Pro-Gay and Anti-Israel? ‘Pinkwashing’ to the Rescue


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Pro-Gay and Anti-Israel? ‘Pinkwashing’ to the Rescue

March 25, 2013
By Cinnamon Stillwell and Reut R. Cohen


What’s a pro-gay, anti-Israel activist to do when faced with the fact that the Jewish state is the only nation in the Middle East in which not only is it illegal to discriminate against homosexuality, but where homosexuality is celebrated with an annual gay pride parade? To such activists, the answer is obvious: invent a bogus theory called “pinkwashing” that accuses Israel of touting gay rights in order to downplay its alleged oppression of the Palestinians.

The University of California, Los Angeles’s Center for Near Eastern Studies recently jumped into the fray with a lecture comically titled, “Pinkwashing: Gay Rights and Queer [sic] Indigeneities” (the term “indigeneities,” an invented piece of academic jargon, is derived from “indigenous”). In a sparsely attended presentation rife with post-colonialist rhetoric, Nada Elia, a professor of gender and global studies at Antioch University in Seattle and a member of the organizing committee of the U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), attempted to align her support for “Palestinian queer activism” with her devotion to all things anti-Israel.


No audience member asked an obvious question: In light of Israel’s purported “settler-colonialism” and “pinkwashing” and the discrimination gay Palestinians face in their own society, what are the alternatives? Had they done so, Elia might have elaborated on her utopian proposal, outlined in the lecture’s announcement, for “a queer state, which allows individual citizens to define themselves as they wish, without losing power, entitlement, or safety.” Given the reaction that a Jewish state has elicited in the region, one can only imagine how a “queer state” would be received. Yet Elia and her fellow travelers prefer a fictional “queer state” to an actual country where gays are welcomed—a sure sign that, for them, bigotry trumps reality.

NB: If you wish to make your views known to University of California, Los Angeles Chancellor Gene Block, he can be reached at:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 310-825-2151
Fax: 310-206-6030

The office of Antioch University Seattle President Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet may be contacted at:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 206-268-4105

Pro-Gay and Anti-Israel? ?Pinkwashing? to the Rescue
Welcome to intersectionality. It's a twenty-dollar word for anti-Semitism.
June 26, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

It's not anti-Semitism. It's anti-Zionism. It just happens to be completely and totally indistinguishable from anti-Semitism.


Jews are not welcome in the left. Unless they make war on other Jews. And even then, they eventually get gulaged.

That's the comprehensive history of the left. And some people refuse to learn from history. You can't be a proud Jew and a leftist.

Now the obvious irony here is that gay rights groups have pressured the St. Patrick's Day parade to admit gay marchers waving rainbow flags. But what's good for the goose, isn't good for the gander. The St. Patrick's Day parade can't exclude gay people, but the Dyke March can exclude Jews.

Welcome to intersectionality. It's a twenty-dollar word for anti-Semitism.


The Star of David is the primary Jewish symbol. If you ban that, you ban Jews. But the Star of David apparently makes anti-Semitic leftists feel threatened. So the March was made Judenrein.

Another demonstration that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

Jews Banned from Gay Parade Over "Triggering" Stars of David
Why the fuck do you hate gays? Seriously....They deserve every right to live as they do within this so called free nation. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

Also I don't hate israel and that is a personally choice anyways. Grow up.
July 12, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The left has built an imaginary coalition of the oppressed which encompasses gay men and the Muslim men who want to throw them off roofs. The incompatibilities are paved over with leftist denial/

And then things like this happen...


The left desperately wants its alliance with Islam to encompass its social positions. But while Islamists can and will tell any lie and perpetrate any deceit. They cannot however live by it. When push comes to shove, the coalition collapses.

The question is how long will the left allow Islamists to lead them around by the nose.

The Incompatibility of Islam and Gay Rights - Part 232

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