Pro-gun senators wouldn't go on Meet The Press

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

We reached out to all 31 pro-gun rights senators in the new Congress to invite them on the program to share their views on the subject this morning," he said. "We had no takers."

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.
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all sane americans should move to europe youd love it universal healthcare no guns and we get all your tv shows anyway
Maybe all 31 them didn't see any reason to be discussing that issue at a time like this.
David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

We reached out to all 31 pro-gun rights senators in the new Congress to invite them on the program to share their views on the subject this morning," he said. "We had no takers."

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.

Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.
I understand the urge not to go and get grilled. Hell, maybe they are even having second thoughts on their position.

Still though, it is best not to have a knee jerk reaction and go yanking on the Constitution too quickly.

I'm not a Republican but I'm pro gun rights. I'll debate if you wanna.
David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

We reached out to all 31 pro-gun rights senators in the new Congress to invite them on the program to share their views on the subject this morning," he said. "We had no takers."

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.

Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Hard to defend the undefendable
What makes you say this? OH that's right you don't understand the meaning and intent of the second amendment.
Why would they? Their belief in and support of the Constitutiuon is irelevent to any discussion Meet the Press wanted to have.
David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

We reached out to all 31 pro-gun rights senators in the new Congress to invite them on the program to share their views on the subject this morning," he said. "We had no takers."

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.

Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Exactly. They haven't aleg to stand on and they know it. Just as here on this board, its despicable the way they step over the bodies of dead children to suck up to the gun makers.

That's almost funny.

"Too soon" was 25 mass murders ago.

Its long past time we stop making excuses why we can't have difficult conversations. And, especially long past the time we let the gun makers and NRA control our country.
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David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.

Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Exactly. They haven't aleg to stand on and they know it. Just as here on this board, its despicable the way they step over the bodies of dead children to suck up to the gun makers.

That's almost funny.

"Too soon" was 25 mass murders ago.

Its long past time we stop making excuses why we can't have difficult conversations. And, especially long past the time we let the gun makers and NRA control our country.

Do you want to know what is despicable is how you will use children to further your agenda. But be damn fuck'en kill them while they are in the womb.
David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.

Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Hard to defend the undefendable
What makes you say this? OH that's right you don't understand the meaning and intent of the second amendment.

I find it interesting that you snipped my post.

BTW I am very aware of the 2nd amendment and own guns myself (as you are well aware). But this is an undefendable position right now. Period. To deny it is to display your stupidity to us all.
David Gregory: No Pro-Gun Rights Senators Would Go On 'Meet The Press'

If they believe their cause is just, why are they afraid to steand up for what they SAY they believe? I'll bet they'd go on fox where they wouldn't have to face any difficult "gotcha" questions.

Why don't the R see murder as the enemy?

Our children and adult loved ones are more important than this and its disgusting, horrifying to watch the gun nuts literally stepping over their dead bodies to further their really sick agenda.

Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Hard to defend the undefendable
What makes you say this? OH that's right you don't understand the meaning and intent of the second amendment.

Yeah, let's all read the fine print where it says we should let out children be mowed down.

Fact is, YOU don't know the "intent" any more than some pubpot does. Its just that they lack the balls to admit they're on the payrolls of the gun makers.
Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Hard to defend the undefendable
What makes you say this? OH that's right you don't understand the meaning and intent of the second amendment.

Yeah, let's all read the fine print where it says we should let out children be mowed down.

Fact is, YOU don't know the "intent" any more than some pubpot does. Its just that they lack the balls to admit they're on the payrolls of the gun makers.

You better believe I know exactly what the second amendment is for.
But it's that one fact you and other grabbers fail to comprehend.
I don't blame them...They were smart not to.
Just like Hilary was smart not to go on.
And just like Hilary now banging her head...

They go on and defend their positions they lose.
They don't go on they lose.
Either way they lose.

They don't go on then Ed Schultz and Chris Mathews don't get video to play on their show for weeks to come....
Hard to defend the undefendable. They know this.

Hard to defend the undefendable
What makes you say this? OH that's right you don't understand the meaning and intent of the second amendment.

I find it interesting that you snipped my post.

BTW I am very aware of the 2nd amendment and own guns myself (as you are well aware). But this is an undefendable position right now. Period. To deny it is to display your stupidity to us all.

A person who claims to be a gun owner but does not defend the right to keep and bear arms is not a gun owner at all
It's defensible whether or not you think so.
NBC has these GOP Senators on defending their votes on gun issues while
MSNBC shows pictures of the murdered children at the same time....

C'mon people
Certainly no reason for them to be put themselves into the MTP meatgrinder. . . That show is less about discussion of issues and more about making political hay for the left.

Besides, there is nothing to "defend" The left is bumbling in the darkness totally ignorant of where "gun control" actually stands . . .

When I was very active publicly in pro-gun causes I had been booked to appear on a popular radio show here in Philadelphia (Jimmy Tayoun's). Booking was made months in advance and with less than a week to go to my appearance, Columbine happened.

I still went on and broke his record for the number of calls in a one hour segment. The callers, host and I had excellent dialog which surprised me . . . especially given that the gun controllers had the legal upper hand with only the "individual right" Emerson decision from the 5th Circuit being a burr under their saddle.

Now, the gun controllers are defanged and in their total constitutional ignorance, they don't even understand why. (See: Sen Feinstein promising to introduce an assault weapons ban tomorrow.)

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