Privatize % of SS ?

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We, the people, obviously aren't smart enough to take care of our own money. Thank God the Govt decided to enact SS. Whatever would we do without it??

The Govt, i.e. the Clowns in congress, are way smarter than we are and can spend, invest and save our money way better than we can. Just look at the state of our Union. Proof positive.

Anyone on this board who actually believes that, well, I've got some real prime swamp land down here in Florida that I'll sell ya. Real Cheap. Hell. I'll even throw in a few gators for free.
That is EXACTLY what he is arguing. It's the old "you're too stupid to breath" notion.

No it isn't.

Obviously, "too stupid to breathe" was for affect, but literally, isn't that your arguement? That the Federal Government needs to protect us from ourselves, so you are all for them taking our money?

Of course it was.. kinda. And no, that isn't my argument, that is however the argument of some.
So now you can explain how people who work their whole lives paying in "do nothing" to earn Social Security. :lol:
You pay in your whole life for food stamps and you don't get them, just because a happenstance of the calendar.

Just because you have a completely separate program called "Social Security" doesn't mean it's not ultimately a handout.

Now that has to rank among the most ignorant statements of all time. Anytime you get back something you paid in on cannot, by any means, be considered a "handout".
Not even when you get back far more than you ever paid in, huh?

Talk about ignorant. :lol:
This is such absurd BS, I am honestly sitting here shaking my head. Are you REALLY trying to argue that we SHOULD depend on our Federal Government to take our money from us for our own good????:eusa_eh:
If you look very carefully, that's the general attitude that underpins the vast bulk of Fabian socialist/progressive "thought".

Welcome to the libertarian club, pal.

Personally I deem the eliminationist/right wing anarchist club you seem to belong to as far less desirable.

But heck..if Somalia is what you already exists.
Nice red herring. :rolleyes:
Let's see...

Money expropriated from you, at gunpoint if necessary, used to feather the nests of people who did nothing to earn it....That's welfare.

So now you can explain how people who work their whole lives paying in "do nothing" to earn Social Security. :lol:
You pay in your whole life for food stamps and you don't get them, just because a happenstance of the calendar.

Just because you have a completely separate program called "Social Security" doesn't mean it's not ultimately a handout.[/QUOTE]

No, it not just ultimately "a handout" No way shape or form. Know why? Cause people don't get to have a choice. You are forced to pay into it for you whole life whether you want to or not. Forced. So when you start drawing you get the money that was FORCED from you hard earned cash. So send me what I paid in back. Not a penny more.
No, it not just ultimately "a handout" No way shape or form. Know why? Cause people don't get to have a choice. You are forced to pay into it for you whole life whether you want to or not. Forced. So when you start drawing you get the money that was FORCED from you hard earned cash. So send me what I paid in back. Not a penny more.
You don't have a choice as to whether or not you're going to pay your taxes for food stamps, farm subsidies and bailouts, either.

And scads of SSI recipients, the ones in the early decades in particular, have received back numerous times more than they ever put in.

Glorified welfare is all SSI is.
Privatization has worked fabulously in Chile. The accounts belong to the individual, and can be passed down to heirs - which is a big reason why statists can't stand them.
You pay in your whole life for food stamps and you don't get them, just because a happenstance of the calendar.

Just because you have a completely separate program called "Social Security" doesn't mean it's not ultimately a handout.

Now that has to rank among the most ignorant statements of all time. Anytime you get back something you paid in on cannot, by any means, be considered a "handout".
Not even when you get back far more than you ever paid in, huh?

Talk about ignorant. :lol:

Only if you factor in Medicare and again only if you live long enough to collect it. But like I said, it's more of an insurance program than anything.

Let's say you pay Home Owners insurance and incur a total loss. Then the premiums that everyone else pays goes to you and you will collect far more money than you ever paid in. Do you consider THAT a handout?

Now do you see how it works?

Class dismissed.
No, it not just ultimately "a handout" No way shape or form. Know why? Cause people don't get to have a choice. You are forced to pay into it for you whole life whether you want to or not. Forced. So when you start drawing you get the money that was FORCED from you hard earned cash. So send me what I paid in back. Not a penny more.
You don't have a choice as to whether or not you're going to pay your taxes for food stamps, farm subsidies and bailouts, either.

And scads of SSI recipients, the ones in the early decades in particular, have received back numerous times more than they ever put in.

Glorified welfare is all SSI is.

Now are we talking about Social Security or SSI? Or do you even know the difference?

Probably not.....:eusa_whistle:
Now that has to rank among the most ignorant statements of all time. Anytime you get back something you paid in on cannot, by any means, be considered a "handout".
Not even when you get back far more than you ever paid in, huh?

Talk about ignorant. :lol:

Only if you factor in Medicare and again only if you live long enough to collect it. But like I said, it's more of an insurance program than anything.

Let's say you pay Home Owners insurance and incur a total loss. Then the premiums that everyone else pays goes to you and you will collect far more money than you ever paid in. Do you consider THAT a handout?

Now do you see how it works?

Class dismissed.
OASI isn't insurance, nor is it a trust fund....Both of those are voluntary contractual agreements.

