Preventing Shark Attacks ...

Feb 18, 2011

Six Tips to Keep You from Being 'Shark Snack'

1. Don't Swim in the Ocean

More than 99% of shark attacks occur in large bodies of water called 'oceans'. An easy way to tell if you are in an 'ocean' is to taste the water. If it tastes salty, get out immediately.

2. Swim Alongside Fat People

Make sure there are always fat people in the water. Odds are you can swim faster than they can. This increases your chance of survival.

3. Sunblock

Replace the sunblock of the person next to you with BBQ sauce.

4. Never Go In the Water Without A Knife

As soon as you spot a shark, stab the person next to you. As soon as he is bleeding profusely, swim away as fast as you can.

5. Listen For The Music

If you hear this music: "Da-dum ... da-dum ... da-dum," swim like hell. If the music is fast, like: "Da-dum, da-dum, da-dum," give up, 'cuz it's already too late.

6. Don't Panic

If a shark has grasped you, stay calm. You are dead meat. Survival is not an option. The people on the beach do not appreciate someone screaming and shouting while they're tanning. It just isn't pleasant. Think of the children ...

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