro-life if you support the death penalty.
So, what exactly does one do with an Adolf Hitler. A baby is innocent until he or she reaches some age of accountability. A murderer or rapist is usually well aware of his deeds.
What I find ironic is that liberals and Democrats have no problem sentencing human beings to death for the crime of being a fetus, but cry tears of remorse when a man convicted of cold-blooded murder is executed.
The pro-abortion position can't be justified on medical, scientific, or ethical grounds -- it is clearly wrong no matter what angle you look at it, whether or not you believe in God.

Therefore, pro-abortionists refuse to engage in good faith debate. Instead, they rely on illogical arguments such as:

1) you can't oppose abortion and oppose the welfare state

2) you can't oppose abortion and support the death penalty

3) women will have abortions even if it's illegal

4) women have a "choice" because it's their bodies
The pro-abortion position can't be justified on medical, scientific, or ethical grounds -- it is clearly wrong no matter what angle you look at it, whether or not you believe in God.

Therefore, pro-abortionists refuse to engage in good faith debate. Instead, they rely on illogical arguments such as:

1) you can't oppose abortion and oppose the welfare state

2) you can't oppose abortion and support the death penalty

3) women will have abortions even if it's illegal

4) women have a "choice" because it's their bodies
Everyone is prolife – including those who recognize and defend a woman’s right to privacy.
The pro-abortion position can't be justified on medical, scientific, or ethical grounds -- it is clearly wrong no matter what angle you look at it, whether or not you believe in God.

Therefore, pro-abortionists refuse to engage in good faith debate. Instead, they rely on illogical arguments such as:

1) you can't oppose abortion and oppose the welfare state

2) you can't oppose abortion and support the death penalty

3) women will have abortions even if it's illegal

4) women have a "choice" because it's their bodies
Everyone is prolife – including those who recognize and defend a woman’s right to privacy.
Tell that to the millions of dead babies your side has murdered.
What I find ironic is that liberals and Democrats have no problem sentencing human beings to death for the crime of being a fetus, but cry tears of remorse when a man convicted of cold-blooded murder is executed.
It is also peculiar that many who promote not eating animals are far less concerned when it comes to human babies. I find it the most absurd form of hypocrisy.
The pro-abortion position can't be justified on medical, scientific, or ethical grounds -- it is clearly wrong no matter what angle you look at it, whether or not you believe in God.

Therefore, pro-abortionists refuse to engage in good faith debate. Instead, they rely on illogical arguments such as:

1) you can't oppose abortion and oppose the welfare state

2) you can't oppose abortion and support the death penalty

3) women will have abortions even if it's illegal

4) women have a "choice" because it's their bodies
Everyone is prolife – including those who recognize and defend a woman’s right to privacy.
A woman can certainly be cloister away for the time it takes to birth the child, if she feels the need. And frankly the "father" should be made to pay for it, and not allowed the luxury of a cheaper way out at the baby's expense.
If this was a game I'd trade abortion for death penalty, agreeing to outlaw both, but I've never found a liberal willing to make that trade.

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