Try again.
So now you can explain how people who work their whole lives paying in "do nothing" to earn Social Security. :lol:
You pay in your whole life for food stamps and you don't get them, just because a happenstance of the calendar.

Just because you have a completely separate program called "Social Security" doesn't mean it's not ultimately a handout.[/QUOTE]

No, it not just ultimately "a handout" No way shape or form. Know why? Cause people don't get to have a choice. You are forced to pay into it for you whole life whether you want to or not. Forced. So when you start drawing you get the money that was FORCED from you hard earned cash. So send me what I paid in back. Not a penny more.

I'm with you.

Give me back the money I've payed in, not one penny more.

I Know I can take way better care of MY money than those Clowns in DC can.
You pay in your whole life for food stamps and you don't get them, just because a happenstance of the calendar.

Just because you have a completely separate program called "Social Security" doesn't mean it's not ultimately a handout.[/QUOTE]

No, it not just ultimately "a handout" No way shape or form. Know why? Cause people don't get to have a choice. You are forced to pay into it for you whole life whether you want to or not. Forced. So when you start drawing you get the money that was FORCED from you hard earned cash. So send me what I paid in back. Not a penny more.

I'm with you.

Give me back the money I've payed in, not one penny more.

I Know I can take way better care of MY money than those Clowns in DC can.

So they could take their money and have one big party and be left with nothing?

I would go along with you if it wasn't for the fact that many people would squander it and we would end up supporting them on welfare.
I'm with you.

Give me back the money I've payed in, not one penny more.

I Know I can take way better care of MY money than those Clowns in DC can.

So they could take their money and have one big party and be left with nothing?

I would go along with you if it wasn't for the fact that many people would squander it and we would end up supporting them on welfare.

WOW. So anyone who had their money would squander it??

You don't know me pal. Not one bit. I'd squeeze the shit out of a buffaloe nickel.

I watch my money and spend it wisely.

As for those that don't and possibly end up on Welfare?? Whats the difference if they are using someone elses SS money to survive on or collecting food stamps?? Its someone elses money either way.
I have a different take than the "safety net" versus "it's my money not the governments".

If we allowed people to discontinue paying into the trust fund and invest their money elsewhere. The trust fund would be depleted much sooner than 2041, possibly within 10 years. So how do we continue paying benefits to the 53 million+ that depend on those benefits. Once the fund is gone, benefits would have to be paid out FICA payroll taxes which would be reduce by funds going into private investment.

If we want to allow people to invest privately, we need to first solve the current Social Security problems, then we implement the privatization gradually over many decades.

I'm not in favor of privatization, we already have vehicles for investment savings. But if we decide to do it, it should be done very gradually and should never be a 100% replacement for the current system.
If i was allowed to keep the 15% of my money that the government steals to fund the ultimate Ponzi scam, I'd be a millionaire several times over before I retired.

So would almost everyone else and then where would the fucking government be if no one needed it to take care of them?
So how do we continue paying benefits to the 53 million+ that depend on those benefits. Once the fund is gone, benefits would have to be paid out FICA payroll taxes which would be reduce by funds going into private investment.
Sell all the land that the feds have glommed onto and use those funds to pay off those who've been scammed with the SS Ponzi scheme.

Problem solved.
I'm with you.

Give me back the money I've payed in, not one penny more.

I Know I can take way better care of MY money than those Clowns in DC can.

So they could take their money and have one big party and be left with nothing?

I would go along with you if it wasn't for the fact that many people would squander it and we would end up supporting them on welfare.

What a disdainful opinion you have regarding taxpayers. They couldn't possible squander the money with more reckless abandon than has Congress.
So how do we continue paying benefits to the 53 million+ that depend on those benefits. Once the fund is gone, benefits would have to be paid out FICA payroll taxes which would be reduce by funds going into private investment.
Sell all the land that the feds have glommed onto and use those funds to pay off those who've been scammed with the SS Ponzi scheme.

Problem solved.

This could eliminate a great deal of the debt, as well as encourage economic growth.

i.e., If the Feds stopped killing off the Central Valley via their insane water (mis)management policies, we'd actually be able to start growing food and employing people again.
I'm with you.

Give me back the money I've payed in, not one penny more.

I Know I can take way better care of MY money than those Clowns in DC can.

So they could take their money and have one big party and be left with nothing?

I would go along with you if it wasn't for the fact that many people would squander it and we would end up supporting them on welfare.

No more proof is needed to support that claim than to look in the basements and attics of the typical American house to see the piles of gizmos, gadgets, and other assorted crap that's accumulated over the years and doing nothing more than taking up space before it's hauled down to the curb on it's way to the landfill.

Not to mention the new car every other year and the giant fucking houses they were building until recently.
So how do we continue paying benefits to the 53 million+ that depend on those benefits. Once the fund is gone, benefits would have to be paid out FICA payroll taxes which would be reduce by funds going into private investment.
Sell all the land that the feds have glommed onto and use those funds to pay off those who've been scammed with the SS Ponzi scheme.

Problem solved.

This could eliminate a great deal of the debt, as well as encourage economic growth.

i.e., If the Feds stopped killing off the Central Valley via their insane water (mis)management policies, we'd actually be able to start growing food and employing people again.

Couldn't agree more.

That bs post about squandering any SS money is DaGooses not mine.

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