Privatized social credit score systems coming to US sooner than we think


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
OPINION (RT) – Donald Trump Jr. is sounding the alarm, warning that if we do not stop Big Tech from shadow banning conservatives we’ll end up in the same boat as China and it’ll be our own d*** fault. One problem: We’re already there. The same day Trump published his warning – which despite the knee-jerk reactions brought on by his name actually mirrors the experience of most social media users who’ve ever expressed ideas counter to the mainstream – the Wall Street Journal suggested that insurers could be combing through customers’ social media profiles to determine their risk to the company.

Privatized social credit score systems coming to US sooner than we think?

Eeeeh that average sheeple idiot won't notice a thing until it's used on them personally. Sheep are dumb that way.
So, ummm ... don't use social media. No profiles.

No problem.

Except for one problem, soon it will be forced to have it lol you know they will find a way to do it too. LOL


Lets hope

"Ah'm an old fart, Mr. Gov'mint Man! Ah dunno how ta use them high-falutin' bee-beepin' flashy contrapshuns. You wanna know wut Ah think? Dial me up on the goddam wall phone like normal people!" :auiqs.jpg:

Most people's social media profiles are bullshit anyway. Do you put legit info on yours?

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